Chapter 17

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Chris pov...

"How is she doing?" Scott asked looking at me concerned as we were walking Dodger. I sighed and stayed silent for a minute. "She is doing better... The closer we came to Boston the more she relaxed... The eating is a thing though... She is not eating as she did before, and it worries me... She thinks i dont notice it but i do...  The panic in her eyes when i talked about dinner with ma..." I said letting out a sigh. 

"Give it time Chris... I have read through some of the comments and its... insane... and if she has gone on a spiral reading them then i could understand her reaction to all of it and it will take some time... All you can do is be there and listen if she wants to talk... Dont push it... Right now, she feels safe with you..." Scott said and i looked at him and smiled. 

"I really like her Scott and i dont care what other people think... God she is so beautiful and sweet, funny and her mind... You can talk with her for hours. And Dodger loves her... I swear he likes her more than me..." I say smiling and Scott smiles back. 

"Well i am happy when your happy and i have to say i like her... She is sweet and i think she is perfect for you... I just hope she can handle all that comes with your life." Scott says and i let out a sigh. 

"I hope so to Scott because i dont want to lose her... and i am telling you i dont know what i will do when she can't handle it... For the first time i am willing to give it all up... I feel like she is worth it..." I say letting out a sigh

Scott looks at me shocked. "Damn..." He murmurs and i smile. 

"Watch what Dodger does when we walk into the house..." I say smiling at Scott as we walk through the front door. I hadn't even said it of Dodger raced to the kitchen and both Scott and i laughed. We walked into the kitchen and i smirked at Scott. "See i told you... From every person in the room, he would go straight to her... We came home and he just ignored me running straight to Vera... Like i wasn't even there..." I said pretending to be hurt. But i couldn't help but smile as i looked at Vera and Dodger.  

We stayed for a little bit longer before we said our goodbyes and went home. Ma had given Vera her phone number which made me smile as they really seemed to get along not that i had doubts about that before. 

Before we drove off i kissed her with everything i got, so happy that dinner had gone well and that both ma and Scott really liked her. 

She smiled when we broke the kiss and i started the car and drove home. We walked inside and Dodger run to his pillow to play with his Lion and i could see Vera smile at that. 

I took her hand and pulled her into me cupping her face with my free hand. I kissed her soft and sweet but with all the love i had... Yes love... 

After seeing her with part of my family... And after my conversation with Scott were i for the first time had admitted out loud, that for her i would give up everything... I knew i loved her... I had doubted to tell her for a few days thinking it was too soon and i couldn't possibly already love her... But i think i loved her from the moment i saw her. She has this hold on me and i am here for it... And if it meant to give up acting and retire in the future then so be it... 

I kissed her again and when we broke the kiss i rested my forehead against hers. "I love you gorgeous..." I whispered and kissed her again. When we broke our kiss, she looked at me with a blush on her face. "I love you to..." She whispered and i kissed her with everything i got smiling into the kiss. 

While never breaking our kiss i walked her to the bedroom both of us smiling like two idiots our hands all over each other and i couldn't help but grin as she was pulling at my shirt. I broke our kiss for a second pulling my shirt over my head throwing it aside and i smirked as she looked at me chest and groaned. I took a deep breath when she put both hands on my chest looking up at me. Her soft hands roamed my chest and watched her as she was touching me totally caught up in what she was doing. 

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