Chapter 20

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Vera pov...

Chris walks out with Dodger and i make my wat to the bedroom to get changed. I walk into the closet where Chris had cleared out some space for me and search for something to wear. I walk past and see his clothes hanging there and i grab one of his shirts. He wouldn't mind, would he? 

I take of my clothes hanging them over the chair in his closet and put on the shirt. I grab my book from my side of the bed and walk into the living room with a blanket from the hallway closet. I make myself comfortable in one of the big chairs wrapping the blanket around me and continue reading in my book. 

I dont know how long it takes before Chris walks back in and i look up and smile at him. Dodger comes to greet me before laying in his spot playing with his lion. Chris walks over giving me a kiss before grabbing his own book installing himself on the couch. He just lets me read which makes me so happy... I think it is important that if you are longer than a few days under one roof to do your own thing so the fact that he just lets me be makes me smile. 

After a while my book gets spicey and i can feel my core heat up. I bite my lip to not moan as my head immediately thinks what if i did this with Chris. I move trying to get comfortable, but it is no use. When i looked up my eyes met Chris's and i threw my book aside got up and walked over to him. 

He looked at me with a smirk on his face as i slowly pulled the book from his hands. I put it aside before straddling him and kissing him passionately. I groaned and pulled his shirt over his head wanting to feel him... His soft skin... The warmth radiating off of him... I wanted to feel all of him. I grinded down on him and i could feel him get hard underneath me. I couldn't help but smirk at that and his little moans as his hands glide under the shirt i was wearing. 

"I think i want my shirt back..." He whispered as he slowly pulled the shirt over my head, and he groaned as he saw i had no bra on. He immediately started attacking my chest with kisses and i groaned as his lips closed around one of my nipples as his hands squeezed my ass. He moved them to my boobs massaging them my nipples getting painfully hard. I kept moving rubbing my pussy over his dick making me more soaked by the second. 

I started to push his pants down and he quickly helped shuffling them down just enough for his dick to be free. I wrap my hand around him and slowly pump him up and down making him groan and his hands find their way to my ass again squeezing me.  His lips attach to my neck sucking marking me as his. God i love it when he does this... It makes me even more wet when he claims me as his 

I pump him up and down a few more times before i lift myself up a bit. He pulls my panties aside and i line him up with my entrance and slowly sink down on him taking him balls deep. We both moan and i put my head in his neck enjoying the feeling of our connection. I am not ready to move yet as i just want to feel him inside of me his big dick just filling me stretching me. I smirk as i squeeze my walls around his dick making him groan but still dont move. 

"Shit gorgeous do that again..." Chris groans and i smile. I sit up a little and cup his face between my hands making him look at me. His eyes are dark and hungry and i run my tongue over his upper lip. "Do what again..." I whisper smirking. "Squeeze my dick gorgeous..." Chris groans and i smile before kissing him. I squeeze his dick and smile into the kiss. "Like that...?" I whisper and he groans, nods and smiles. 

I slowly start to move rocking my hips slowly back and forth. Holding him deep inside of me while circling my hips and his hands all over my body is feeling so good. I love how he just wants to touch me all over worshipping my body making me moan and feel like the most beautiful woman on earth... 

I kiss him again but never stop moving as i can feel i am close... The book had me all worked up and with his dick buried deep inside me rubbing over my sweet spot over and over again it didn't take long for to cum. 

"Chris..." I whined and buried my head in his neck holding on to his Biceps digging in my nails. "Thats its gorgeous coat my cock..." He whispered and i moaned at his words. I cupped his face and while i kissed him i started to move up and down. He helped me move with his hands on my ass his lips attached to my skin somewhere... everywhere.... 

I couldn't stop moaning as his dick filled me and i could feel every vein as he stretched me so good... I made him look at me and he groaned as i kissed him biting his lip. "You feel so good inside of me..." I said letting out a little sigh and he smirked. "You like that gorgeous... you like me stretching that tight pussy of yours..." He groaned as his hands rested on my hips and he bucked up into me hitting me even deeper making me moan. 

"Your mine gorgeous... every beautiful inch of yours every soft curve... god you are perfect" He growled as he roamed my body with those big strong hands. "All yours..." I sighed and let a little gasp as he bucked up into me again and hitting my sweet spot. 

I yelped and giggled as all of a sudden, he moved and threw me on my back on the couch. He quickly took off his pants that were still hanging around his knees and i wiggled out of my panties. He crawled over me and thrusting into me again. "Oh shit..." I moaned loudly as he thrusted into me hard and fast grabbing my leg putting it over his shoulder changing the angle. 

"I am never letting you go gorgeous... Your mine now..." He growled grinning as i mewled arching of the couch running my hands through his hair and pulling him closer on me. I loved having him close our bodies moving as one, his hips snapping forward as we both build up to our release. "Going to make that pussy drip with my cum..." He growled into my ear making me whimper. 

Our kisses became more desperate... our bodies sticking together hands grabbing where we could. His movements became sloppy, our releases close. "Cum for me gorgeous..." Chris growled through gritted teeth before attaching his lips to my neck sucking marking me yet again. "Come on gorgeous... squeeze my cock... cum with me..." Chris growled and as his dick hit my sweet spot one more time my orgasm exploded through my body... I dug my nails into his back marking him in my own way. Making him growl as he found his release, filling me up his cum coating my walls. His body is shocking and low grunts are leaving his lips. 

After we had our breathing back under control, he pushed himself up and pulled out and looked down grinning as him cum dripped out of me. I whimpered as he ran his finger through it pushing it back in with a smirk on his face. He leaned down kissed me again and i moved so there was room for him to lay beside me. 

I snuggled into him, and he kissed the top of my head as he pulled a blanket over us. "I love you gorgeous..." He whispered. I hummed with a smile on my face. I could never get enough of hearing that. "I love you to..." I said letting out a sigh and snuggling into him more as he wrapped his arms around me a little tighter. 

All of a sudden i looked to the side and yelped a little as Dodger shoved his face in mine making us both laugh. I gave him a kiss on his head, and he went back to his spot making me chuckle. 

"I could get used to this..." I murmured planting a small kiss on his chest. "Good..." Chris said letting out a sigh... "Because i meant it... I never letting you go..." He whispered before putting his finger under my chin making me look up at him and attaching his lips with mine giving me a breathtaking kiss.

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