Chapter 26

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Vera pov...

I have been feeling off the whole week but push it aside thinking it is from missing Chris. I go to work and home but i feel tired and sick. Wednesday i am even throwing up... I am sitting in my office talking through my schedule for Thursday with my assistant when i notice something and panic sets in. I excuse my assistant and check my agenda... My heart sinks... It can't be...  I lean my head in my hand and just sit there. It can't be... It can't be... I keep whispering to myself. 

I finish my workday and stop by the pharmacy on my way home. I just have gotten home when my phone rings and i smile but also feel panic when i see Chris his face appear in my screen. We talk for a bit but all i can think is... It can't be...

After we said goodbye i go to my bathroom with the brown bag turning it upside down on my bathroom counter. I sigh as i look at the 4 pregnancy tests... i read the instructions and sigh as i drink some water...

I take the first test set the timer and pace up and down the bedroom. I am on birth control... This can't be... It must be just a bug... But i am late... and according to my agenda... very late... This must be stress related... I think to myself. How did i not notice this sooner... How could i just overlook the fact i hadn't gotten my period...  How could i be this stupid... 

My timer goes off and i take a deep breath walking into the bathroom. I look at the test... and my heart sinks... pregnant... The stick says. I grab another test taking it and putting it on the counter i wait the 3 minutes and again it says pregnant... I sit down on the edge of the bathtub...  I am pregnant... I am really pregnant... Just to be sure i take the other 2 tests but they both come back positive... What am i going to do... How is Chris going to react...

Panic sets in and i run to the toilet throwing up... I sit on the bathroom floor after i was done throwing up i started to cry... It was not like i didn't want kids... I love kids and having kids with Chris was the dream... But everything with Chris was still so new... I was scared how he was going to react. What if he thought i had done this on purpose... What if he wanted nothing to do with us anymore... What would his family say... Not to mention the media... I started to spiral out of control... I had to get off the floor... I pulled myself up and ordered myself some dinner going to force myself to eat at least something with the chance it is coming out again. I ate and went to bed crying myself to sleep but woke up a few hours later feeling sick and i threw up again... 

I was so scared for Chris his reaction to this news and i just didn't know what to do... The only thing going through my mind is that i can't do this alone... I can't... i really can't...

The next day i work on automatic pilot and i tell my assistant to clear my schedule for Friday because i won't be in the office. When i get home at night i am completely exhausted I had been throwing up all day i couldn't keep anything down... When Chris calls i didn't answer... I am scared and i dont know how to look him in the eye without breaking down. I didn't know what to say if Chris would ask what is wrong and i couldn't lie to him... 

Instead, i text him that i am already in bed and exhausted and that i took the day of tomorrow so i will be coming over early... 

I wasn't looking forward to a fight and then having to stay the night... So, i had decided to go over early and that way if it would turn in a fight or in him throwing me out... I still could drive home... Chris texted me back saying he could drive to New York but i told him no and that i would see him tomorrow. 

The next day i got up early threw up my breakfast after i had eaten it and got on the road... For the first time i didn't get more relaxed the closer i got to Chris his house... I stopped 2 streets away to take a breather and then drove up to the house and parked in the driveway. 

I smiled as Chris walked out immediately smiling but seeing me his face turned from smiling to worried. He took my bags and walked me inside. I did my best to smile at him as he sat me down on the couch and felt my forehead. He was about to walk away when i grabbed his hand asking him to sit down that we needed to talk... There was no use in putting it off... It was best to just rip the band aid off.... I couldn't keep this from him he had a right to know...

"What is wrong gorgeous..." Chris whispered cupping my face and i leaned into his touch scared that it would be the last time he would ever touch me. I took a deep breath... "I... I need to tell you something..." I said so soft it was barely audible and i started crying leaning my head in his chest. 

Chris wrapped his arms around me holding me tight just letting me cry. "You are scaring me gorgeous... You know you can tell me anything... No judgement... I love you and whatever it is we will get through it..." He whispered kissing the top of my head. I know i needed to say it but i couldn't find the words... I took another deep breath and sat up right looking at him with tears in my eyes

"I am pregnant..."  I whispered...

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