Chapter 90

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Chris pov...

A week had gone by since Vera called me in a panic about her father. I never have seen her mad... But damn she was mad... I told her we could go to the police, but she said it was of no use... He had done nothing illegal... She did start a file about him gathering everything he had done over the years until now just in case it was ever needed. It was like the shock and fear had disappeared and she turned it into action. 

I was just glad she had called me and not gone up to him alone with the girls... I was sitting in my office when Vera walked in. I looked up and smiled. "I want to sell the house in New York..." She said letting out a sigh. I looked at her surprised. "What why? Only because of your Sperm donor..." I said. She didn't want me to call him her father anymore... To her he was no longer any sort of father figure.

She nodded... "The only feels like an anker... I... I  dont know... Selling the house will be painful but i dont want him to bother me about it anymore..." She said and she looked sad... "This is not how it supposed to be... We should be happy... and concentrating on our family... You and the girls dont deserve this drama..." She said and i could see she was fighting her tears. She feels guilty...

I stood up and walked over to her. "Gorgeous... You dont have to sell the house if you dont want to... It is your only link to the people who raised you... You dont have to feel guilty... It is not your fault that he is like this... You did nothing wrong... Just think about it and dont make any hasty decisions..." I said wrapping her in my arms. She sighed and nodded. 

"I just want him to leave us alone... I want him out of my life... Out of our lives..." She said resting her head against my chest and i kissed the top of her head. One of the girls started crying and i let go of Vera. "I am going to get the girls up..." She said smiling and kissed me before walking to the nursey to get the girls up from their nap. 

I walked back to the computer and saw the email from a buddy of mine who is a contractor about the fencing and gate around the house. After Mark told me that Vera's father was planning on coming to the house i contacted him to put up fencing around the house and a security gate... I wanted us to be able to be outside without having to worry about him coming near Vera and the girls... 

I smile as they can start next week. Next week i also would start filming so having people around the house gave me a sense of security... It would make it less inviting for Vera's father to visit... 

I walked into the living room and smiled as Vera was sitting on the ground with the girls and Dodger. The girls were crawling around, and Dodger found it fascinating. He would crawl after them and it was adorable. 

"They are starting next week with the fence..." I said and Vera nodded smiling as Dodger was confused. The girls were splitting up each crawling in a different direction and he didn't know who to follow. He gave up and laid beside Vera and i chuckled. "I swear i dont exist to him anymore ever since you came into my life..." I said and Vera laughed. "Sorry not sorry..." She said smiling at me. Nova crawled over to me and i smiled. "Thank god you are a daddy's girl..." I said and Vera chuckled. "Oh, oh someone is getting jealous..." She said smirking and Ava now crawled over to me to. I picked Ava up in my other arm and smiled. I kissed them both and they giggled. It was my favorite sound ever. 

I pouted when Nova abandoned me to crawl over to Vera who took her smirking. Ava giggled and i smiled as she pulled on my beard. "I think they are going to be in shock when they see you without a beard for the first time..." Vera said smiling. I chuckled. "Just like their momma..." I said laughing and Vera chuckled. 

Vera handed me Nova and got up. "I am going to make dinner..." She said smiling. "Mommy is going to make dinner..." I said cooing and the girls giggled. "I am going to take the girls on a walk with Dodger..." I said and Vera nodded. "Have fun..." She said leaning over me kissing both girls on the head before kissing me. 

I got the girls ready and, in the stroller... We said goodbye to Vera and i put Dodger on his leash and walked out the door. I made the usual round, and the girls were squealing as Dodger kept bringing them sticks. 

We walked back home and i smiled as i could smell Vera's cooking. I walked into the kitchen and Vera had set up the highchairs for the girls. "Just in time..." She said smiling. "Can you feed the girls?" She asked and i nodded putting them in the highchairs and taking the bowls of pureed food to feed them. Vera made everything fresh only using baby food if we had a busy day. Ever since the girls were here, we started to cook more instead of ordering take out... Especially since the girls started to eat other food next to breastmilk. I loved it... I loved everything new and what made me interact with the girls. 

"What is it?" I asked and Vera smirked. "Taste it and find out..." She said giggling and i looked at the green puree in the bowl. "No thank you... I like food that you have to chew..." I said and Vera laughed. "You eat their fruit puree..." She said smirking. "And see... the girls like it..." She said and i smiled. 

After i have fed the girls i clean them up as the puree is everywhere and put them in the play pen... Vera and i sit down to eat and after that... Together we bath the girls and put them to bed. 

We both get comfortable on the couch and Vera cuddles into me. "Do you ever think of having more..." She whispers and i look at her confused because i did not expect this. "It is no secret i want a big family... But if it is just you, me and the girls i am okay with that..." I murmured kissing the top of her head. "Why...?  You want to try again..." I said smirking and Vera shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe not now... I mean the girls are not even one year old... But if i do i dont want to much of an age gap..." She whispers and i smirk. "In the meantime... we can always practice..." She said smirking and pulled me with her lying down on the couch kissing me passionately.

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