Chapter 68

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Vera pov...

I was in the hospital again... Chris was sleeping next to me again... After i asked him to leave he told me he wanted to stay and i didn't have it in me to argue... Carly was here and although she was being sweet i just couldn't stop thinking it was all a lie and i panicked again. She had left telling us if we needed anything to call... 

I was so confused and hurt... Maybe i should just go back to New York...  I dont want to estrange Chris from his mother... I dont want to live a life were i was being doubted all the time about my motives or my love for my husband... Was it really so hard to believe i loved him? That that is all i want from him? Love... All i want is love... Love and family and even though we are married and expecting that perfect family never looked further away...

I told his mother i loved her and i really did... But i guess she never thought about me the same.  How could i be such a fool thinking i finally had found my place in the world... With a loving family... I guess it was never going to be in the cards for me... It shouldn't be such a surprise to me... My own mother and father didn't want me so why would another family want me...

I sigh as i dont know what to do anymore. I dont know how to fix this or if it is even fixable... Chris wakes up and smiles. "How are you feeling?" He whispers. "I feel good..." I lie. He is about to say something when there is a knock on the door and a nurse walks in. She does some checkups and tells me dinner will be here soon. 

A few minutes later dinner is brought but i am not hungry. "You need to eat gorgeous..." Chris says as he now sits next to me in a chair. "I'll eat in a minute..." I say after taking a few bites and before pushing the plate away. "I am going to take a nap first... I am tired..." I say as i turn my back towards him and close my eyes slowly drifting off. 

Chris pov...

Vera turns her back on me and soon she is asleep. I sigh and check my phone and see ma has called me numerous times but i dont have it in me to call back. Partly it was my fault i know that... I just had to ask her... But i dont get it... I dont get where it all was coming from... Ma never had said something before... She looked happy with everything. 

Never had Vera asked me for money... Or anything... She even insisted on paying her share of the bills... 

I watched Vera sleep, and my phone rang again. I declined as it was my mom again. I decided to call Scarlet and Colin to tell them what was going on. I explained everything... They were both shocked and worried. They made me promise to take good care of her and the girls. The doctor came by telling me the same thing again wile Vera just slept. No stress... and if she would have no problems during the night we could go home tomorrow.

The next morning, she was discharged, and Scott picked us up after i reassured Vera that he in no way thought like that. He had been looking after Dodger and when we walked through the door he immediately gravitated to Vera. All of a sudden Vera let out a little gasp and i rushed over. "Are you okay?" I asked anxiously and for the first time she smiled again and took my hand laying it on her belly. I looked at her with tears in my eyes as i could feel our girls kick for the first time. "Wauw..." I whispered and i leaned down to kiss her and as our lips touched i could feel us both relax a little. 

I ordered us breakfast as Vera had barely eaten anything. After breakfast arrived, we sat at the breakfast counter and i smiled as Vera ate a little. She didn't talk a lot i could see the sadness in her eyes and it hurt... It hurt seeing her hurt... It hurt even more because my mother was the cause of it. Never in a million years had i expected that i would have all this drama surrounding me starting a family... And especially not coming from my mother. 

I cleaned up after we had finished breakfast and Vera went to take a shower. I walked to the bathroom and saw the door was open a little bit and i heard Vera sob a little. I took off my clothes and stepped in the shower with her holding her close. "I am so sorry gorgeous..." I whisper and she just holds on to my tight. "Know that i on no point agree with my mother. I love you so much... and i  dont care what my mother says... It is you and me gorgeous... You, me and our girls..." I said holding her tight. 

"I dont want to be the reason of all this drama... I dont know what i did to have her think like this about me..." She said between sobs. "I was so happy to have a drama free family... I guess it is just not in the cards for me... But then again what would i expect even my own parents didn't want me so how could i ever fool myself into thinking that your family would..." She whispered and my heart broke all over again. She felt rejected again... 

I cupped her face making her look up at me and i kissed her. "Ma is the only one who thinks like this. Not Carly... Not Shanna and not Scott..." I said and kissed her again. She sighed and leaned her head against my chest. "Can we stop talking about this for today..." She whispered. "Sure gorgeous..." I said kissing the top of her head. 

"Can we just spend the day in bed..." She whispered and i chuckled. "Anything you want gorgeous..." I whisper. After our shower we got dressed in something comfortable and while Vera would get comfortable in the bed i made some snacks. I walked back into the bedroom and smiled as Vera was cuddled up with Dodger. She was smiling as he had his head laying on her belly. "Watch this..." She says with the biggest smile on her face. All of a sudden, he lifts his head and looks at her belly with a tilted head. I chuckle as he keeps starting at her belly. I sit down next to him and lay my hand on Vera's belly and smile. 

We both chuckle as Dodger nudges her belly. Vera yawns and i crawl next to her and lay down opening my arms for her. She sighs and she cuddles into me. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?" I whisper but she shakes her head. "Can we just cuddle and enjoy the peace and quiet..." She whispers.

"Of course, gorgeous..." I whisper and smile as Dodger lays his head on her belly again. "Have you thought about names?"  She asks me. I smile and the next few hours we discuss names. 

"We will not be naming one of our girls Genevieve..." Vera says rolling her eyes. "Fine..." I say rolling my eyes smirking and she giggles, and her giggling makes me relax even more... "But we are also not be naming one of the girls Penelope..." I say smirking. "Why not... Penelope is a cute name..." She says looking up at me....

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