Chapter 13

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Chris pov...

I hold Vera tight letting her cry after Scarlet and i both tried to change her mind about letting me go. I am feeling anxious... I dont want her to end it...  

Scarlet caught even me by surprise showing the list of people willing to back us up... I can't believe they are all willing to stick their necks out for me and Vera. The photo Scarlet showed made me smile as neither Vera nor i knew it had been taken. It was spontaneous and i loved the fact that we both were smiling like idiots...

I look at Scarlet and she looks at me as Vera still is in my arms crying. "I dont know what to think anymore..." Vera sighs. "I am so confused... Hurt... and conflicted..." Vera says between sobs. I cup her face and kiss her. "Please give us a chance... Come with me to Boston... It is quieter there...  We can move more freely there..." I look at Scarlet and she nods. 

"I think that is a good idea sweetie..." Scarlet says... "You can escape the madness here and you love Boston..." Scarlet says smiling at me knowing that will get a reaction from me. "You love Boston?" I ask Vera and she nods in my chest. "Only moved to New York for work..." Vera murmurs. I can feel her having trouble standing as she is tired and emotionally drained. So, i lift her up and walk to the living room followed by Scarlet who looks worried. I sit down on the couch with Vera in my arms and she murmurs something and i think she is saying that she is too heavy to be sitting in my lap but i won't let her move. 

Scarlet walks out and a after about 10 minutes she walks back in with a bowl with fruit. "Eat this Vera..." She says in a serious tone. Vera takes the bowl and eats the fruit. I smile happy that she is finally eating but i am also anxiously waiting for an answer. 

"Okay..." Vera whispers and both Scarlet and i look at her. "Okay?" I ask wanting conformation. She nods. "I can rent a place there..." She whispers and i chuckle. "Yeah... No..." I say kissing the top of her head. "I want you with me... Unless you really dont want that of course..." I say kissing the top of her head again. She cuddles into me more and i can see her eyes are getting heavy. "Okay." Vera murmurs and i let out a sigh of relief. 

I look at Scarlet and she looks at me smiling. When i look back at Vera she is asleep in my arms. "I am going to go home..." Scarlet says smiling at me. I nod and put Vera down on the couch and follow Scarlet to the front door. 

"Take care of her Chris... and let's keep in contact so we can have people put out statements..." Scarlet says as we stand by the front door. "I promise..." I say smiling. "Thank you for your help... I dont know what i would have done if i had lost her..." I say letting out a sigh. She smiles and kisses my cheek. 

"You deserve to be happy Chris and so does she and the way you look at each other even through all this proves that you make each other happy..." Scarlet says smiling. I smile back at her and hug her. She leaves and i close the door and walk back into the living room where Vera is still asleep. 

I have to admit even though we are not up for long i am tired to. It was an emotionally charged morning. I crawled beside Vera on the couch pulling her into me. She nuzzles into me and i smile for now we are alright...

The next day we are busy with making all the arrangements to drive back to Boston. She called her partners at the law firm she worked at taking some time off. I look at her worried when they seem to give her grief for it but to my surprise when it comes to them, she is tough and assertive. The woman who was yesterday emotionally drained and sad was nowhere in sight.

I look at them in awe as reads them the riot act and gets them to agree. When she hangs up i look at her and smile. "That was so hot." I say when i stand in front of her and kiss her below her ear. "Yeah, well when it comes to them i know how to handle and talk to them..." She says letting out a sigh. I wrap my arms around her, and she lays her head on my chest and we just stand there for a while. 

"I should probably go pack..." Vera murmurs and i kiss the top of her head before letting her go. "Need some help?" I ask. She shakes her head. "But you could keep me company while i run around the bedroom like a headless chicken..." She says smirking and i laugh. "I'll be right with you..." I say squeezing her ass before she walks off.

I call ma and hear Scott in the background. I tell her all that happened and that i am coming home and taking Vera with me. Ma puts me on speaker and Scott joins the conversation saying he can't wait to meet her. 

"I know you all are but i think it is best if we first settle in a bit and Vera gets some rest... The last few days have been draining on her and i just want her to relax a bit before throwing her into the chaos called our family..." I say hoping they will understand. The line goes silent for a bit and i am anxiously waiting for their reaction. Scott says he understands but i can hear the disappointment in his voice.  Ma is understanding and says to take our time and to not rush it.  I sigh happy with this reaction and after i hung up i went to the bedroom were Vera looks lost standing in front of her suitcase. 

I see she has only put some lingerie in the suitcase and i smirk closing it. "You are done... You dont need anything else..." I say laughing chuckling looking at her thinking about her walking around my house in nothing more than her lingerie. She looks at me with a twinkle in her eye.... "Really...?" She says smirking and i nod. "So, this is what you want me to wear when your friends of family come over... Or when i go grocery shopping... This is what you want me to wear... when we walk Dodger..." She says smirking as she steps closer and looks up at me. I groan as i had not thought of that and shake my head... "No this...." I say roaming my hand all over her body "Is only for my eyes... All Mine..." I growl a little bit more possessive as i would have liked before kissing her hard and she smiles into the kiss.

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