Chapter 42

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Vera pov...

"What do you think gorgeous...?" Chris asks me and i look at him. "Are you sure people won't mind that i am there?" I ask him one more time just to be sure. "No gorgeous everything is set up and everybody signed off on it... You only have to sign an NDA...." Chris whispers and looks at me with his big puppy dog eyes.

"Okay..." I say a bit hesitant. "Okay!?" Chris asks me with the biggest smile on his face and i nod in response. He kisses me hard and holds on to me tight making me giggle. "That makes me so happy gorgeous..." He whispers and i smile pulling him in for another kiss. "Well than that makes me happy..." I murmur into the kiss. 

"Can we order something to eat?" I whisper blushing as we come up for air after our little make out session. Chris grins. "Of course, gorgeous... What do you want?" He asks me and i shrug my shoulders. "I dont really know?" I whisper. I am hungry but dont know for what..." I say pouting. Chris chuckles and gives me another kiss. "Burgers?" He asks but i shake my head. "Pizza?" He says and i shake my head again... "Chinese?" He says but again i shake my head. He gives me a few more options and nothing appeals to me. 

Chris his phones rings and he gives me a sweet kiss before answering. It is Lisa and i smile as he sits up against the headboard. "No nothing much... We are deciding what to order for dinner, but someone.... says no to everything because she doesn't know what she wants..." Chris says smirking at me. 

Lisa says something and Chris looks at me. "Ma says she is cooking a roast... and we are welcome to come over for dinner..." I look at him smiling and nod my head. The idea of Lisa's cooking makes my mouth water. Chris chuckles and tells Lisa that we would love to come over for dinner. I kiss his cheek and whisper that i am going to get a quick shower to get ready to go over there. Chris nods and i crawl out of bed and go into the bathroom.

I get undressed and step under the hot water. I hum as the hot water runs down my body and relaxes my muscles... I hear the door of the bathroom open and i smirk as Chris is watching me. I wash my hair not acknowledging him and do my own thing. Out of the corner of my eye i see him undress before i rinse out my hair. I smirk as i feel two arms wrap around me and a kiss is planted on my shoulder. "Took you long enough..." I whisper and Chris chuckles. "I was enjoying the show gorgeous..." He whispers in my ear and takes the bottle of soap squirting some in his hands before he starts to wash my body. I hum as his strong hands massage me all over. 

I had noticed that he loved these moments. Whether it was so he just could get his hands on me or whether it was because he liked to take care of me... I wasn't complaining because it feels so good. Maybe it was a bit of both... I just love how caring and affectioned he is... Always wanting a kiss or just a cuddle... Never missing a moment to make me feel good about myself... I loved the fact he could show affection without expecting something in return... His affection didn't come with expectations of sex... He just wanted to be close and show me he loved me... For the big part his love language is touch he was my own big teddy bear...

He rinsed me off and quickly rinsed himself off before helping me step out the shower. I wanted to grab a towel to dry myself off, but he took it out of my hands and proceeded to dry me making me smile. "You want to dress me to?" I asked smiling and he chuckled. "If you want me too gorgeous... I will..." He said smirking. 

I chuckled and shook my head. We both got dressed and ready to go. While Chris was putting Dodger in the car i grabbed my purse and walked out where Chris was already waiting for me with the door open for me to get into the car. Before i stepped in i kissed him taking him by surprise and i chuckled as he after closing the door and with a spring in his step walked around the car and got in.

We arrived at Lisa's and walked in like we always did...  There was no knocking of ringing the doorbell in this house... Family just walked in like they pleased. Dodger ran in greeting Lisa before laying down on his blanket Lisa had for him here. The smells from Lisa's cooking made my mouth water. Lisa greeted us by hugging us both and i asked if there was something i could do to help. Lisa assured me there was nothing i could do and to just sit down and relax. She asked how i was feeling and i told her i was doing good. Morning sickness seemed to have died down a bit... But i was still feeling exhausted all the time and my mood was up and down. Lisa smiled at me and assured me that it was all normal for the first trimester. 

We talked a bit about the weeks we would be gone, and Chris proudly showed the photos from the RV/Trailer he had rented. She smiled at Chris and patted his cheek saying that she was so proud of him of thinking about this and wanting to make sure i was comfortable. The love Lisa had for her son and vice versa was amazing... I loved that his family was so close but i couldn't help but feel a bit sad about the fact that i never had that with my own parents. I was never going to be able to share my pregnancy with a mother figure of my own and although Lisa had said that whatever i needed to just call... It was not the same...

Dinner was amazing... For the first time it seemed like dinner agreed with me. It was exactly what i was in the mood for. After dessert we stayed to help clean up and even though both Chris and Lisa protested i helped clean up the kitchen. Chris was constantly taking heavy items out of my hands making me roll my eyes and Lisa laugh at the interaction. 

Before we left to go home, we promised to come say goodbye before we would leave and i gave Lisa a hug thanking her for the delicious dinner. Chris and i walked to the car with Dodger in tow and after Chris had helped me in, he loaded Dodger into the backseat. With my hand in his we drove home.

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