Chapter 38

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Vera pov

I wake up after an amazing night, but Chris is not in bed. I sit up and look around and then Chris walks in the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist smiling at me. "Go shower gorgeous... Scarlet is on her way with breakfast..." He says before giving me a quick kiss. I nod and get out of bed and take a shower... When i get dressed i can hear the doorbell and Chris and Scarlet talking. 

I get dressed and walk into the kitchen were Chris and Scarlet are unpacking the food. But something smells off and before i can even say anything i run towards the bathroom throwing up. I can hear Chris walk in and like every time he holds my hair and rubs my back. 

When i am done i sigh. "Sorry the smell of breakfast set me off..." I murmur and Chris looks at me worried. "Do you want me to get rid of it?" He asks but i shake my head... "No... But can you bring me some toast in here and I'll eat here... I know it is rude but i am really hungry and i can't stand the smell of whatever Scarlet brought..." I say blushing. 

Chris smiles and kisses my forehead. "Okay gorgeous... I'll be right back and i will make sure the kitchen is aired out before you come back in..." He says and smiles at me helping me off the floor before leaving. 

About 20 minutes later Chris walks back into the bedroom and i smile as he brought me toast and 2 boiled eggs. I eat and i hum as my stomach finally stops protesting. 

About an hour later i make my way into the kitchen and Scarlet smirks at me. "Your save... we have aired the kitchen out." She says and i blush. The doorbell rings and Chris yells that he will go open the door and a few minutes later all sorts of people walk in. All i can do is point at stuff i want packed as Chris has me sat down on a chair not wanting me to lift a finger. My most prized possessions will be in our car... as i dont want to take any chances... 

About 5 hours later everything is in the truck and our car. Scarlet kisses my cheek and says she will wait in the car. "Can i have a minute alone..." I ask Chris and he smiles nodding kissing me before walking out closing the front door behind him. 

Although i am excited for my next chapter i can't help but feel a little sad and overwhelmed. Although this house didn't feel like home anymore i had some amazing memories here. I walked around and looked at my empty bedroom. My clothes were gone so was my bed... I just walked around and said goodbye... which was ridiculous because it was not like i never was going to come here again... 

I thought about my first night here when i cried my eyes out because all i wanted was for my dad to come back... That didn't last long... I thought about the dance parties and game nights... I thought about grandma teaching me to use make up and make cocktails....  I thought of the time my grandpa and i got home after grandma's funeral... Both of us tired and emotional and we sat on the couch not saying a word... My dad never even showed up... My grandpa looked so lost and i had to go back to school the next day... 

I made the drive every weekend like i had the last few weeks... I had always planned on staying at Boston after school, but that plan changed after my grandma's death... I never told my grandpa because he would have forced me to go... I smiled... Well i am finally following through, with a few tweaks to the plan that is....

I should probably leave but my feet were glued to the floor. I dont know what all of sudden I sat down on the couch and looked around. "I am sorry for leaving this place..." I murmured as if my grandparents could hear me. "But it is time..." I whispered. I stayed quiet as if i was waiting for a response. Totally caught up in my own world i hadn't hear the front door open and Chris walking in. 

I only noticed him as he sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him. "It is okay to feel sad about leaving gorgeous..." Chris whispered kissing the top of my head. "It is even okay to have doubts..." He whispers. "I dont have doubts about going to Boston...and living with you..." I whisper. "There are just so many memories here and i am scared i will forget about them..." I say letting out a sigh. We sit there for a few more minutes my head on Chris his shoulder. I take deep breath and lift my head and look up at Chris. "Please take me home..." I whisper and he smiles standing up and holding out his hand for me to take and he pulls me up. He cups my face and kisses me passionately. 

"Let's go home..." He murmurs and takes my hand walking me outside. Scarlet smiles as Chris opens the front door for me and i sit down. She rubs my arm and i look at her smiling. "The truck already left?" I ask her as Chris walks around the car. "Yeah, they will take longer to get there so we told them to go..." Scarlet explained and i nodded.

Chris takes off and i listen to Scarlet and Chris joke and laugh with a smile on my face. But i feel so tired... but i can't sleep... I am too tired to sleep if that makes sense... I am also hungry... I ask if we can stop for something to eat seeing as it is almost dinner time... Chris nods and a few miles further down we stop at this little diner. We sit down to order some food and eat and after that we get back on the road. I asked Scarlet if she would mind changing seat so i could lie down and while i listened to Chris and Scarlets banter i doze off. 

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