Chapter 69

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Chris pov...

It has been a week since we got back home from the hospital. I haven't talked to ma... i just couldn't muster it... My brother and sisters had come by assuring Vera they absolutely not thought about her like my mother did. Vera was still a bit hesitant and i was worried... She seemed so down... the only time she would smile is when we talked about the girls. She was refusing to speak about what happened with my mother. 

I wanted to cheer her up so i had this date planned. We were going to have a nice dinner. With the help of my sisters, she had been dress shopping leaving the house for the first time since the gender reveal. Other than the hospital Vera hadn't been outside, but the media attention had died down now a bit, so she was feeling more comfortable going out... I was more comfortable about her going out. 

Vera was getting changed and although i asked if i could help her... She didn't want me to, saying it was a surprise. I had gotten dressed myself and was now in the kitchen waiting catching up on some email. I saw an email from my manager about a request to appear on Jimmy Falon's late night talk show. Knowing that we could make a last trip out of it before the girls are born and not only could we visit Colin and Scarlet... But Seb and Mackie were also in New York... I know Vera would love seeing them again. But that was to deal with tomorrow right now i wanted to have a nice relaxing date night with my wife. 

All of a sudden i heard the clicking of heels and when i turned around i smiled. "Wauw you look absolutely beautiful, gorgeous..." I said with the biggest smile on my face. I walked up to her and pulled her close to me kissing her and she blushed. I rubbed my hand over her belly, and she smiled. Ever since they start kicking i was like a lost puppy following her around wanting to feel my girls kick at every chance i got. 

We broke our kiss, and she leaned her head against my chest letting out a sigh. "I am sorry..." She whispers. I cup her face and make her look at me. "What are you sorry about gorgeous...?" I ask her and she sighs again. "I know i haven't been really here lately..." She says softly. "Oh gorgeous.... I know the last weeks have been tough... and i am so sorry that you feel so down because of it... You dont deserve that... Tonight, we are going to have a nice dinner and just relax and have fun okay, gorgeous?" I say smiling and she nods. I kiss her again and then get my keys. "Ready to go?"  I ask and she smiles nodding.

I take her hand in mine and walk out to the car. I hold the door open for her and help her in. She smiles at me and pulls me in at my tie kissing me before i close the door. I am happy she is smiling. 

I drive to the restaurant with Vera's hand in mine. I smile as she lets out a little squeal as we pull up to her favorite restaurant. 

"I made a reservation under Evans..." I say to the hostess, and she smiles before leading us to our table. "Oh Chris..." She says with tears in her eyes as she sees the little private spot of the restaurant. I had arranged her favorite flowers and candles to be everywhere.  "You like it?" I ask smiling. "It is beautiful Chris..." She says as a tear rolls down her face. "Dont cry gorgeous..." I say wiping a tear of her face. "Happy tears... I promise..." She says smiling. 

I pull out her chair helping her sit down and take my seat on opposite of her. We order something to drink, and the waiter comes handing us both menus and our drinks.  I smile as Vera looks at the menu with a twinkle in her eyes. I already picked something to order as she is still looking and i chuckle as she is mumbling to herself as she doesn't know what to get. "Having trouble deciding?" I ask her and she looks at me. "A little... Everything sounds so good... but i think i know..." She says smiling and i wave over our waiter. 

We order our food and after the waiter leaves i take Vera's hand in mine playing with her fingers. "I love you so much..." I sigh and she smiles. "I love you to..." She says and my heart skips a beat like it always does. "So... About the name Penelope..." She says smirking and i laugh. "No..." I say shaking my head and she giggles. "It is a cute name..." She says pouting... but her pout quickly turns into a smile. "Okay, okay, okay... Not Penelope..." She sighs and i grin. 

We talk a bit more about names mostly deciding what we dont want before the first course is put in front of us. Vera and i both have the zucchini soup with salmon. I smile as she eats humming because she loves it so much. 

"So, i got an email today..." I say after our main course has been put in front of us. She looks at me with a bit of worry in her eyes. "It was an invitation to appear on Jimmy Falon's late night show..." I say smiling. "I was thinking of accepting and we could make a trip out of it. We could visit with Colin and Scarlet... Even Seb and Mackie are in New York..." I say smiling and she smiles back at me. "But the house..." She says and i shake my head smiling. "We are staying in a hotel in the city so we can just relax and be pampered..." I say smiling at her and she blushes. "Okay... sounds fun..." She says and i beam back at her. "Good... I will set everything up tomorrow..." I say smiling. 

We eat our dinner and after we are finished i ask for the dessert menu. Vera doesn't even have to look as she just wants ice cream... We finish our dessert and after i have paid the bill i take her hand and we walk out. "Can we have a little walk..." Vera whispers and i smile tucking her under my arm. We have a little stroll in the moonlight but i can see Vera is getting tired. Every day she is starting to waddle more... I think it is absolutely adorable but the further she gets into the pregnancy the harder it gets for her. But she never complains... and other than the two times blacking out she feels good, and the girls are doing great. I sometimes still can't believe we are getting two babies. I feel so happy that i am starting my family.

We make our way back to the car and before i can even open the door for her Vera pulls me in and kisses me passionately. "Thank you for tonight..." She whispers after the kiss and i smile. "I am just happy you had fun..." She smiles and pulls me in for another kiss. "I love you Mr. Evans..." She whispers and i smile. "Love you more..." I say smiling before opening the car door and helping her in the car to drive home.

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