Chapter 87

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Chris pov...

"Are you sure you are going to be okay on your own with the girls?" I ask Vera again and she rolls her eyes. "Yes, i am sure Chris..." She says and i walk over to her and pull her in my arms. "I am sorry i forgot all about this meeting..." I say and she smiles cupping my face and kissing me. "It's okay... You have to get back to work sometime..." She whispers and kisses me again. "I know... It's just... i am not ready to leave you and the girls..." I say letting out a sigh. Vera chuckles. "Chris it is only for a few hours... You are going in for a meeting with ASP... not 3 months filming somewhere..." Vera says giggling and i roll my eyes. 

"Still i am not ready... I am going to miss the 3 off you..." I say pouting and she smiles and kisses me again. "You will be fine... But i understand the feeling and it is okay to feel like that... We are going to miss you to..." She whispers and that is when the girls start crying and Vera releases me and walks out of the bedroom. 

I smile watching her walk away. She is so amazing... It's like she has been a mother whole her life. The first few weeks she was in a lot of pain from the c section but soon she was up and out of bed doing more as i would like her to do... I knew she felt guilty for not doing anything but to be fair i didn't let her... I just wanted her to relax and recuperate. I didn't want to be the kind of husband that immediately expected her to get up and do all she normally did...

I sigh. I really am not ready for this... This meeting had been set long before and i just forgot to cancel it. The idea of leaving Vera alone with the girls and missing something makes me sad. I know she can handle it... I have no doubt. I shake my head and try to get it out of my mind. 

I put on my watch and grab my keys and wallet from the dresser. I walk to the nursery and smile as Vera is changing the girls softly singing to them. I take a quick picture with my phone and smile.  Normally my phone would be filled with pictures of Vera and Dodger. Now there is a new gallery filled with pictures of my girls. We still hadn't put a picture out as we were enjoying our bubble... 

"I have to go..." I say and walk in kissing the girls before kissing Vera. She smiles. "Have a good meeting and dont worry about us... We will be fine... I will call when something is wrong okay?" I nod. "Okay..." I whisper and kiss the girls one more time. While i walk out i pass Dodger and give him a scratch. "Be good for momma buddy..." I say and walk out making my way to the car. 

I drive to the ASP office and walk in greeting Mark. We talk for a bit and i show him all sorts of pictures of the girls and he chuckles. "Such a proud papa..." He says and i chuckle nodding. "They are my world together with Vera..." I say with the biggest smile. "How is Vera doing?" Mark asks and i smile. "She is amazing... I am in awe with her everyday..." I say and we both smile. 

We talk a bit more before going into the meeting. I put my phone on the table just i case Vera would call... I dont know why but when i left the house something felt off. I summed it up at leaving Vera and the girls for the first time for longer than an hour or 2 but still something felt off... 

The meeting went longer than anticipated and when it finally was done i said goodbye to everybody and went home. I couldn't wait to be with my girls again. I smiled as i walked through the front door and Dodger came running up to me. I greeted him and gave him some scratches. I walked into the living room and smiled as Vera was sitting down on the couch feeding the girls. 

"Hey how was your meeting?" She asks smiling as i sit down beside her cooing to the girls. "Boring... i was wishing to be home the whole time..." I say smiling. Vera chuckles and she lets out a sigh. "We missed you to..."  She says smiling and i smile back. After she is done feeding i take Nova from her and burp her while she burps Ava.  After that we put them to bed and as i watch my girls fall asleep Vera wraps her arms around me. "You make me happy... You know that..." She whispers and i smile. "You make me happy to..." I whisper. 

The next few weeks pass... We are just enjoying the quiet family life. I am so happy as i signed a new project and it can be filmed here in Boston meaning i can be home every night. But i still have a few weeks off minus the occasional ASP meeting or meeting with my team. Last week we finally put a photo out and turned our phones on silent because it was going crazy. The last weeks the speculations were going wild, and we noticed more movement around the house... So, we decided it was time. 

I look at my phone and look confused as it is a text from Vera asking me for help in the bedroom. I stand up and walk to the bedroom and my mouth falls open seeing her standing in front of me in a lingerie set i had never seen looking absolutely stunning. 

"I have an itch... Do you think you can help me with that Mr. Evans..." She says in a soft sexy tone. 

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