Chapter 34

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Vera pov...

I had gotten dressed in one of my business outfits and now i was walking into my former place of employment with Chris holding my hand. I could hear the whispers and feel the stares and Chris squeezed my hand letting me know it was alright. I had confessed this morning how the last weeks at work had been and to say Chris was annoyed by it was an understatement. 

We walk into my office and i close the door behind me and Chris looked around smiling. "This is very lawyery..." He said smirking and i chuckled. There was a knock on my door and i sighed and when i opened the door Mary walked in completely ignoring me and walking past me straight to Chris. Who looked at me appalled as Mary pulled him in for a hug...

I rolled my eyes as she was all over him but chuckled when Chris stepped away from her creating distance. "What can i help you with Mary..." I said in a cold tone, and she turned to me looking at me with a smirk. 

For some reason Mary never liked me but ever since the news about me and Chris dating or at least being something, it had gotten worse... I had heard her saying to another woman that she had no idea how Chris could be with a woman like me... I had just rolled my eyes and gone back to work... I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of a response... "

Nothing just wanted to introduce myself you know be friendly..." Mary said in this over-the-top sweet voice. "You know so when he comes to one of the office parties, he doesn't feel left out and has someone to talk to... while you suck up to the partners..." She chirped. 

"Well sorry to disappoint Mary but that will not be happening seeing as i am moving to Boston and have quit..." I said fake smiling back at her and Chris chuckled as Mary's face dropped. There was another knock on the door and my former boss walked in smiling but his smile dropped when he saw Mary and he sighed annoyed... 

"Mary... Shouldn't you be taking notes at the Jansen meeting... This isn't even your floor... What are you even doing here... I dont pay you to do loiter around..." He said and Mary's face turned bright red. "Yes sir..." She said and walked quickly out. 

We shook hands and i introduced him to Chris and i smiled as they shook hands and my boss joked about him stealing me from them. Chris chuckled and apologized. After talking for a while, he wished all the best and happiness and left to go to a meeting. 

While we packed up my office, we were interrupted a few more times mostly by the woman of my floor and i could feel myself getting more frustrated and annoyed by them but i bit my tongue knowing that this was part of his world people would always want a picture or just a chat or something. 

The last person to appear was my assistant and the only person i was really going to miss. He jokingly scolded me for having him transferred to Taylor by quitting.  After saying our final goodbye promising to keep in touch Chris grabbed my box. I didn't have many personal items here and all the paperwork stayed behind for my former colleagues to take over. 

Chris took my hand in one hand and with the other carried the box as we made our way out with again the stares and whispers. I let out a sigh of relief as we stood outside and smiled at Chris. 

We drove to the house and i let out a sigh of relief again... Part 1 of operation move to Boston was done... 

The next couple of days Chris and i went through my house to decide what to take with me. My hormones weren't helping as memories kept flooding in but on Thursday night, we were done... The only thing we know had to do was get changed for dinner with Colin and Scarlet at their house. I walked in the guestroom. My own bed i already had cleared so the movers could take it and we would sleep in the guestroom tonight. 

I was taking my clothes off when i felt two arms wrap around me and Chris hugged me from behind. I smiled humming as he planted kisses in my neck. I moaned as he unclasped my bra and dropped it to the ground before his hands took my boobs in his hands making me moan and arch my back. I smirked as he walked me forward and bended me over the bed my feet still on the ground and my chest on the bed. I could hear him unzip his pants and dropping it to the floor. He pulled my panties down and i moaned as he squeezed my ass. I wiggled my ass, and he groaned slapping it and i moaned loudly. 

I gasp as he thrusted into me and started fucking me hard... God it felt good after a few days of just cuddling and kissing. The feeling of him stretching me... his dick gliding in and out... The sounds of his grunts... It sent my body into overdrive. I could feel my arousal drip down my legs as he kept pounding into me. "

Fuck gorgeous... You feel so good... so tight..." Chris grunted and i moaned at his praise. I pushed myself back on him taking him deeper and harder. It felt so good so intense... "Oh shit..." I mewled as my orgasm took me by surprise and washed over me.... "Fuck gorgeous... Such a good girl for me coming around my cock squeezing me so good..." 

I just moaned unable to respond as he fucked me through my orgasm.  "I just couldn't resist you gorgeous... I missed being inside of you... Feeling your soft body under my fingertips..." Chris grunted... 

"Missed you too handsome... Fuck you stretch me so good... God i love that big dick of yours..." I mewled barely getting it out. 

I could feel Chris was close and i pushed my hand between my legs rubbing my clit. "Good girl..." He growled as he slapped my ass again and i yelped squeezing my walls hard around him and it send him over the edge filling me up. Having him fill me up while he was buried deep inside of me sent me over the edge and i came again milking him dry. 

He pulled out of me and planted a kiss on my ass making me giggle. I pushed myself up to stand and he pulled me into a hug kissing me passionately. I smiled into the kiss. "Sorry gorgeous... Couldn't resist..." He murmured.  "Dont be sorry for making me cum... Twice..." I said smirking and he grinned kissing me again.

I took a quick shower with Chris, and we had a quick round 2... But after that we had to hurry so we quickly got dressed and went over to Colin and Scarlet. They didn't know about our plans yet and i just hoped they would be happy for us... But even if they weren't... It didn't matter all that matters that he made me happy...

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