Chapter 39

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Vera pov...

"Gorgeous wake up... We are home..." Chris says while caressing my cheek. I slowly open my eyes and look around. The car is not moving, and Scarlet is no longer in the front seat. Chris holds out his hand for me to take and helps me out of the car. 

We walk inside and when we walk into the kitchen i almost have a heart attack as all the Evans's jump out yelling surprise and welcome home.... I look around the room and start to tear up they are all here to welcome me and as i look around i see just how much work they put into it. The kitchen is decorated with a welcome home banner and balloons and decorations everywhere. 

I tear up and start to cry and they all look at me worried. "I am sorry did we do something wrong?" Carly asked and i shook my head... "No sorry it's just the pregnancy hormones...." I hadn't even said it or i slapped my hand for my mouth and looked at Chris who for a moment looked back at me in shock but then started laughing... 

"OMG you are pregnant..." Everybody squealed and chaos ensued and all i could do is just nod as Chris protectively wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his side. "Twins..." Is all he said with a big grin on his face and now the chaos was complete. 

After all the congratulations and hugs we ate the cake they had made and when the truck arrived everyone helped unload and for now, we put everything in the garage. Everyone offered to come help unpack and so tomorrow they would all be back. 

Chris showed Scarlet to the guestroom and after we sat around for a little while we all went to bed. I cuddled into Chris and let out a sigh. "Welcome home gorgeous..." Chris whispered kissing the top of my head and i smiled. "Home..." I sighed. "Sounds good..." I mumbled before i fell asleep. 

The next day was chaos... The whole family was over to help. Scott and Chris were switching the beds and putting the few furniture items i had brought with me in their place. Lisa and Carly were unpacking my kitchen stuff and feeding everyone. Shanna and Scarlet were putting all my clothes in the walk-in closet.  

Every time i wanted to do something somebody came and took it out of my hands. The only box i would not let anybody touch was the box we had brought ourselves. I was walking around the house looking for a place for a little shrine... Chris had said that wherever i wanted was fine... But it felt a little weird... I wanted to have it in a place where it would not be to in your face as Chris never had known them... and i thought maybe he found it weird to look at. 

I found this little window in the hallway and smiled. It was perfect... I know it was ridiculous but somehow the thought of them looking out over the yard came to mind and it just clicked. I put the urns and their photo in front of the little window and put a candle with it to light up whenever i felt the need for it. 

As i looked at the little shrine i smiled and i felt two arms wrap around and Chris kissed my cheek. "Is this, okay?" I whispered and he kissed my cheek again. "It is perfect gorgeous..." He whispered and i smiled turning around in his grip and kissing him passionately. 

Chris smiled when we broke apart coming up for air. "The bedroom is finished Scarlet and Shanna are almost done with your clothes and Ma and Carly are making lunch for everyone. Scott is now going to pick up Dodger at ma's and walk him before he brings him back home. All there is left to do is to put your decorations somewhere." He said smiling. I nodded. "Can we do that when we are just the two of us..." I whispered blushing. Chris smiled and nodded. "Of course, gorgeous..."  

During lunch we showed everyone the ultrasound pictures and they all smiled and congratulated us again. I just smiled as everyone was huddled around the ultrasound and i couldn't resist to take a picture of it. 

After lunch the family and Scarlet helped with the last few things to put in place and when they were done everyone went home to get changed as Chris and i wanted to take everyone out for dinner. We would meet at the restaurant. So about 2 hours later we met everyone at the family's favorite Italian restaurant. 

The kids hugged me, all excited that i was now living in Boston asking if i would go with them to all the things they had planned for the future with the family. Chris smiled telling them that i of course would come with as i was family now. I just blushed and smiled as they all cheered. Dinner was amazing even though i just had a light dinner. After everyone had gone home i had thrown up my lunch and i was praying i could keep my dinner down... At least until we were home as i didn't want to throw up in the restaurant. Chris just kept taking my hand kissing it every now and then smiling at me and my heart just burst with joy and love. 

At the end of the night, we drove home, and Scarlet excused herself saying she was going to bed. Chris took my hand and led me to the bedroom. My bed had replaced his and i sighed looking forward to a good night sleep. I pulled on Chris his arm and when he stood in front of me i wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest. I looked up and he looked at me smiling. "Are you happy gorgeous...?" I nodded and bit my lip. "So happy..." I whispered kissing him with everything i got. 

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