Chapter 16

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Vera pov...

Without ringing the doorbell of knocking Chris walks into his childhood home. I smile as i look around and see pictures everywhere. Chris calls out for his mother, and we follow the sound of her voice into the kitchen. Chris is holding my hand tight and i try to control my nerves. Dodger runs in front of us in the kitchen and i smile as i hear a female voice doting all over him. 

We walk into the kitchen, and she looks up and smiles at us and i blush as his brother Scott jumps up and has the biggest grin on his face. His mother walks over to us greets Chris and then turns to me and to my surprise wraps me in a hug. I hug her back and introduce myself and she holds me at arm's length still smiling at me. 

"It is nice to meet you sweetheart... How are you holding up..." She says in this sweet motherly tone. "Better..." I whisper blushing and she smiles taking me by surprise again hugging me tight. She releases me and i get wrapped in another hug by Scott and he immediately starts to rattle about how nice it is to meet me. That he is so sorry for everything that happened and that if i need anything to just call and he will be there... He goes on and on about how stupid and shallow people are and to just ignore them... 

"Okay that is enough Scott..." Chris says letting out a sigh pulling me into him as he sees i am getting a bit overwhelmed by him rattling about the last few days. "Dinner is ready" so we can move to the dining room Chris his mother says. "Can i help you with anything Mrs. Evans..." I say blushing and she smiles at me shaking her head. "Please call me Lisa dear..." She says before taking something out of the oven. "You and Chris go to the dining room and since Scott showed up out of nowhere, he can help bringing everything in..."  She says smiling at me and Chris waving us out of the kitchen. Chris kisses the side of my head and leads me out of the kitchen and into the dining room. I look around and smile as i see more pictures. Chris pulls out a chair for me and i smile sitting down. 

Dinner is served and it smells amazing but i tell myself to not eat too much... Dont want them to think i eat a lot... When Chris said we would go over for dinner i hesitated because i really didn't want to eat in front of them but i didn't know how to say that without making the situation even worse... Chris is already so worried he doesn't need to be worried about this to.  

I put a bit on my plate, and we enjoy dinner. I tell them a bit about myself and Scott and Lisa tell me embarrassing stories about Chris making me laugh and Chris groan. When dinner is over i offer to help Lisa clean up while Scott and Chris go take Dodger out for a walk before we go home. I felt comfortable with these people they were so kind and welcoming. I always imagined a family to be like this. 

"How are you really doing?" Lisa all of a sudden asked. I was caught off guard with this question. "I am okay..." I said giving her my most convincing smile.  She just looked at me and i could see it on her face that she didnt really believe me. I looked away fighting my emotions not wanting to break the first time visiting and have them thinking i was some frail emotional woman...

"Vera look at me..." Lisa said in a soft reassuring tone... I turned towards her and before i knew it she wrapped me in another hug. 

"People online are idiots... You are beautiful and i can see Chris cares about you so much... Dont let those idiots get into your head. From what i have seen tonight you are sweet and kind. That is all i ever want for my son... Someone who cares for him... Dont let those idiots at TMZ and Twitter tell you that you are not good enough because in my eyes you are amazing..." Lisa whispered and that was enough to push me over the edge and tears start running down my cheek again. Lisa let me go and wiped away my tears. 

"I am sorry... I promise i am normally not this emotional... It's just the last few days have been a lot and my emotions are all over the map..." I said wiping away my tears. Lisa smiled at me. "It is okay... just let it all out you need time to process... and that is okay and perfectly normal. Just remember this... The people that truly love and care for Chris want him to be happy... And with you... He looks so happy..." She said and planted a kiss on my cheek making me smile. "Thank you..." I whispered. "Anytime sweetie if you ever need to blow off steam of need someone to talk to just call me... I am here... Family sticks together." She said smiling and i nodded. 

We heard the front door open and Chris and Scott laughing. Dodger was the first to appear and i got down to his level giving him cuddles. "See i told you... From every person in the room, he would go straight to her... We came home and he just ignored me running straight to Vera... Like i wasn't even there..." Chris said pouting but his pout quickly turned into a smirk. 

After sitting down and talking for a little bit longer Chris and said our goodbyes and Lisa gave me her number and told us goodnight. After Chris had opened the car door for me and had put Dodger in the back seat, he walked around the car and got in. Before we took off, he cupped my face and kissed me... I smiled when we broke apart and without saying another word, he started the car and we drove back to his place. 

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