Chapter 65

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Vera pov...

"Can i come in?" Lisa asks and i hesitate. "Chris is not here..." I whisper and she lets out a sigh. As i look past her i see paparazzi snapping pictures... I quickly do the math in my head on what i rather want... Pictures of me sending Lisa away all-over social media or Chris angry for letting his mother in. I decide that i rather not have the pictures and figure i can deal with Chris. So, i step aside and let her in. 

I text Chris not wanting him to be blindsided when he comes home. I tell him i let her in because the paparazzi was taking pictures and i didn't know what else to do. He texts back he will be right back that he was almost done. 

"Do you want some tea...?" I ask as i dont know what else to say. Lisa nods and i walk to the kitchen. "I wanted to..." She says but i cut her off holding up my hand. "I know you want to talk... i really do... and i tried to get Chris to contact you... but i dont feel comfortable having this conversation without Chris... He is at the store and should be back any moment... But i want to be honest... The only reason i let you in was because of the paparazzi outside... I didn't want pictures all over the internet of me sending you away..." I said and she looked at me blushing and nodded. "Can i at least ask how you are doing?" She whispers and i can see the guilt and regret on her face.

"I am okay..." I whisper not sure on what to share. I hate this... i just want to be able to talk about my pregnancy with her... but i dont know what to share anymore. "The girls?" She whispers and i nod. "Okay to..." I whisper and i hear the front door open and close. "Excuse me..." I say and stand up and walk to the front door where Chris is standing with a paper bag in his hand. He looks a little lost...  "The rest of the groceries can wait this is just for the fridge and freezer..." He says and i nod. I take the back and put it on the dresser and take his hand kissing his ring. "She just wants to talk... She is your mom Chris... I know you are angry, but you can't avoid her forever... We want her in our girls lives dont we...?" I ask him and he lets out a sigh and nods. 

I take the bag and walk to the kitchen. I look over my shoulder and Chris is still standing there... I smile and he smiles back. I keep walking and as i walk into the kitchen Lisa is still sitting in the spot i left her. "He needs a minute..." I say and start putting stuff away. "Okay..." She says and i keep putting stuff away. 

You can cut the tension with a knife and i have to take deep breaths to calm myself. Chris walks in. "Do you guys want me to leave..."  I ask "No... please... if you are up for it i want to talk to you both..." Lisa says and i nod. 

"I want to apologize..." Lisa says taking a deep breath. "It was never my intention to cause harm or stress..." She says looking at me then at Chris. Chris takes a deep breath. "Then what was your intention ma... Because i can still remember that we said after the ultrasound that we wanted something small and intimate... But instead, we got big and over the top and everything we didn't want..." Chris says looking at her. "I know... I am sorry..." She whispers. "Ma... Sorry doesn't cut it..." He says and i look at Lisa who is on the verge of tears. "Chris..." I whisper and he looks at me. 

"I just want to know why..." He says his tone of voice now calmer. "Do you have any idea what you have caused... Vera blacked out due to the stress of it all... She had to stay in the hospital overnight... Not an hour after we found out that we were expecting girls the whole world knew... Paparazzi is camped out in front of the house day and night... We can't go on walks with Dodger... Vera can't even go out shopping for the girls because of the stress the paparazzi would cause..." Chris says in a calm tone of voice. "And to top it off... you invited Ryan..."

I winced at hearing that name. At the party i felt something was off about that guy and 3 days after leaving the hospital i asked Chris about it. He told me what happened... It made me feel sick that he was so overly friendly at the party after talking about me like that back then... 

"I dont know why i did it... I was just so excited for you to finally be a dad... and well i wanted to share that with friends and family... It got just a little out of hand and there was no way back... I just hoped that you wouldn't mind when you got there... I never thought about someone taking pictures and it being leaked." She whispered looking down at her fingers. 

Chris sighs and looks at me. I walk over to Chris and cup his face. "Chris she is sorry... what more do you want... it is not going to change anything... It is up to you but please... think about our girls... they only have one grandma..." I say and i kiss his cheek. "Talk it out please..." I whisper kissing him and he lets out another sigh. I walk over to Lisa and give her a hug. "I love you..." I whisper to her, and she starts sobbing. 

I cry a little myself to but quickly pull myself together and then turn to Chris who is still sitting there and i can see that he is conflicted. "I'll give you two some space to talk Mother to son..." I say smiling and walk over to Chris giving him a kiss. "I am going to lay down..." I say and he nods kissing me again. "I love you gorgeous..." He whispers and i smile. "Love you to..." I whisper back. 

I nod at Lisa who smiles at me through her tears. "Dodger...! Come on nap time..." I yell and i giggle as Dodger runs into the kitchen before running in front of me towards the bedroom leaving Chris and his mother behind to talk some more...

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