Chapter 35

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Vera pov...

We are greeted at the door by Colin and i smile as he pulls me into a hug. He then greets Chris, and we walk inside. I smile as Scarlet is in the kitchen cooking. "Hey, you two..." Scarlet said smiling. I walked over and hugged her before sitting down at a stool that Chris had pulled out for me helping me up and i chuckled. 

Ever since Chris had found out i was pregnant... Especially with twins he had been overprotective... and it was like the gentleman in him became amplified... At first i was a bit taken aback by it as i liked doing stuff myself... Thinking he wanted to take my independence away... but i soon realized this was Chris his way of contributing to the pregnancy... His way of dealing with the fact that there was not much more he could do i think the fact i had been throwing up so much got to him... He wanted me to be as comfortable as possible because in his words not mine... I was doing all the heavy lifting... 

"It is a nice surprise seeing you both in New York..." Scarlet continued after Chris had hugged her. "Drink...?" Colin asked me and Chris and i looked at Chris a little panicked. "No thanks... we have an early morning tomorrow..." Chris said without even missing a beat and i smiled. 

"Okay... What is going on... You 2 have this guilty look on your faces..." Scarlet said smirking at us and Chris stepped beside me snaking his arm around me resting it on my hip. I blushed... "I am moving to Boston..." I blurted out and Colin and Scarlet stood there smiling at me. "Finally..." Scarlet said smiling and i looked at her shocked. "Finally?" I asked. She nodded. 

"Sweetheart you have been miserable going back and forth the last couple of months and yet so happy in Boston, so we had seen it coming..." She said smiling and Colin nodded agreeing with her. "We are so happy for you both..." Colin said smiling. "You already have a job lined up in Boston?" Colin askes and i shook my head. "No for now i am going to relax for a bit..." I whispered looking at my fingers.  

Scarlet chuckled and we looked at her confused. "How far along are you..." Scarlet said with the biggest smile and we looked at her shocked even more. But Chris his shock turned into a grin, and he kissed the side of my head. "Just tell them gorgeous... They will keep it to themselves..." He whispered in my ear. 

"10 weeks.... with twins...." I said blushing and now it was Colin and Scarlet who looked shocked for a minute.... Scarlet walked over to me and hugged me tight. "Congratulations...." She whispered with tears in her eyes and that was enough to make me tear up. "Colin hugged Chris and they then switched and i hugged Colin. "Wasting no time with that big family huh Evans..." Scarlet said joking and i chuckled. 

Chris smirked... "What can i say... Maybe playing a super soldier for so long rubbed off on me..." Chris joked. We all rolled our eyes exclaiming an OMG making Chris laugh even harder. "Do you have a picture with you...?" Scarlet asked but i shook my head. 

"No..." I said but got cut off by Chris. "I have them on my phone..." He said all excited... and pulled out his phone showing them.  I just looked at him with the biggest smile on my face... I know he had told me over and over how happy he was, but it was like this was the moment it finally clicked... Him having the pictures with him everywhere showing them proudly finally made me believe it... Really believe it. 

Dinner is fun and i am able to eat something and keep it down for now... Scarlet having some time off, offers to come to Boston to help us unpack. I kind of like the idea of her help so when i looked at Chris and he smiled saying it was up to me i agreed. Colin was not able to come with as the new season of SNL had started. She would come over to the house tomorrow morning and would drive with us to Boston Colin would come pick her up on Monday... and drive her back home. 

After talking for a bit more and dessert which was delicious... We went home. Having a nice relaxing dinner with Scarlet and Colin was just what i had needed... It was the perfect closure to my time living in New York. And yes, we would see each other again and we would have other dinners but somehow this felt like the closing of a chapter. 

I smiled as Chris held my hand while we walked back to the car. Not even the paparazzi hiding in the bushes could spoil my mood... I was in a fuck them all mood. I was happy... Chris loves me... He is happy... I am happy... And he seems to love my body so who cares what someone else thought... As we reached the car, he looked at me and smiled... "What are you smiling about gorgeous...?" He said grinning. I pulled on his arm and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in for a passionate kiss. 

"I smile about the fact that there is paparazzi in the bushes taking pictures and... 1 he thinks he is clever and we dont see him... and 2 i dont fucking care... I really dont care anymore..." I say smiling and Chris doesn't even look up but kisses me again passionately pushing me up against the car. We kiss until we have to come up for air and he leans his forehead against mine... "So now they have something to write about..." He said smirking before letting me step to the side and have him open the door for us... 

He closed the door and turned around and without even acknowledging the man in the bushes walked around the car and got in. Before he started the car, he kissed me again and i let out a little moan. "Chris take me back to the house..." I murmured into the kiss, and he smirked. "As you wish gorgeous..." He whispered and started the car...

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