Chapter 31

821 31 1

Chris pov...

Jason turns to us and looks serious... But his face goes from serious to smiling. "Well... Chris... Vera... I hope you 2 are ready for that big Boston family because i see 2 babies..." Jason says smiling at us both and he turns the screen to us and points out our 2 babies. 

I look at Vera who is looking at the screen a shocked look on her face. "2 babies..." She whispered and a little smile appears on her face but then the tears start... Jason nods... "2 Babies..." Jason confirms. 

I will give you 2 a moment Jason says and stands up and leaves the room. 

"Twins..." I whisper smiling at Vera with tears in my eyes as i kiss her hand again. She nods her eyes red from crying. "Sorry... I dont know why i am crying..." She says wiping the tears away, but it is of no use as they keep coming. 

I scoot next to her on the table and pull her in my arms. "We are going to have two babies..." She says between sobs and i can't help but have the biggest smile on my face. "Yeah 2 babies..." I say looking down at her and kissing her. "Are you happy?" I ask her and she nods. "I thought he was going to say that something was wrong..." She says in a small soft voice. 

We both sit there looking at the frozen screen and a few minutes later Jason walks back in. He asks how we are doing, and we tell him that we still a bit in shock. We talk over the do's and don'ts and set up a checkup schedule with him. He tells us to call anytime if we think something is wrong or we have questions. He tells Vera to take it easy... to avoid stress were possible and then points to me to make it happen saying that whatever mommy to be wants mommy to be gets... and i nod smirking as he knows i will spoil her rotten and would do anything for her. 

We say our goodbyes and with Vera's hand in mine we walk to the car. I open the car door for her, she gets in and i give her a sweet kiss. "Are you happy...?" She whispers looking at me and i nod with a big smile on my face. "So happy..." I whisper back. 

We drive home and i want to immediately go into planning mode... I change my mind when i see Vera... She looks tired so i take her hand and pull her into a hug and walk us to the couch pulling her down with me. 

"We have stuff to do..." Vera whispers as she snuggles into me more. "Nap first than stuff..." I murmur rubbing her back and when i look down she is already asleep. I keep rubbing her back as i am too excited, to sleep myself and i just lay there thinking of everything we have to arrange. 

When Vera is in a deep sleep i get up pulling a blanket over her and letting her sleep. I take Dodger for a walk and when i come back she is still sleeping and Dodger crawls onto the couch snuggling into her and i smile as she in her sleep pulls him closer and he lets her... He is totally content in her embrace. 

In the car on our way home Vera and i talked about if we were going to tell the family yet and Vera wanted for now to just tell my mom... Just so that one person in the family knows what is going on in case something bad happens... But she wants to wait until at least 12 weeks to tell the rest as we both need to wrap our brain around it, and she wants to be out of the initial danger zone. I am over the moon she wants to tell ma because i dont know if i could keep this a secret from her...

I call ma and ask if we can come over for dinner tomorrow because we have something to discuss with her and if it not too much trouble if it can just be the 3 of us... Ma says it is no problem and she is looking forward to it. I smile because i know she is going to freak out tomorrow. 

I take the ultrasound pictures out of Vera's purse and smile putting them in a box on one of the shelves safe and sound from prying eyes. About 20 minutes later Vera walks in and i smile. She hugs me and i lean in for a kiss. "Good nap...?" I ask and she nods smiling. I tell her about our plans for tomorrow and she smiles. "I just hope your mom is going to be happy..." She whispers and i can hear the fear in her voice. "Are you kidding me... She is going to be over the moon..." I chuckle and hug her tighter. I tell her were i put the pictures and she nod smiling. 

The next hour or so Vera is making a letter of resignation and after she is done, she sends it to her boss. She tells them that on Tuesday she will be by to clean out her office. She takes a deep breath and looks at me with a smile and i notice she looks lighter.... As if a huge burden had fallen from her shoulders and quitting is a huge relief... 

After some discussions back and forth Vera finally agrees to have a moving company pack up her things and all she needs to do is point and tell them what she wants with her here... I ask her if she wants to change anything in the house because i want her to feel at home... This is her place now to... She shakes her head but the blush on her face tells me there is something. 

I walk over to her pull her into me and put my finger under her chin making her look up at me. "What is it..." I say smirking hovering my lips over hers. "I... No never mind..." She whispers and buries her head in my chest but i dont budge and again put my hand under her chin making her look up at me. "Gorgeous... Tell me..." I say looking at her serious. "I was wondering if you would mind if we could get my bed here.... It is kind of the only thing i miss from home... And if you would mind if we hanged some pictures of my grandparents on the walls..." She whispers and i smile at her. "Done and done..." I say and kiss her again passionately... 

I arrange for a moving company to pack up her things next Friday. We are driving to New York Monday... Going to clean out her office on Tuesday and the rest of the days we will have time to decide what to have shipped to Boston... and then as off Saturday it will be official... She will life here... with me and our babies...

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