Chapter 15

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Chris pov...

Ma was excited to have us over for dinner and when i told her it was Vera's idea and the reasoning behind it i knew Vera had scored some bonus points as ma sounded relieved. I knew as much as ma wanted me to settle down... She was also scared of our family dynamics changing... She told us to take our time and get settled in a bit and to meet for dinner at her place. Before we hung up, she told me that she couldn't wait to meet Vera. 

While Vera was in the shower to get ready for dinner at ma's I had sent out a tweet about the everything. I had posted a picture i sneaked of her with Dodger at the party. She was planting a kiss on his head, and it was my absolute favorite photo of her after the one Scarlet had showed of us both. 

"To all the people who think it is okay to comment on a woman's body... Let me tell you the following... She is the sweetest... kindest most caring and funny human being you will ever meet... But make no mistake... I love the way she looks i love every curve and every inch of her body... To me she is perfect... To idea that she is not good enough for me is ridiculous and i am telling you when it comes to it... I am not good enough for her... If you are really a fan of me or my work, you are happy for me... Because i am happy... She makes me happy and isnt that what matters...?  What didn't make me happy is that you hurt her... But she is strong, and you will not... Break her."

"And to TMZ... Shame on you..." 

"Chris Evans"

My tweet set of a chain reaction just as we had planned, and the text comes from Scarlet and Colin saying that they had put out their joined statement to... and that they loved mine. I clicked the link and smiled as it was the picture of the party.

"For all the people who think they have to comment on our friend's relationship... You are all pathetic... and shallow. Look at the picture and tell us what you see... Because we see two beautiful people in love... Two people who found a connection and bring out the best in each other... And we couldn't be happier for them. The comments about how she looks are unnecessary and hurtful and you all have to think before you comment. Just because you are all so shallow to not date a beautiful person like her doesn't mean Chris is..." 

"Scarlet and Colin"

They had put it on Colins socials seeing as Scarlet didn't have any. The links kept coming and i couldn't help but smile at all the people coming to her defense.

I was shocked when even Robert had sent out a statement i didn't even know he knew Vera. It was short but sweet. 

"All i see is two people in love... and that is all that matters in this world... Love..."

"Robert Downey Jr."

The list went on and on... Seb, Mackie, Hemsworth, Ruffalo, Hiddleston and Renner and then the list of SNL members came through...  I was even shocked and surprised to see a statement from Holland, Benedict, and Lizzie knowing they had never met Vera. I had to fight my own emotions as all the sweet and caring words were getting to me and that my friends cared enough to stand up for me and Vera and all they wanted was for me to be happy. It seems that word had gotten around because some of the names speaking up were not in the original list. People i had worked with on other movies either put out their own tweets or commented on mine... 

Vera walked in as she had showered and changed and i smiled. I showed her all the statements and she had tears in her eyes. "Please dont make me cry again... I dont want to show up at your moms house all red and puffy..." She whispered her face buried in my neck. 

I quickly showered and changed and then it was time to go. I loaded Dodger in the back of the car and opened the door for Vera to get in the car. I kissed her before closing the door and i smiled as Dodger was sitting behind her resting his head on her shoulder as she was petting him. 

I shook my head when i got behind the wheel and looked over at Dodger and it was like he was smirking back at me. Like he was saying i am stealing your girl... "Unbelievable" I murmured before starting the car and Vera laughed... God i was never getting enough of her laughing... I was like music to my ears. 

We drove to ma's and i smiled as she was fussing over Dodger who looked completely content with the attention. The drive was short and the closer we came Vera seemed to get nervous so i took her hand in mine and rubbing circles with my thumb over the back of it. "Dont worry gorgeous... Ma is excited to meet you..." I whispered smiling at her and she looked at me gave me a little smile back and nodded. I parked the car and groaned seeing Scott was here to... I had hoped it would be just ma.

"Something wrong..." Vera said in a small voice. "I thought we would have dinner alone with ma, but Scott is here to..." I said letting out a sigh. "Is that a problem... You dont want me to meet your brother..." She asked looking at me with a sad look. "What? No... It is just... Scott can be a bit... enthusiastic... and i dont know i wanted to ease you into it..." I said blushing. Vera chuckled. "Dont worry Chris i will be fine... If your family is anything like you... I'll be fine." She said giving me a reassuring smile. 

We got out the car and after i let Dodger out i took Vera's hand and walked to the front door...

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