Chapter 61

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Chris pov...

We are sitting next to Vera waiting for the doctor to come with news or for Vera to wake up. They think it was a sudden drop in blood pressure after the stress of the party. I am beyond angry... but i know that now is not the time... It won't be helpful for me to get angry here... "Do you want anything...?" Scarlet asks looking at me worried. I am about to say something when i see Vera move and i rush over taking her hand. "Hey there she is..." I say smiling softly at her. "What happened..." She says a bit groggy looking around the room. "You gave us quite the scare gorgeous... You passed out..." I whisper. "The babies..." She says with panic in her voice and all sorts of bells and whistles go off and Scarlet hurries out of the room to go get someone. 

"The babies are okay gorgeous..." I say and she calms down. I kiss her and she lets out a sigh. "Sorry..." She whispers and i shake my head. "You have nothing to be sorry about gorgeous..." I mumble and she puts her hand on my cheek. I lean into her touch closing my eyes glad that she at least is awake, and she and the babies seem to be okay. 

Scarlet walks back in followed by a doctor and a nurse. "Mrs. Evans... Good to see you awake again..." The doctor says smiling and she gives him a little smile back. He does some test and asks what she remembers. 

"I was upset because of some news article... and getting cramps... I panicked a bit and that is when i stood up to get Chris and then nothing..." She says looking at the doctor worried and then to me worried. I try to keep my face neutral but on the inside i am fuming. He asks her about the cramps and does some test feeling her belly and again doing an ultrasound to check up on the babies. The article was the reason you were stressed today?" The doctor asks. "One of the things..." She whispers and i look at her my heart breaking because i can see in her eyes that she is worried about my reaction. She tells about the party, but she keeps looking at me and i take her hand. "It is okay gorgeous..." I whisper and smile at her. 

"We like to keep you over night to monitor you and the babies.  But if everything stays the way they are now you can go home in the morning..." We both nod and thank the doctor and he left. 

Colin and Scarlet say their goodbyes and are staying at our place for the night so Dodger is not alone. Vera says i can go home to so i can get some rest but i am not leaving her alone... Besides i wouldn't get much rest at home either... So, i rather stay with my girls. 

"You should call your family..." Vera whispers but i shake my head. "No..." I say because i have no desire for my mother to show up here. I dont know what i will say when she would stand in front of me right now. 

"Chris..." She whispers looking down at her hand but i shake my head again. "No... I will not... Ma will show up here and i can't even look at her right now..." I say clenching my jaw. I can feel her hand on my cheek and i look at her. "Then at least call Scott... so he can tell your mother what happened but not to show up... He looked equally shocked about everything as us..." She says and i sigh. I stand up and kiss her on her forehead. "I'll be right back... try to get some rest..." 

She looks at me and blushes. "What is it gorgeous..." I say smiling. "Can you order me some food... I am hungry..." She says blushing. I chuckle and nod. "What would you like?" I ask. "Subway..." She says blushing and i chuckle. She tells me what she wants and i nod walking out. I order Subway first and then take a deep breath and call Scott. 

Scott answers the phone and i can hear my family in the background and i groan. I ask him to step away and he does. I explain what happened and that we are in the hospital. Scott asks if the party was the stressor... and i take a deep breath and tell him yes. I also tell him about the article and that someone leaked a photo of the party to the press, and he sounds shocked. 

I ask him to tell the rest of the family but as of now i want no visitors and everyone who shows up i will send home... I tell him that i will call ma when i am ready but right now i can't speak to her because i am just too mad. I tell him i am sorry to put this on him, but he tells me he understands and will relay the message...

I tell him i will keep him updated before i hang up and just as i am about to walk back into Vera's room i see the delivery driver walk in. I thank the guy paying him and giving him a nice tip before walking back into the room. Vera's eyes light up seeing her food and i chuckle putting it in front of her. As she eats i tell her how my phone call went, and she looks at me worried. 

"What if your mom just dont like me..." She whispers looking at me sad. I look at her shocked. "No gorgeous she loves you..." I say but she shakes her head. "I feel like she does this because we got married without her being there... I think she is mad about it..." She says so soft that it is almost inaudible. 

I shake my head. "No gorgeous i talked about it with her and she told me she was happy for us, and she was there... She saw it on the video call..." I say and smile at her and she nods in response. When she is done eating i clean everything up and she asks me to lay next to her and i crawl into the bed with her holding her close as she cuddles into me. "I love you gorgeous..." I whisper and i can feel her smile. "I love you to Chris..." She mumbles. "I am so tired..." She whispers and i kiss the top of her head. "Go sleep gorgeous..." I whisper and it doesn't take long until she is asleep. 

I can feel my phone vibrating nonstop and when i check it i can see 16 missed calls from my mother. I sigh and when she calls again i crawl out of bed and walk out of the room to answer it. 

I dont want to leave Vera alone for too long so i keep the conversation short. 

I tell ma that i can't talk to her right now... That i have no idea what she was thinking having 71 people over for this. That we had said small and intimate and nothing that made loud noises... That the fact that everything was now out in the open was her fault for inviting people outside of the normal trusted circle and how in the hell she could ever invite Ryan... is beyond me. I tell her to not come to the hospital or the house and that i will call her when i am ready to talk to her but for now i am just too mad... and without letting her get a word in or saying goodbye... I hang up. 

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