Chapter 24

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Vera pov...

The next few weeks flew by, and it was amazing. I had gotten to know his whole family and they were so sweet and welcoming. I got invited on family outings and it was an absolute blast. But as time flew by the day i had to go back to New York came closer and closer. I needed to go back to work. I was dreading it but i had no choice... I was expected back.... The idea of going back to work dreaded me.  

All the media attention had luckily died down so there was really no reason for me to not go home. The only reason would be Chris... But as much fun we had spending time together and as amazing as it was... I was sure that a little part of him was looking forward to having his house to himself again. 

We had decided that we would go to New York tomorrow and that Chris and Dodger were going to stay with me for a few more days before he would go back home and i had to go back to work. I was wondering how we would move on from there on but part of me didn't want to think about it for now it quite frankly made me sad...

As i was packing my stuff Chris came walking into the bedroom with Dodger as they had been on a walk and wrapped his arms around me hugging me from behind. "I dont like this..." He murmured and i let out a sigh. I said nothing because i knew if i would say anything i would break down and cry and i didn't want to cry. Lisa had us over for a goodbye dinner last night as we just wanted to spend our last night with just the two of us. 

We had the most amazing last night together. Chris had taken me out to dinner, and we had made love all night and when the morning came, we drove to Lisa to say goodbye before getting on the road to New York. I was going to miss Lisa as her and i really gotten along. The dynamic of this family is amazing and i could see why Chris loved them so much.

Coming home was not what i thought it was going to be there was no sigh of relief or a home sweet home moment. The house felt cold and i dont know... not like home anymore. But i kept telling myself that it was just because i hadn't been here for so long. 

The last days with Chris in New York flew by and today was the day he was going home. I tried to keep it together as Chris kept telling me we would call and talk over video call. And that we would see each other on the weekends. At the end of my first work week i would drive to Boston to spend the weekend there. Chris had offered to drive to New York but the thought of going to Boston made me smile.

Saying goodbye was hard so hard and after kissing him for the thousands time i watch him drive off. 

I walk into my house and close the door behind me and as i stand there i let out a sigh and start to cry. I sink down against the door and let myself cry for a bit before scolding myself and pulling myself together.

The house still feels cold... I was alone again...  I got changed in one of Chris his shirts he had left behind and crawled into bed... Chris called when he got home and i managed to hold a straight face while talking to him but i had the idea he looked just as sad as i felt.

Arriving at work on Monday morning was hell. I got asked a thousand questions about Chris but i ignored them and locked myself away in my office. Around 2 i had a meeting and when i came back into my office there were flower on my desk. I smiled reading the card. 

The rest of the day i spent locked away in my office... The questions kept coming and i was annoyed. Coming home at night was not much better the only thing that brightened my day was talking to Chris over video call, but it was not the same. I just wanted to lay in his arms having him hold me tight in his comfortable bed with Dodger laying at our feet. I missed him so much and it was just over a day that he had been gone. 

The next day at the office was not much better. Neiter was Wednesday. On Thursday i had dinner with Scarlet and Colin and that was fun but all i could think i wish Chris was here and even though it was nice to see them again.... I was just not in it. 

Friday went by way to slow.... I had brought my overnight bag with me to the office and i had made the plan to leave early and drive straight to Boston not wanting to spend one more night without Chris. My body was detoxing from his touch... I was craving him... Nothing felt right without him and i felt miserable. It just surprised me how used i had gotten to having him around. 

From the moment i left the office i had the biggest smile on my face and practically ran to my car with my suitcase. I threw it in the back and got on the road making my way to Boston. My mood improving with every mile i got closer.  I put on some music and sang along and when i drove passed the sign welcoming me to Boston i led out a sigh of relief. I drove as fast as was permitted and i could feel myself getting more and more excited the closer i came to Chris his house and by the time i was there i was all hyped up. I parked my car in the driveway and smiled walking to the front door.

Chris was not expecting me yet, but he had given me a key so i walked in and smiled as he was sleeping on the couch. Dodger saw me and ran up to me and after i gave him some attention i made my way over to Chris and crawled into his lap kissing him awake... 

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