Chapter 64

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Vera pov...

It had been a week since i was in the hospital. Yesterday i had a checkup and everything was fine and both Chris and i were relieved. One pre to having weakly checkups was that we got an ultrasound and could see our girls more... Every time Chris saw our girls the smile on his face got bigger and God i loved that look.  

We had talked about names but hadn't agreed on anything yet. Chris and i mostly laughed and giggled about some options but nothing serious yet... It was hard finding the perfect names... Something cute yet tough... Maybe we were putting too much pressure on it but for now we had fun with it, and we still had time... We did pick out a crib and other furniture and it would be delivered next week.  I was so excited to put the nursery together... 

I had tried to convince Chris to contact his mother, but he was not budging. She had been calling every day. But he was only talking to his brother and sisters... and even then, he kept it short and didn't give many details... 

I let it go for now... He was not ready and i didn't want to push him...

We had made a grocery list and Chris was going to the store. I wasn't going with him... The paparazzi had been camping outside the house and i just couldn't... The idea of them following me and swarming me freaked me out. 

"I'll be back in an hour or two..." Chris said and kissed me. "I have my phone on me so you can call me okay...?" I smiled and kissed him again. "I'll be fine... Just dont forget the ice cream..." I said smirking and he chuckled. "I won't gorgeous...." He said and i sighed. He wanted to walk away but i pulled him back at his shirt wrapping my arms around him and kissing him again passionately. He smiled into the kiss. 

"Can you do one thing for me before you go..." I whispered into the kiss. "Anything gorgeous..." He whispered and i smirked as i slowly opened his pants and pushed my hand down his pants making him growl. "I have an itch... can you help me scratch it..." I whispered as i slowly pumped him up and down. He groaned and i smiled as he started to push my panties down making them drop to the floor and then he lifted the shirt i was wearing over my head and i was now completely naked. 

The last few days i had barely been wearing clothes feeling most comfortable in just some panties and one of his shirts. Chris loved it and every excuse to touch me he took... and God i loved it. I loved his hands on me and i didn't care were. My body craved his touch...  Every fiber in my being wanted him all day every day... It took everything in me to not be overly clingy or needy... and still i knew i failed... Chris didn't seem to mind... 

I gasped as he lifted me on the counter and laid me down spreading my legs and rubbing my core. "Pregnancy make you insatiable... gorgeous..." He said smirking and i groaned as he lined himself up and slowly pushed into me. "Oh, fuck yes... I am so needy for you Chris..." I moaned and as i look at him he grins as he slowly starts to thrust into me. 

"Is that so gorgeous... So needy for my cock?" He groaned and i whimpered. "Yes..." I said letting out a little sigh. "Oh shit..." I moaned as he hit the right spot sending tingles through my body as my orgasm start to build. "Fuck yes... just like that... dont stop baby... please..." I moaned and as i looked at Chris he smirked. "Dont worry gorgeous... I won't stop until you come around my cock..." He growled and i moaned in response. He kept thrusting into me over and over making me moan. Everything was so much more sensitive... He put my legs over his shoulders rubbing them up and down. 

The new angle being even more pleasurable and i whimpered again... I gripped at the counter as my orgasm was close... "Does it feel good, gorgeous?" Chris said between thrust. "So good..." I moaned. "I am so close..." I whimpered and as he thrusted into me a few more time we both came moaning. My orgasm washed over me, and Chris filled me up. I giggled when he pulled out and watched his cum drip out of me. "Take a picture... it will last longer..." I sighed and he chuckled. "Dont tempt me gorgeous... because i will..." He said smirking and i blushed. 

He helped me off the counter and i put the shirt back on. Chris pulled up his pants again and straightened out his clothes. He pulled me in for another kiss and i smiled. "I love you Chris..." I whispered and he smiled. He took my hand and kissed my ring. "I love you too gorgeous..." He whispered and i smiled. "God that never gets old..." I whispered and he chuckled kissing me again.  

"I'll be back in an hour or two..." He said again. I sighed and Chris looked at me. "What's wrong gorgeous..." He said stroking my cheek. "Nothing it is silly..." I whispered. "Gorgeous...." He said looking at me serious... "It is ridiculous... just going to miss you..." I said blushing and Chris smiled. "I'll be back as soon as possible..." He said kissing me again and i smiled into the kiss. As he was walking off i smacked his ass. "Dont forget..." He smirked and cut me off... "Yeah, yeah, yeah... ice cream i got it..." He said laughing and walked out the door. 

I sighed and walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and walked back into the bedroom. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I looked at my bump letting my hand rub over it. "I love you two so much..." I whisper. "Your daddy loves you both so much..." I said smiling. I put on some clothes and walked back into the kitchen. 

I made myself some tea and walked into the living room.  I called over Dodger and cuddled up with him on the couch smiling as he laid on his back for me to rub his belly. I chuckled as his tongue was hanging out his mouth. I grabbed my phone and took a picture sending it to Chris. Dodger sat up and laid his head on my belly. He did this more and more... He had figured out something was going on and he was fascinated.

I was about to open my book when the doorbell rang. I looked at Dodger and stood up. With Dodger glued to my side i walked towards the front door. I looked through the peephole and my heart dropped. I opened the door... "Lisa..." I whispered and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Can i come in...?" She asked...

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