Chapter 99

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Chris pov...

"There is family here to see you..." A nurse says smiling and i look at Vera who nods as she is holding the new additions to the Evans family... I tell the nurse that it is okay, and she can tell them to come in...

We had our babies... We had them through a c-section again a planned one this time and everything went well both babies are healthy and happy... Vera did amazing... She has already fed them, and they are perfect...

The door opens and the whole family comes in smiling at the little bundles in Vera's arms. Nova and Ava look at the babies smiling and giggling but they dont really understand yet, but you can see they are very interested and gentle when Scott and Shanna put them on the bed next to Vera.  After they all have had a look and said hello to Vera, they are all looking at us expectingly. Both Vera and i chuckle. "Something wrong?" I ask smirking. "Oh, for the love of god just tell us..." Scott says rolling his eyes. 

"I want you to meet... Sky and Star Evans" I say smiling and they all gasp and squeal a little. "Girls..." Ma says with tears in her eyes and i nod smiling. "Omg you are going to be in so much trouble..." Scott says laughing and i roll my eyes. "Wauw 4 girls..." Carly says smirking now they all look at me smirking and i just shake my head and Vera just giggles. 

After an hour of poking fun at me they all leave taking Nova and Ava with them. The girls are staying at ma's until we are allowed to go back home. "Sorry i ruined your interview..." Vera says blushing and i lean in and kiss her. "Dont be silly... No sorry needed this is way more important than any interview ever..."  I say and she smiles and i take the girls from her to put them in their cribs so Vera could get some sleep.

A few days later we arrive home, and ma and Scott bring over the girls and Dodger. The next few weeks are exhausting... But it is amazing. I love my girls so much... Vera is amazing, and nothing brings me more joy than seeing all my girls in bed napping. 

A few weeks after they were born i had an interview with Jimmy Fallon over zoom so i could stay home. I didn't want to make the trip to New York and leave Vera and the girls. Nobody knew yet that we had another set of twins... So, Vera and i discussed it and decided to show them once on a surprise so we could go out with them. 

"So, you told me earlier you had a surprise..." Jimmy says smiling and i nod and Vera hands me Sky.... "WHAT!!!" He yells jumping up and down and i laugh... Then Vera sits beside me with Star, and he yells even harder. "TWINS... AGAIN..." He yells and we both laugh nodding. I look at Vera and she smiles. "I want you to meet Sky and Star Evans..." I say smiling and one of the girls starts to wake up and everybody aaahws...

Jimmy asks a hundred questions... And we answer what we want to answer. All of a sudden i hear crying coming from Ava's and Nova's room and i hand Sky over to Vera who looks at me with big eyes as i quickly leave to get the girls. I walk back with both of them and smile as Vera is telling Jimmy about how the oldest girls reacted at the new additions to our family... I sit down and Nova and Ava still wiping the sleep from their eyes. 

They study Jimmy... Jimmy makes the 4 girl's comments everyone is making and i sigh shaking my head joking back that i already see gray hairs when i look in the mirror and Vera starts laughing... but then turns serious 

"Dont tease Jimmy he is already been told so many times he is in trouble..." Jimmy laughs. "But in all fairness, he is an amazing dad and i know he is getting a bit frustrated about all the comments about how disappointed he must be about not having a boy..." Vera says and i smile at her because it is true i asked my brother and sisters to stop because it felt like i should be disappointed because i had 4 girls... They all apologized saying they didn't mean it like that and i knew that, but it felt weird because i begun starting to feel like i shouldn't be happy with my girls...  Jimmy nods and says he can understand because he is also a girl dad... "Girls are the best..." Jimmy says smiling and i nod in agreement. 

After talking for a bit with Jimmy we ended the interview and after i had put the oldest girls in the play area i helped Vera feeding the youngest set of twins. Unlike the last time Vera wasn't having enough milk to feed them so we did both breastfeeding and formula. She had really struggled with it but finally had given in because the girls were not getting enough to eat... 

After i was done helping Vera feed the little ones i went to make dinner for Ava and Nova... We were now on a tight schedule because otherwise chaos would decent and let's be honest with 4 little ones, we needed to otherwise we would go crazy... 

"The little ones are sleeping..." Vera says wrapping her arms around me hugging me from behind as i am making dinner. I smile and pull her in front of me and kiss her passionately. "You are such an amazing mom..." I whisper and she blushes but hugs me tight and lets out a sigh. "Thank you..." She whispers and i smile. "Were you ever disappointed for not having a boy..." She murmurs and i scoff. "No never..." I say and she looks up at me. I lean down and kiss her again. 

"Girls are amazing and i can do with the girls everything i could do with boys as long as they like doing it... If they are interested in sports and that kind of stuff that is amazing and i am all there for it... But if they want tea parties and princess parties i will be there for that to... Whatever they want to do i am there for it... I want them to be happy... I dont want them to think they can't do something because they are girls... I want them to be strong and confident and not afraid to stand up for themselves..." I say and Vera smiles. "And that is why i love you so much..." She whispers and pulls me in for another kiss. 

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