Chapter 14

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Chris pov...

Before we get on the road we swing by Scarlet and Colin to say goodbye. As soon as we step in the door Colin wraps her in a massive hug and i smile. Although Scarlet was the one helping me at her place you can see the love Colin and Vera have for each other. You could see that their friendship means a lot to them both. She apologizes to Colin for not letting him in but thanks him for not pushing and letting Scarlet come over the next day. He smiles and kisses her forehead. "I know when i have to take a step back and i thought you would be more comfortable with another woman around you..." He whispers and she smiles hugging him and thanking him again. 

We sit down for some coffee talking about everything and nothing neither one of us bringing up the last days as we needed this... Some normalcy... For now, because we knew shit would go down when everyone was going to post the statements. We had talked about it a lot over the last days and agreed to have everyone put out their statements when Vera and i were in Boston safe and sound at my place...

Vera had said over and over that people didn't have to do this and that she would be fine, but we were adamant that it had to be said... The comments on Twitter had not died down a one bit and i had to admit that but i was still fuming... 

They hurt someone i care about a lot and for what... Because she doesn't look like their idea of beauty...? Because they can't look past her so called size even though to me, she is beautiful and God i love her body... I know it sounds shallow but to me she is the whole package she is Smart, Sweet, Funny, Caring and yes, she is gorgeous... She is my gorgeous... It makes me even more pissed of that because of all of that they say she is not worthy of me... I mean who do they think they are... What makes them think she is less of a person than me because of the way she looks... She is so beautiful and i love her curves... The way they feel under my touch... 

We say goodbye and get on the road. We decided to take the quickest route to my place not wanting to have to make too many stops and quite frankly i just wanted to get her to my place... 

Roughly 4 hours later i park my car on the driveway and we get out of the car. Our little road trip was amazing... Vera and i were just singing along to music laughing and joking the closer we got to Boston the more she relaxed. 

I smile as she looks around while i get her bags from the car. Scott had texted that he dropped Dodger of at home and had gone back to his own place and to make sure that Vera knew that when she was ready, he loved to meet her. 

I open the front door and Dodger comes running up but i stop dead in my tracks as he runs past me and straight to Vera. "WTF" I say loudly as Vera gets down to his level giving Dodger all the loving he wants, and she looks up at me and smirks. I chuckle and walk into the house putting her bags in the bedroom. When i walk back i see her standing in the hallway looking at some pictures of my family Dodger sitting patiently beside her. He walks up to me when he sees me finally greeting me. "Traitor..." I murmur in his ear with a smile.  

"When you are ready, I'll take you to meet them..." I say smiling at her. She looks at me. "Maybe we should do that right away..." She whispers taking me by surprise. "I think your mom would appreciate knowing who is staying with you..." She says softly wrapping her hands around my neck giving me a little kiss. "Besides from what you told me... You and your family are a kind of drop in on each other family... And i dont want you to change that for me... That is if you want me to meet them of course..." She says now blushing and i smile giving her a kiss. 

"Nothing would make me happier... But only if you are sure... I mean my family can be a lot... I love them to death, but they can be a lot..."  I say smirking. Vera giggles and kisses me again. "I love that you are close with your family... I dont have that... and it sounds amazing that you can count on your family no matter what..." She says letting out a sigh. 

"I never known my mother... She left after i was born... Me and my father were close until he met his new wife when i was 9... and i became a burden... He dumped me on my grandparents his parents... Because i didn't get along with his new wife and her daughters... It is along story..." She says letting out a sigh and i cup her face giving her a sweet kiss. 

"I am sorry gorgeous..." I whisper. She shakes her head. "Dont be... My grandparents were amazing... raised me supported me and loved me until the day they died... My house was their house, and my dad was livid when he found out they left it to me and practically disowned him..." She whispers but the thought of her grandparents made her smile. 

"My grandma died when i was 19... due to cancer... She made my grandpa promise to not give anything to her son and to leave it all to me...  I never moved out... Not wanting grandpa to be alone... The only time i was not living here was when i went to college in Boston and then still i was home every weekend. Even though i loved Boston... He and my grandma were high school sweethearts, and he went from home to living with my grandma... he had never lived alone a day in his life and i wasn't about to make him he died 2 years ago." She said taking a deep breath and i could see it still pained her. 

"My dad visited twice and only if he needed something... He never even asked about me. I was no longer his daughter... That was until he found out grandpa had kept his promise to grandma and only left him a dollar so he couldn't contest the will... All of a sudden, he wanted a relationship but i told him it was too late... So, your family sounds pretty great... and i dont want to do anything to change between you and your family..." She says softly. 

I kissed her with everything i got not knowing what else to do with this information as the thought of her father throwing her aside and treating her like that angered me. Thank God for her grandparents...

"Well, what do you say i call ma if we can come over for dinner and we freshen up and go over there..." She smiles and nods and i showed her the bedroom leaving her to get changed while i called ma. 

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