Chapter 32

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Chris pov...

We walk through the door at ma's and i smile as we find her in the kitchen already cooking. I have been hyped all day. I am so excited to tell ma. She sees us and smiles and dry's her hands on a towel and walks over to us hugging us both. After the initial greetings she looks at us.... "So, what is the thing you wanted to discuss..." She says and i can see it is killing her not knowing.

"Well remember our little conversation last week?" I ask her and Ma nods. "Well i decided to ask Vera to move in with me and i was about to do that when Vera told me some news of her own..." I say smiling and pulling Vera into my side. Ma looks at me and then at Vera and then at me again. 

"What would you say to becoming a grandma again..." I say smirking. Ma looks at us stunned. "Really...?" She asks as the biggest smile ever forms on her face and both Vera and i nod. "But that is not all..." Vera whispers and pulls out the ultrasound pictures. "We went to the doctor yesterday and well see for yourself..." Vera said smiling handing her the pictures. Ma looks at it with tears in her eyes... and for a moment she doesn't see it...  But all of a sudden, she squeals loudly... "TWINS!!!" She squeals looking at us and Vera and i both nod as we start laughing at her reaction. She is jumping up and down squealing.  

She walks over to us and hugs us both and for a moment i think she is never going to let go. When she finally lets us go, she leads Vera to a chair sitting her down asking her if she needs anything to eat drink... or anything else... Making me chuckle as Vera keeps shaking her head blushing at my mom for being so over the top

We all go to sit down and answer all ma's questions. She understands that for now we only want her to know, and she is over the moon that Vera is moving here and me not to New York. Ma immediately apologizes for sounding selfish, but Vera assures her that living in New York was never an option... and that she loves it here. Ma offers to help with the move, but we tell her there is nothing she can do on the New York side seeing as we hired people. But we keep it in mind for the unpacking here. 

I hold Vera's hand under the table and smile at my mom as she has the biggest smile on her face the whole time as she is cooking and when Vera asks if she can help, she tells her absolutely not. 

Vera apologizes in advance for if she has to get up and run to the toilet because of the morning sickness. Ma gives her some tips that helped her with her morning sickness and to help remind her to give Vera a care package before we leave.  

Dinner is fun and ma is smiling all evening. When she goes to get desert i stand up and pull Vera up and sit down with her in my lap. "How are you feeling..." I whisper in her ear planting a kiss underneath it. "A bit overwhelmed..." Vera whispers blushing. "I had expected a bit more hesitation or concern of your mom i guess..." She murmurs as she buries her head in my neck and lets out a sigh. "Gorgeous... She loves you... Almost as much as i do..." I whisper and she lets out another sigh. 

"I am so tired off all these emotions... i can't wait until Saturday and everything is ready and done in New York and i can just relax for a while... I just dont want to cry anymore but everything makes me cry and it so frustrating..." She whispers and i just hold her and rub her back letting her have her little rant.

Ma comes back into the dining room with desert and Vera's eyes light up at the chocolate mousse. But before she can even take a bite, she jumps off my lap and runs to the bathroom. I excuse myself and ma tells me to go and i walk to the bathroom to help Vera. 

When she is done i walk back to the dining room as Vera cleans herself up a little. "Everything okay?" Ma asks and i nod. "Yes and no... She is having morning sickness and Jason said it could be worse due to it being twins but to keep an eye on her to make sure it will not get too much and to keep her hydrated... We are just in the stage of seeing what sets her off i guess..." I murmur. 

"Oh, honey that will change daily sometimes even hourly... When i was pregnant with you i was craving pickles in the morning and i sent your dad out to get them and by the time he got back they made me sick...." She said smirking and i chuckle. 

Vera walks in and she looks at ma blushing. "Do you maybe have another shirt for me... I threw up a second time and i was not prepared... I cleaned the bathroom but i can't get it out of my shirt..." She says blushing but i can see she is on the verge of tears out of embarrassment.  

"I can do you one better..." Ma says smiling and takes her hand leading her upstairs. I smile when they come back down, and Vera is wearing one of my old shirts looking a little happier. "I think it is time you take her home Chris... I will make a quick care package just give me a minute." Ma says leaving for the kitchen. "I am so sorry for ruining the dinner..." Vera murmurs and i tell her to stop it that she has nothing to be sorry for.  

After ma hands me the care package and she has hugged me and then Vera we take off to go home. We arrive home and Vera takes me by surprise wanting to come with on my walk with Dodger normally she would read a book, but she said she could use some fresh air and i smiled calling out for Dodger and with her hand in mine we walked back out again Dodger running around us. 

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