Chapter 66

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Chris pov...

Vera walks off with Dodger and i smile. "He won't leave her side..." I whisper looking at ma and she smiles. "Dogs can feel something is going on..." Ma says smiling but the smile didn't reach her eyes. I nod. 

We just sit there and never has it felt so uncomfortable. I love my mom so why do i feel so uncomfortable around her. I sigh and i ask the question that has been running around in my head for the last week. 

"Ma... Do you not like Vera...?" I ask so soft it is barely audible as i am afraid of the answer. "I like her... But you are my son and sometimes i worry... It all went so fast... I can see that you love her but sometimes i wonder... It all went so fast. Within a year she moved in and was pregnant and you got married... Sometimes i wonder... about her motives..." She says looking at me and i can't believe what i am hearing. "I know you both are happy... but i just wonder what would have happened if she hadn't been pregnant... Would you be living together... or married... She quit her job so easily... Totally depending on you for income..." Ma says and it is getting hard for me to breath...

All of a sudden, we hear a sound and Vera stands in the doorway frozen on the spot and my heart sinks and i see the blood drain from my mother's face. 

"Gorgeous..." I say standing up and walking over to her, but she holds up her hand keeping me at a distance. "You think i am using him...?" She whispers tears now streaming down her face. "No sweetheart... i didn't..." But Vera shakes her head. "I can't fucking believe it... Here i was thinking you accepted me into the family.... God i was a fool... I kept thinking i was crazy that it was all in my head... but deep down i knew... You are only nice to me because i am pregnant with Chris his girls... Oh god... I need to get out of here..." She whispers cutting my mother off. 

She turns around and walks off. I look at ma, she looks back at me. "I... i... didn't mean it like that..." She says taking a step towards me. "Then what did you mean...?" I yell. "I am finally fucking happy... and you pull this? Why? What have i ever done to deserve this... What has Vera ever done to deserve this...?" I yell before turning around and following Vera.  

"Thanks, i will be there withing the hour..." Vera says before hanging up the phone. She walks into the closet and my heart sinks as she grabs a suitcase and start stuffing clothes into it.

"Gorgeous... What are you doing?" I ask in a small voice. "I need to get out of here..." She says and my hears sinks. "No... you dont..." I say walking up to her. "Your family thinks i am some sort of leech... They dont like me... They only pretend they do because i am pregnant... Oh god they want to take my girls from me..." She says now in a full panic. "Oh god... oh god..." She says sinking down to her knees crying hysterically. "I am going to lose my girls... my family... Everything i ever wanted... all my fears... God it is coming true..."  She sobs. "I am not wanted here either..." She whispers and she stands back up again. 

All of a sudden, her eyes start rolling into the back of her head and i am again just in time to catch her. "Shit, shit, shit!" I yell and i pull my phone out to call an ambulance... again... After giving them the information, they need. They tell me there on their way and to please make sure the front door is open.

"Oh my god what happened..." Ma says running in but i dont answer her. "Chris!" She yells at me. "What the fuck do you think what happened... can you just open the door for the paramedics..." I yell in a panic. "I didn't think it would be this bad..." She says but i cut her off. "I dont care just open the fucking door and leave for all i care..." I yell and ma looks at me in shock. "The door!!" I yell as ma is frozen in her spot and she snaps out of it and walks off. 

While ma is opening the front door Dodger walks in and looks at me confused. He walks up to Vera and lays his head in her lap and starts to whine as i am holding her in my arms sitting on the floor. "Momma is going to be okay bud..." I whisper. "She has to..." I murmur.

"The front door is open..." My mother says as she walks back in but i ignore her concentrating on Vera and my girls. "I am so sorry gorgeous..." I whisper over and over again. 

A few minutes later i hear yelling by the front door and my mother walks towards the sound and comes back in a few seconds later. I recognize one of the paramedics and he nods. "Same issue?" He asks and i nod. "I dont know if she had cramps... But there was stress..." I say as i look angrily at my mother who can't even look me in the eye... 

The load Vera on the stretcher and before i walk after them i look at my mother. "I hope you are happy..." I say looking at her while my blood boils. 

I shake my head and follow the paramedics. The load her into the ambulance and i get in sitting beside her and kissing her hand over and over again. The paramedic is talking to the ER and i sigh. 

I think i lost her... The look in her eyes before she blacked out was one of pure fear, betrayal and pain... Thinking she had finally found her happily ever after and then this... Thinking that it was all a lie... That they just were being nice to her because she was pregnant... Thinking that it all was going to be taken away after they were born... It never crossed my mind... I was just as shocked by my mother as she was. She was not the one to bring up marriage first... I did... 

We arrived at the hospital and the wheeled her in bringing her to the same room as before... Doing all the same tests... Asking me all the same questions as the last time. I can believe we are here again... The whole week she was feeling good... My mom shows up and then this... She hugged my mom... Told her she loved her. Encouraging me to talk to her and this is what my mom was thinking all the time... I just couldn't believe it... but she really had said it... She was worried about Vera's motives...  

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