Chapter 49

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Chris pov...

She keeps crying holding on to me for dear life and no matter what i say or not say i dont seem to be able to get her to stop crying. When i ask if something is wrong with the babies, she shakes her head.  I let out a little sigh of relief because for a moment i thought that that must be it... As i couldn't think of something else that could be wrong. But now i was even more confused of what it could be... 

"Please gorgeous tell me what is wrong..." I plead with her not knowing what to do anymore... "I... i am so, so, so sorry..." She says between sobs and now i am even more at a loss because i have no idea what she is apologizing for...

"Gorgeous... what are you sorry for...?" I whisper scared for the answer as i have no idea what this is about... "For... For... making you unhappy.... for making you feel you have to stay with me because i am pregnant... For..." She says but i cut her off making her look at me. "Gorgeous... where is this coming from i am not unhappy..." I say feeling absolutely blindsided as i have no idea where this is coming from and why on earth, she would think this. "I am unbelievably happy..."  I whisper.

My heart breaks seeing her so sad... Thinking i dont love her or staying with her because she is pregnant... She looks absolutely broken and the look in her eyes says she is absolutely convinced she is right... "Talk to me gorgeous... where is this coming from..." I whisper kissing her forehead. "I can see it in your eyes every time someone calls me your girlfriend... I can see that you regret being with me..." She sobs and my face drops. The reason i look sad is because i want people to call her my wife... Never in a million years would i think she would think i look sad because i regret being with her. 

"Gorgeous...." I say letting out a sigh. "I dont look sad because i regret being with you..." I whisper. Pulling her closer into me if that is even possible as i feel my own tears starting to fall down my face... "I look sad because i dont get to call you my wife..." I whisper.

"What?!" She whispers pushing herself off of me a little so she can look at me... A look of utter shock on her face. "I want to marry you gorgeous..." I whisper. "No, you dont... you are only saying that because..." She says but again i cut her off kissing her. "

Gorgeous... I love you but please shut up..." I say caressing her face kissing her again... "I do want to marry you... I hate that people call you my girlfriend... because it just doesn't sound right... I want them to call you my wife... I want you to be Mrs. Evans.  I want you to be my wife because i love you so much... You are perfect and i can't imagine a life without you in it... I never loved someone the way i love you..." I whisper and i pull her into me again and i can feel her relax a bit. 

"I love you gorgeous... Please trust me on that..." I whisper and she holds on to me a little tighter. "Okay..." She mumbles and i let out a sigh of relief. "Look gorgeous i am not going to ask you to marry me today... but is getting married something you would want in the future?" I ask her as we are now talking about it why not ask just to make sure she wants it.  "I do want that... more than anything" She whispers and i smile. "Well, that is good to know..." I say softly kissing the top of her head. "I love you Chris... The thought of losing you just hurts... And it scares me..." She whispers and i make her look at me and smile before kissing her again. "You never have to worry about that gorgeous..." I whisper and kiss her again but this time passionately.

We lay there for a while neither one of us saying a word until Vera breaks the silence. "I am sorry for being such a mess..." She whispers and i sigh. "Stop apologizing gorgeous... You are not a mess..." I whisper. 

"I just couldn't stop my downward spiral today..." She whispers and i hug her tighter wishing i was able to take her pain away. "It's okay gorgeous... we all have those days..." I whisper. She sighs... "I think my hormones are not helping... my emotions are all over the place..." She mumbles and i chuckle. 

"I think that sometimes i have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that you chose me... that you love me..." She whispers... and my heart breaks again. 

"Dont be... I love you and i can't believe i got so lucky to have you in my life... You are perfect in every way and anyone who says different can go to hell... You are mine and mine alone and i am never letting you go... So just so you know you are stuck with me... no getting away from me ever again gorgeous... Never ever..." I say and she giggles and i let out a sigh of relief at that sound. 

"We should go to the hotel..." I whisper but she groans. "Can we just lay here for a few more minutes..." She whispers. "Okay a few more minutes..." I mumble. It is like Dodger knows the serious moment is over because he squeezes himself between us and Vera giggles. "Hey Bubba feeling left out..." I say stroking his head and Vera kisses the top of his head. And just like that the tension has lifted as Dodger is showing off making us both laugh as he demands attention. 

After a little while Vera goes to freshen up a bit and i go for a quick walk with Dodger before we go back to the hotel so we can just have a nice relaxing night. I just hope she is no longer doubting that i love her, but one good thing came out of this conversation for sure... She wants to marry me... Now all i had to do was get the perfect ring and find the perfect way to ask her officially... I smile thinking about marrying her our future life together... our little family... I couldn't wait to meet our babies and be a little family. Vera was going to be an amazing mom... I just knew it....

I walked back to the RV where Vera was waiting for me and i smiled taking her hand and leading her to the car. Dodger walking next to Vera like he always did... As much as i love Vera sometimes i think he loves her even more than me... 

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