Chapter 74

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Chris pov...

They all smiled as i walked back into the restaurant and sat back down. "We ordered a dessert do you want anything still?" Scarlet asks but i shake my head and just wave over the waiter and order another drink. They bring me my drink and the dessert for the rests. 

Colin looks at me and i just sigh. "Lay it on me..." I say looking at him. He looks at me confused. "I know you want to rip into me because of my mother..." I say letting out a sigh. "All i wanted to ask how you are doing..." He says and i groan. "Sorry... That was crappy of me..." I say letting out a sigh. "It is okay... But the question still stands... How are YOU doing..." Colin says again. 

"I am fine... But this whole situation is just ridiculous... Never in a million years i thought ma would be like this... This was not how i imagined getting married and starting a family would go. I thought ma would be over the moon and for a little while i thought she was... but all of a sudden, she just changed completely..." I say taking a deep breath before continuing.

I am starting to think i should go no contact until the girls are born... I just never imagined i had to sort of pick between my mother and my wife... The last time ma and i spoke Vera was the one who encouraged it. She just had shown up at our doorstep while i was out grocery shopping... and then my mother goes and says all that... Telling me she thought it was all a bit fast and wondering what Vera's motives were... Vera heard at least part of it and walked off stuffing shit in a suitcase and i think she was ready to just leave... She keeps saying that she doesn't want to become between me and my family... or in this case my mother since my brother and sisters dont feel like that about Vera at all... The panic in her eyes every time my mother gets even mentioned...." I say letting out a sigh.

"Chris... She is worried your mother is going to convince you to divorce her after the girls are born and take the girls from her..." Scarlet says looking at me serious... "What?! I would never..." I say and everyone looks at me. "Vera is the love of my life... She and the girls are my world..." I whisper fighting my emotions. 

"When i get back to Boston i am going to talk to my mom and decide from there if i am going to cut contact yes or no... I mean she at least has to come with a valid reason to act like this... The whole i got a bit carried away explanation doesn't apply here..." I say before taking another sip of my drink.

"I have one request though..." I say smiling at all 4 of them. "I was wondering if you could organize a small baby shower for her... Emphasis on small... I think after the disaster that my mother called a gender reveal.... Vera deserves something she could enjoy... Just you guys my brother and sisters and maybe Janet and Lucy..." I say and they all smile at me. "Yeah of course..." Scarlet said smiling. "Mackie and Seb can distract her while we set everything up at your place when the time comes..." Scarlet says and Seb and Mackie agree grinning. "Yeah, we can take Vera out for lunch or something... We love hanging out with her telling her all the juicy stories about you..." Seb says grinning and Mackie agrees.  

I laugh and shake my head knowing they will certainly not hold back telling her all sorts of things. "Thanks... I really appreciate all the support you guys have been given us... And i know Vera is to..." I say smiling. 

We make our way to the hotel bar to have a few more drinks. It is nice to catch up again the only thing missing is Vera. I can't believe how used i had become to having her around. I was having fun and really enjoying my night and not to mention thankful that Vera didn't mind me hanging out with others without her... She can be clingy but also give me space. She is not the type of woman to demand me to stay home... She knows me better sometimes then i know myself... But still i missed her. 

Maybe it was the whole situation with my mom that i rather had Vera close maybe it was her being in the hospital twice... Or just simply the fact that she was pregnant... I just loved being around her and i loved the fact that she seemed to have the same. The days spend here together were so nice and relaxing Vera had really come out of her shell more again her in New York... I felt like we were slowly going back to normal but having this thing with my mother looming over us made it that i wanted to deal with it when i got back home... I wanted to know what to expect from her... I wanted her to know what i expected from her... If she kept this up... But most of all i wanted to know why... Why she all of a sudden seemed to doubt Vera so much... 

I know everything went quick and that for an outsider it seemed to be out of the blue... But we just wanted to be together. We both didn't want to waste any more time... We were both miserable and exhausted from missing each other... I was going to ask her to move in with me regardless, if she was pregnant or not... I even had talked about it with my mother. She didn't say anything back then telling me it was up to me... She couldn't tell me what to do... So, what changed now? Why did she have such a strong opinion now...

A few rounds in and i was feeling the buzz... We were laughing and having fun. But i didn't want to get too drunk... So, i decided to call it a night. I hugged everyone goodbye and thanked them again for everything and that i would see them at brunch before we would leave. 

I walk upstairs and i smile as i walk into the bedroom and Vera is still asleep. I get undressed and freshened up. I crawl into bed next to her and she wakes up a little. "Did you have fun..." She murmurs as she cuddles into me... "I did..." I murmur back and kiss the top of her head and she hums with a smile on her face. I let out a happy sigh and pull her closer and with Vera in my arms i fall fast asleep...

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