Chapter 75

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Chris pov...

I wake up and i am glad i didn't drink too much because today i have to go on Fallon's show my head is not feeling too bad... I reach over to the other side of the bed, but Vera is not there. I get up and out of bed and see the bathroom is open... I walk in and smile as Vera is taking a bath. She is just lying there with her eyes closed a smile on her face. I walk over and she opens her eyes smiling at me. I lean down and kiss her. "Wanna join me..." She says smiling and i smile back at her nodding. She sits up scooting forward as i get undressed and step in beside her sitting down. I pull her into me and wrap my arms around her kissing her shoulder. 

I rub her belly and Vera hums. I smile as she is just relaxed and smiling in my arms. "Can i talk to you about something..." She whispers a little hesitant. "Of course, gorgeous.... always..." I murmur back while kissing her under her ear. "Please dont get upset, okay?" She whispers and i start to get worried. "I promise..." I answer a little hesitant myself. 

Vera takes a deep breath. "What if we went and got a prenup... I know people normally do that before they get married... But there is no reason why it can't be done now... Then all your earnings and assets are safe and maybe your mother will be a bit more at ease..." She says softly. 

I sigh. "No..." I say quite firmly and i plant another kiss on her shoulder. "But..." Vera says trying to protest but i will not hear this... "I dont want a prenup..." I say letting out a sigh. 

I know it would be smart... but i just dont want to... She is only saying this because of my mother...

"Listen to me gorgeous... Because i am only going to say this once and then i dont want to hear anything about a prenup ever again..." I say before planting another kiss in her neck.  

"I married you because i love you... I married you because i can't imagine the rest of my life without you... I love you so much... There is no need for a prenup because what is mine is yours... I know you are not with me for my money or fame... You are with me for me... and that is all i care about. You never ask me for money hell you haven't even used my Creditcard once... So, no prenup... it is not necessary..." I say and Vera sighs.  

"Okay... but if you ever change your mind..." She whispers and i chuckle... "I won't gorgeous..." I whisper and turn her head towards me kissing her. She smiles into the kiss and we both relax enjoying our bath. 

After our bath we are getting ready for the taping. There is a knock on the door and i grin as Scott walks in. "The room, okay?" I ask him after we hugged. He nodded and smiled. "How is everything here?" He asks and i smile nodding. "Everything is great..." I say grinning. The bedroom door opened, and Vera walked in. I smile as she looks so cute. She was nervous for today. 

Scott walked over to her and hugged her. "You look amazing..." He said smiling and Vera blushed. "Thank you..." She said smiling. She all of a sudden takes Scott's hand and puts it on her belly. He smiles as he feels the girl's kick. "Can we eat before we leave..." Vera said blushing and i chuckled. "Yeah, let's have brunch downstairs..." I say smiling. Scott held out his arm for Vera and she smiled taking it and they walked in front of me. They were giggling and i smiled feeling so happy that they got along so well. 

"I am going to kick Chris his ass with the games... at the show..." Scott said grinning as we stepped into the elevator. I scoffed... "No, he is not... Scott is going down..." I said staring at him intensely. "Okay, okay, okay... Calm down boys..." Vera said giggling. 

The elevator stopped and we walked into the restaurant and sat down for brunch. We were eating having fun when Scott brought mom up. "So, about mom..." Scott said but i held up my hand. "No i dont want to hear it or talk about it... When i get back in Boston i will talk to her but for now i dont want to hear it..." I said cutting him off. "Chris... Maybe you should hear him out..." Vera said but i shook my head. "No, we are having a nice relaxing trip... I dont want to talk about mom... I will see and talk to her when i get back..." 

Scott nodded and we moved on from the conversation. Scott told me about this new show he had booked and i smiled proudly at him. "That is amazing news..." Vera said smiling and i nodded in agreement. 

Scott asked about the pregnancy and the girls and Vera beamed telling him everything. He asked about names but we both shook our heads saying that we didn't know yet. Scott came with some ridiculous options making both Vera and i laugh. Brunch was fun and i was glad to have a nice relaxing day with someone from my family. 

After brunch we got picked up by a driver and went to the studios. I got out of the car holding out my hand for Vera to take and she gave me a shy smile. Some fans were screaming. "Go..." She said smiling and i kissed her cheek. Scott stayed with Vera and i walked over to take some pictures with them and after that we went inside... 

We got led to the dressing room and they told us Jimmy would stop by later and make-up would be by in a little while. Vera was nervously looking around. I smiled and pulled her in my arms kissing her. "Hello!... I am still here..." Scott said and Vera and i both laughed. There was a knock on the door and the make-up people walked in. I introduced Vera to everyone, and they smiled. 

The girls got Scott and me ready and left again. There was another knock on the door and Jimmy walked in smiling. I introduced him to Vera, and we talked for a bit. We discussed what we are willing to share talked about some of the details of the game and Jimmy asked if Vera wanted to join in the games to, but she shook her head.  She didn't want to be in front of the camera and was more than happy to sit on the side in the audience. 

Vera got led to her place and me and Scott got ready backstage. We joked around with some of the people and then my name was being called and i walked on stage. 

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