Chapter 77

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Chris pov...

We are back home after a week in New York.  It was amazing. We had dinner with Scott in Vera's favorite restaurant. She was apparently a frequent visitor because she knew everyone there.  The owner's father was friends with her grandparents. It was amazing the food was to die for and the people working there amazing. They even had bought us a gift for the girls. Which was so sweet and thoughtful. 

The next day Scott went home again and Vera and i spend the day in our suite just relaxing. We did some more shopping for the girls and i was wondering if we would be able to get it all in the car to take home. 

We had our brunch with Scarlet, Colin, Seb and Mackie before going on the road and it was hilarious. It was an amazing week. Vera and i were good. We had finally talked about ma, and she told me about her fears and worries. I assured her that i was never taking the girls from her no matter what. We talked about the fact i was going to talk to ma when we got back. Vera wouldn't be there... We didn't want to take the risk of her having too much stress about it but i promised her to tell her the truth about what ma would say. 

I drove to Carly to pick up Dodger and Vera was going to take a nap after being tired from the drive home. 

I smiled as the kids came running up to me hugging me before Dodger stormed over. Carly appeared smiling and told the kids to take Dodger into the yard because she needed to talk to me. I looked at her worried. 

"It is about ma..." She said and i let out a sigh. "I am going to talk to her tomorrow..." I said and she nodded. "There is something you should know... It explains why she is like this all of a sudden... Now before i tell you... We already chewed her out for it and explained what we knew... but you probably know more..." She said looking at me serious. I nodded and i could feel myself getting anxious. 

"So, the other day we talked about mom asking her why she all of a sudden was so hostile towards Vera because we were sick of it, and we wanted to warn her that she is risking to never see the girls if she keeps this up..." I sigh and nod. "I was waiting for the conversation tomorrow but going no contact with ma at least for the pregnancy had come to mind. " I confess to Carly, and she nods. 

"We would understand... but before you do... The other day we were all having dinner at ma like i said... and her phone rang..." Carly said pausing and i could see she was finding it hard to tell me... But she took a deep breath and continued.

"Chris... She has been in contact with Vera's father... He has been filling her head with lies which basically comes down to one thing... Vera is using you..." Carly says letting out a sigh. 

"You guys do know it is a lie, dont you?" I say with panic in my voice and i feel it is getting harder to breath. "Yes of course Chris, we know it is a lie... I mean Vera told us some things about her parents or the absence of them... Colin told us some bits and pieces about what happened with her dad when her grandfather passed... Ma did not know these things and well the guy got into her head... " Carly says looking at me worried and i took a few deep breaths to calm myself.

"He called Vera some time ago and went off about the fact that he had to find out through the news that we had gotten married... and that seeing as she was no longer living in the house in New York that she had to give it to him..." I said letting out a sigh. 

"Well from what i understood... After Vera moved to Boston and in with you... Her father contacted ma... We dont know how he knew but we think that after the pictures had appeared he has been keeping tabs on her..." Carly said. 

"He called ma at first with some sob story how she scammed him out of his inheritance and to be careful and make sure to protect you... At first, she just brushed it off but then you guys got married all of a sudden and when that news came out... Well, he turned it up a notch... Again, i dont know it all... Ma was pretty much all over the place... He pretty much manipulated her... Saying that... First, she got pregnant... moved in and all of a sudden you 2 got married... And that it was all part of Vera's master plan..." Carly said and i let out a sigh not knowing what to do with this information. 

"Why didn't she come to me... Or to Vera to talk about it... Vera has paperwork to proof she got the inheritance all fair and square... She even kept records of everything he did... She is a lawyer for Christ's sake... Collecting and keeping evidence and documents is what they do..." I said throwing my hands up in the air. "Not to mention that she has her own money... pays her part of the bills at her request and the credit card i had given her she hasn't even used once..." I say shaking my head. "She even started about a prenup in New York to ease ma's mind..." I said raising my voice and had to take another few deep breaths to calm myself again.

"You have to ask her yourself... Like i said she shut down... and couldn't stop crying. She is scared she has lost you..." Carly said. "Chris... We get that she caused you and especially Vera a lot of stress... But please think about it before you cut her off... She was manipulated... Again, i am not saying to let her off the hook because i agree she could have come to you... or Vera... But keep it in mind..." Carly said and i sighed. 

"Has she at least cut contact..." I asked and Carly shrugged her shoulders... "I really dont know you have to ask her yourself... I dont know every detail but i just wanted you to know before it got even more out of hand... I want to be able to come together like we always did..." Carly says and i nod. 

"I can't make promises Carly..." I say letting out a sigh. "What i can promise i am going to talk to ma tomorrow and will talk to Vera tonight... but the fact that she didn't came to me or Vera with this when he called... She never heard Vera's side of the story..." I said letting out a deep sigh. "My first priority is Vera and my girls now... and ma put her through a lot... She is scared... and yet is always pushing me to contact ma... Because she wants that family, she never had..." I said and Carly nodded. "I understand..." She said and i pulled her into a hug. 

"I am sure it will be okay..." I said letting out a sigh... "It just needs a little time..."

I said my goodbye to Carly and the kids and took Dodger home thinking about how i was ever going to tell Vera this... But i promised so i had to... and i have to before my talk with ma...

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