Chapter 25

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Chris pov...

The last week had been hell. Every night before i called her i had to pull myself together. I missed her so much... Dodger was constantly looking around for her. I couldn't sleep without her... I felt lost. But tonight, she would sleep in my arms again. She would arrive late so i ordered myself an early dinner and put on a movie to kill the time.

I must have fallen asleep because i had the most amazing dream it was so real that i could feel her... her sent invading me... I could feel her soft lips on mine... and that is when it hit me... I was awake... She was here... I was awake in an instance and wrapped my arms around her and opened my eyes and there she was sitting in my lap with the biggest smile on her face. I dont know what came over me but i started crying... all the emotions of the last week coming out and she held me tight planting kisses all over my face kissing the tears away. 

"I am here... I am here..." She kept saying over and over as i pulled her down with me on the couch making us both comfortable not wanting to let her go scared that i might still be dreaming and she would disappear. When i looked at her i could see she was crying to and i held her even tighter. "I missed you so much..." I said between tears and buried my head in her chest letting out a deep breath. I dont know what came over me i just let it all out. "This last week was hell..." I whispered. "I know... It was hell for me to..." She whispered and we attached our lips again putting every emotion we had in our kiss undressing each other and making sweet, sweet love...

I looked at the time and it was still early and i looked at her surprised. "Your early..." I whispered and she nodded kissing me again. "Left work early...." She whispered smiling. I held her tight again with the biggest smile on my face at the thought i had a few more hours with Vera. 

But the weekend flew by... We barely left the bed, and it was heaven. Sleeping... Eating and fucking... a lot of fucking... Having her underneath, me moaning was my favorite thing ever and i had missed it. The way my name rolled off her tongue her touch setting me on fire. Saying goodbye was hard seeing her drive away with tears in her eyes broke my heart. 

We kept this going for a few weeks... She would come over in the weekends and Sundays she would drive home. But i could see it was weighing on her... But although i offered to drive to her she wouldn't hear it saying she loved being with me in Boston... I had to admit that made me smile and happy... but having her drive back and forth worried me. The thought of her getting into an accident terrified me... I didn't want to lose her... I needed her that had become clear to me over the last few weeks... I really needed her in my life...

Monday i went to ma... I needed to talk to someone because i didn't know how long Vera and i could keep this up and i needed some perspective. But it was not much help... Ma said she couldn't tell me what to do... as Vera and i had to decide together how to move on... The only advice she could give was to talk to Vera... Really talk... She agreed with me that the situation was far from ideal, and she too had been worried about Vera making the 4-hour drive back and forth every time. Ma had become really fond of Vera, and she loved her and i knew the feeling was mutual. Every weekend Vera wanted to make at least a little bit of time for ma to visit or have her over for dinner to my place. 

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday went on like usual we would talk on video call, but something was off she looked paler than usual. She said that everything was fine she was just tired as he had not been sleeping that well. 

But when i called Thursday there was no answer... When i texted her if everything was okay i got a short text back saying she was not feeling that well and had gone to bed early so she would be well rested for tomorrow and that she would see me then. 

I asked her if i had to come to New York, but she told me no and that she would be over tomorrow early because she had the day off. I kept wondering what was going on and i was so worried but i didn't want to keep pushing Vera said she would be here tomorrow and maybe the lack of sleep was catching up with her. What also wasn't helping that her work was stressing her out and she had confided in me that she started to hate it... She got fed up with the drama of the divorces and petty behavior... Her colleagues were annoying her but to why she was not clear saying that they were just getting on her nerves.  

We just needed to find another solution because clearly this was breaking us both. Even Colin and Scarlet were worried... Normally they would have dinner once a week but most weeks Vera just canceled saying she was exhausted and if she did have dinner with them, she was not really there. 

The next day at 11 in the morning i smile as i see her park the car on my driveway but my heart sinks as she looks terrible... so pale... She looks sick so i walk out immediately and take her bags from her and walk her inside sitting her down on the couch. I feel her forehead, but she hasn't got a fever. 

She looks at me with a sad smile and pulls at my hand. "Can you please sit... we need to talk..." She whispers and my heart sinks at those words.

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