Chapter 36

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Chris pov...

As we walked to the car Vera smiled... The most beautiful smile ever... I looked at her and asked why she was smiling, and she pulled on my hand and kissed me... A kiss i wished could last forever. She told me about the guy in the bushes... but that she didn't care anymore. She jokes about the fact that the guy is hiding thinking we wouldn't see and i kiss her again pushing her against the car giving them a little show and Vera just smiles letting out a little moan... as she kisses me back our tongues doing their dance... If you listened closely, you could hear the shutters of the camera...

Once in the car i kiss her again and she tells me to take her to the house... not home but the house... Over the last week i started to notice that she kept referring to Boston as home and that made my heart burst of joy... I would have given up my life in Boston for her i really would... She would have been worth it...  It was still close enough to my family to make the drive over... But she was adamant... She loved Boston she wanted to life in Boston...

I couldn't believe that this was my life now... So filled with love and happiness... I had the most gorgeous... sweet and caring woman... She was pregnant with my babies and moving in with me... In Boston because she didn't want to take me away from my family... She wanted our babies to grow up around family... She wanted that family life that she never got from her own parents... She wanted me... With everything that came with me... I never thought i wanted someone who molded their life to mine and yet when she told me she was quitting and wanted to move in with me in Boston i couldn't be happier. 

I understood now... She wasn't giving anything up or just accepting everything... She was willing to make a life for us both and looked at the options and figured out what the best one was for us... She still wanted her independence she made it clear that if she wanted to work, she was going to... She wanted to contribute to the household not by being a mere housewife... or stay at home mom... She wanted what her grandparents had... unconditional love... and i was planning on giving it to her whatever it took... 

When she told me the other day about her growing up my heart broke... I just couldn't imagine a mother who didn't want her daughter or a father just dumping her on his parents because she had become an inconvenience to him... I hated this man from the depth of my soul... To abandon a little girl... Although at loving grandparents but nevertheless he abandoned her... He abandoned her after she already had been abandoned by her mother... If you could call her that. 

The only time when her dad showed interest was when the will came in play... and in a time she should grief the death of the only person who loved her... Who was there for her always... She had to deal with him... 

But the way she talked about her grandparents the look of love for them in her life the funny stories of these characters who made her into the woman she was today. God i wished i had known them... But when packing up her stuff we also packed up their ashes... She had asked if i was okay with that... bringing them with her... 

She had this little shrine in the kitchen which she called the heart of the house when they were alive... She said that one day she was going to scatter their ashes... but she wasn't ready yet... I had no problem with it at all... If she needed to take them with her to Boston than they were coming to Boston, and we would make a little shrine for them in our home...

We arrived home and after i opened the car door for her i took her hand and we went inside. I closed the door and Vera pulled me in for a kiss. "I love you so much..." She whispered and i smiled pulling her into another kiss. I smiled as she moaned into the kiss. "I love you too gorgeous... I love you so much that sometimes i think my heart is going to explode..."

I slowly unzipped the back of her dress making it drop to the floor and i sighed at the beautiful half naked woman standing in front of me. She looked absolutely ravishing in the pink laced lingerie set... I took a small step back and let my eyes roam her body and she just smiled at me... I ran my hand over her body wanting to feel every soft curve... 

She closed her eyes giving into my touch... I could see the goose bumps appear on her skin and i smiled... She is so reactive to my touch... I love it... I love the effect i have on her... I love the effect she has on me... because right now only by touching her and looking at her i am hard... Rock hard... almost painfully hard...

I take her hand and place it on my dick the only thing between her skin and mine is my jeans... and i groan as i feel her fingers trace my outlining... making my dick twitch in my pants... 

"Do you feel the effect you have on me gorgeous..." I hummed my free hand cupping her face pulling her closer and i kissed her. "You have me hard by just looking at you... As i touch your soft skin the only thing i can think off is kissing it all over..." I whisper as my lips hover over hers. She moans... "Then why dont you..." She whispers and i growl at her words... "Dont you worry gorgeous... i am going to worship you like the goddess you are...." I hummed before kissing her passionately...

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