Chapter 98

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Chris pov...

Vera's pregnancy is going very well better than the first time but that is because there is so much less stress... She was absolutely glowing and looked beautiful. The babies were healthy and right on schedule. She had pretty bad morning sickness but when that was over, she was feeling pretty good. She was tired quick but overall, she was doing great and was much more relaxed this time. 

We told our family when we were 14 weeks in. Vera wasn't really ready yet at 12 weeks, so we waited a little longer. Because of all the drama of the last time it took her some time to want to tell. She was enjoying our little bubble. Dodger was once again glued to Vera's side which confused the girls as he normally was glued to their side... Unless they had a snack... Then Dodger would dump Vera in heartbeat just in case the girls would drop something... At night he was so conflicted you could see it in his puppy eyes because normally he would sleep in the girl's room in front of the crib but now, he was alternating all night between being cuddled up to Vera and checking up on the girls 

The girls were fascinated by mommy's growing belly, but they were a little too young to really understand what was happening. But as soon as the babies were kicking the were touching Vera's belly all the time and squealing when the babies kicked. It was the cutest thing ever. 

The day we told our family we were pregnant again they were over the moon and in shock about the fact it was twins again. We had told them during dinner at our house. It was amazing and i couldn't be happier. We still were a little bit in shock that we would go from 2 kids to 4... I had asked if Vera really didn't want a nanny to help out, but she flat out refused... But promised if it was getting too much, she would say so... I know i was around a lot to help but sometimes i wouldn't and i was worried 4 kids was a lot, but she just told me to let it go...

We had found out the genders and were over the moon. Like we had agreed we did not do a gender reveal and just kept it to ourselves. What was nice that the media hadn't found out about the pregnancy yet and we could just really enjoy it. We were also not doing a baby shower this time around and told our family and friends if they really wanted to do something to donate to Christophers haven. 

I had been gone a few times to film for a new movie and that was kind of tough because as much as i would love to have Vera and the girls with me... We had decided to not do that... So that Vera could stay comfortably at home with the girls and have help from the family if she needed it. The girls could stick to their schedules and i knew it would not be healthy to disrupt that. I had called every night to read them their bedtime stories, but it was not the same and i was so incredibly happy that filming was done earlier than expected and i could go home. I just missed them so much and it was tough... Many times, i just wanted to go home... Especially when the girls were sick, and Vera was sick a week later... Thank God ma and my sisters helped out and Vera just could get better without having worry too much about the girls. I felt so guilty though... I just wanted to be home and take care of her...

Hugging my girls again after being away for 6 weeks was the best thing ever and my next project was again filmed in Boston which made it so i could be home again every night. I was thankful that i was in a point of my career that i could make that request in contract meetings and be home more... My focus had really shifted after becoming a dad... I loved it... The ups and the downs... I loved it all... At the moment the girls were in their no phase and although adorable... it could be tiring... But God sometimes it was hilarious... 

We hadn't heard from Vera's dad anymore and Vera had decided to sell the house... It was never going to be big enough for our whole family and although it pained her to sell it... It was the right thing to do she said. She wanted someone else to enjoy it and make memories there... She said it was a shame that it was sitting there empty... So, we had put it on the market and i just hoped her dad wouldn't find out and come knocking... But the whole fencing around the house was done and the gate was installed. So, i felt a lot more at ease going away and knowing that nobody could get to the house easily. 

The new nursery was all set up and we had the door locked because we didn't want to give away the genders. I had it all done myself and was a little proud of that. I wanted to do it myself just as i had done for the girls. 

Vera had only a few weeks to go and we were both a bit anxious but excited. I just hoped this delivery would be easier than the previous one. She was waddling around the house looking absolutely adorable and to my surprise her cravings were so different compared to the previous pregnancy... The previous pregnancy it was a lot of junk food and ice cream. Oreos were her absolute favorite the last time but this time she found them disgusting. What had me crying from laughter was the fact that she had thrown away all my shampoo and body wash because she couldn't stand the smell...

Her favorite thing to eat this time was potato chips with whipped cream... and a lot of fruit... She was making fruit snacks all day...  She absolutely despised bacon at the moment and would not even kiss me if i had ate it... And having it cooked in the house was absolutely a no because of the smell... The other day i had gotten breakfast with Scott and had Bacon and she banished me... Telling me to brush my teeth and take a shower because she was getting sick of the smell. 

But i didn't care... She was carrying my twins so what she wanted she got...

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