Chapter 45

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Vera pov...

I had fallen asleep and when i woke up Chris was not in bed anymore. I sat up and looked around. I had no idea what time it was... The only thing i knew was that me and the babies were hungry. 

All of a sudden, the bathroom door opened and i looked at Chris shocked as he had shaved. "OMG..." I said slapping my hand over my mouth and Chris laughed. I got off the bed and walked over to him and he followed my every move as i stopped in front of me and ran my finger over his cheek. "So smooth..." I said smirking and Chris chuckled. "It really is like having a whole new boyfriend..." I murmured and there it was again... That pained look on his face when me or someone would call him my boyfriend... or me his girlfriend... 

Was he regretting being with me... now that we were out in the open...? Now he was actually introducing me to people... Was he only staying with me because i was pregnant... Keeping up the facade until the babies were born... I shook my head in an attempt to get rid of my negative spiral. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his bare chest taking a deep breath. It calmed me and i relaxed a bit. But still in the back of my mind...

"Do you want to go out for dinner or do you want to order room service..." Chris whispered. I sighed. "Let's stay here..." I whispered. Chris wanted to pull away but i wouldn't let him... I just held him tight, and he wrapped his arms around me again just holding me while rubbing my back.  I felt my emotions coming to the surface and i fought it as hard as i could not wanting to have a nervous breakdown the first day we are here.

I released him when i had pulled myself together and Chris put on some clothes before getting the room service menu. We ordered some dinner and after it arrived, we sat down in the dining area of the suite. Chris talked about filming and how happy he was he could share it with me because of NDA i signed. He could just talk to me about it without having to worry about over sharing.

After dinner we got dressed and went on a walk with Dodger and to just go explorer a bit. We ended in this cute little ice cream shop and sat down with our orders. Dodger had his own little cup of special doggie ice cream absolutely loving it. "You have been very quiet... gorgeous..." Chris says as he reaches for my hand over the table. I give him a little smile. "Just tired and not feeling so well..." I whisper and he looks at me worried. "Do we need to go to a doctor?" He asks but i shake my head. "No just a bit of nausea nothing serious..." I say giving him a small smile. 

"Well let's finish our ice cream and go back to the hotel and get to bed we have an early day tomorrow..." He says smiling at me and i nod. We walk back to the hotel and Chris has his arm around my shoulder holding me close in the other hand he has Dodgers leash. 

We arrive at the hotel and after we arrived in the suite, we get in the bed to watch a movie. But i am so tired that not even halfway through i am asleep.

The next morning i get dressed in something comfy and we make our way to set. I had brought a suitcase with stuff to entertain myself and Dodger during the day and i rolled my eyes when Chris took it from me even though it had wheels i was not allowed to carry it. He took me to the RV and helped me get settled in for a bit until someone knocked letting him know he was expected to be at wardrobe. I kissed him goodbye, and he walked out.

The door closed and it was quiet... To quiet. I looked at Dodger who was looking back at me. I walked to the fridge and smiled as i saw a lot of my favorite foods and all sorts of fruit. We were late this morning o i hadn't had breakfast yet so i decided to make pancakes for myself in the fully equipped kitchen putting on some music to drown out the silence. 

I chuckled as i put a plate with a pancake in front of Dodger who was sitting on the bench at the table and i smiled as we ate together. After breakfast i cleaned everything up and decided to read a little. Looking at the couch in the little seating area i decided i would be more comfortable in the bed and i got comfy with Dodger nestling myself between the many pillows and blankets. 

When lunch time came around Chris appeared, and he smiled at me as i looked up from my book. "Comfy?" He asked and i nodded smirking at him. "Very..." I said and he got the biggest smile ever on his face so happy that he could provide me with this comfort. "How was your morning..." I asked and he told me all about it lying next to me. "Dont you need to get lunch?" I asked and he blushed. "I really should but i wanted to spend some time with you and our babies.... I missed you..." He said kissing me and then my belly making me smile. "Do you want me to make you something?" He shook his head. "No i was wondering if you would like to come down with me to lunch..." He said smiling.  I nodded and after i got out of bed he took my hand telling Dodger to stay and keep the bed warm for me. We walked to the catering area, and we sat down to eat. 

Once again, he introduced me to more people and i started to wonder how i was ever going to remember all these names... I talked a bit with Janet and Lucy and i really started to like them as they were so funny and just fun to be around. I smiled as i watched Chris interact with not only costars but actually everyone who works here... Whether a PA or a actor he was kind to everyone, and everyone seemed to like him. People just pulled towards him like he was a magnet. 

After lunch he walked me back to the RV and i got back into bed to read but soon i dozed off. That was until there was a knock on the door. I went to open the door and a young girl stood there smiling at me. "I am here to walk Dodger..." She said smiling and i looked confused seeing as Chris never said something of hiring someone to walk him. 

"Uhm... Thats okay i will walk him myself..." I said ready to close the door again, but she stopped me. "I was told to walk him after lunch..." She said more forcefully. It was odd and i was sure that Chris would tell me. "Well i dont know anything about it so i will talk with Chris about it but for today it is a no..." I said and closed the door locking it. Something was off with this. I took my phone wondering if i should call Chris... But in the end decided against it.... I went back to bed to continue to take a nap and pulled Dodger closer... Scared he might disappear. 

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