Chapter 86

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Vera pov...

I wake up from a nap to sounds on the baby monitor. I smile as i hear Chris talking to the girls. I roll my eyes smiling as he tells the girls he will take them to the bar... Meaning me. I sit up straight and a few minutes later Chris appears with both girls on his arms. God, it makes me melt. Seeing him with the girls in his arms made me only love him more. He was so good with them, and nothing was too much. I slowly started to move around the house more, but Chris still wouldn't let me do the major household stuff. 

The family all have met the girls and been such great help and i couldn't wish for a better family. Lisa had been cooking and bringing us food every couple of days. Scott is still watching Dodger. Shanna and Carly had been by with her family and the kids were totally in awe with the twins. Colin and Scarlet had been by 

"Here you go..." Chris said putting the girls in my arms helping me to latch them properly. I smiled at him "So i am still the bar?" I said smirking. "Yep..." He said grinning laying down beside me. I shook my head smiling as i looked at Ava and Nova. "I sometimes still can't believe they are really here..." I whisper and Chris smiles at me kissing my upper arm. "They are amazing... Just like their mom..." He whispers and i blush. "Have you thought about putting a picture on social media..." I say and he nods. "I just dont want the girls faces on there..." He says and i nod. "I agree with that... I dont want them to become social media babies... But i  do think we have to make some sort of announcement so they will leave us alone and not hunt us for the first picture..." I whisper and Chris nods giving me a small smile. 

"But let's wait for a little longer... We are not going outside with them yet... So, let's just enjoy our little bubble for a little longer..." I say smiling and Chris kisses me. I hand him one of the girls to burp and after that is done, we just sit there watching them.  All of a sudden Chris his phone goes off and he gets the biggest smile on his face. "Ma and Scott are here..." I chuckle and he texts them to just come in and that we are in the bedroom. Chris hands me Ava and he gets up. "Are you ready for Dodger to meet the girls?" He says and i nod with a big smile. 

A few minutes later Chris comes back with everyone in tow. He lets Dodger go telling him to be careful and he jumps on the bed beside me laying his head on my shoulder looking at the girls. "Hey Dodgie... Meet your sisters... " I whisper giving him a kiss on his head and he gives me a kiss in return. Ava starts to move and fuss a little bit and Dodger looks at her tilting her head. He leans closer and we all smile as he nudges her hand a little and she immediately stops. 

"He is so careful..." Scott says smiling. Nova starts to cry, and Dodger goes around me to the other side and carefully lays his head down on her and she also stops crying and now it is me who starts as it is just too darn cute. 

After a while Scott and Lisa each take one of the girls and walk with Chris to the kitchen followed by Dodger so i can take a quick shower. I let the warm water run over my body and smiled. I just couldn't believe how happy i am... My 2 beautiful girls a sweet and caring husband who helps out with everything. A family... I finally have that family i always dreamed off. I smile as the door opens and Chris appears. "Do you mind if ma and Scott stay for dinner?" He asks before looking me up and down groaning. I chuckle. "No i dont mind sounds fun..." I say and he smiles. I get out of the shower and carefully dry myself and he keeps watching me. 

I step in front of him and look up smirking. "Something wrong honey?" I ask looking at him as innocent as i could and he shakes his head, but his eyes tell me a different story and i cup him through his pants. "Hmm so hard already... just by looking at me..." I say smirking and carefully lower myself to my knees. "Gorgeous... My mom and brother are in the kitchen..." He groans as i pull down his sweats and boxers making his dick spring free.

"Well, you better be quiet then..." I whisper as i wrap my hand around his shaft pumping him up and down. "You have been so amazing the last couple of weeks i think you deserve a reward... Besides i am in the mood for some dessert before dinner..." I hum smiling up at him before i let my tongue run up and down his shaft and taking him in my mouth. He groans and throws his head back and i start bobbing my head up and down taking him in deep breathing through my nose to not gag. "Fuck Gorgeous..." He groans and i smirk around his dick looking up at him. 

I love this having him at my mercy his pleasure in my hands... or better said in my mouth... I love the way he tastes... I love the way he lets out little moans and grunts. I love the way he praises me telling me that i am doing good... His pleasure is my pleasure... 

I take him in deep one more time and he slaps his hand in front of his mouth as he cums to muffle the sounds. His cum fills my mouth and i suck him clean swallowing it all while humming.  "Best dessert ever..." I say smiling at him and he grins pulling me on my feet and he kisses me hard. After the kiss he pulls he up his pants and i smirk walking out of the bathroom to get dressed. I can feel two arms wrap around me and a kiss being plant on my neck.  "Such a naughty girl attacking your husband like that..." He whispers in my ear and i chuckle. "Are you complaining Mr. Evans?" I whisper and he spins me around kissing me hard again. "Never..." He says smirking.

I get dressed and Chris goes back to the kitchen to check in on the girls. I smile as i walk into the kitchen a few minutes later and Lisa is cooking while Scott and Chris each carry one of the girls around. 

I chuckle. "You do know if i would take a picture of this and post it... It would break the internet..." I said and Chris looked at me smirking. Lisa, Scott and i laughed. "I can hear the ovaries work overtime already..." I said and Chris blushed as Scott and Lisa now both laughed even harder.  

"Do your ovaries work overtime seeing him like this?" Lisa asked smirking at me. "My ovaries are on break right now... but who knows in the future..." I say smiling and Chris smirks.  "Why dont you two put the girls to bed and ill help Lisa with dinner." I say smiling. Scott and Chris walk off and i help Lisa in the kitchen. "How are you doing?" She asks me and i smile at her. "I am doing good... Chris is amazing i couldn't have asked for a better partner in all this... You raised him to be an amazing man..." I say smiling and she blushes. 

When the guys come back, they set the table and after Lisa and i have finished dinner we sit down to eat. Not even two bites in the girls wake up and i get up from the table to feed them in the nursery. I smile as i hear laughing coming from the kitchen and i look at the girls in my lap. "You two are so lucky having this amazing family..." I whisper giving them each a kiss...

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