Chapter 50

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Vera pov...

Chris was having a few days off after today and because i had been a lot to handle the last few weeks. I had called Seb and Mackie and they had flown in to surprise him with a night out.  My ankle was feeling better so i made my way to set to tell Chris i was going out for a bit. I was going to pick up Mackie and Seb from the airport... But i was going to tell Chris i was going to do some errands.  

I smile as i see him working going over things with the director and then the scene starts. I look at the whole thing smiling as he gets into character and is just a whole different person. The director yells cut, and Chris looks up and sees me. He smiles and walks over to me kissing my cheek. "Hey gorgeous... Coming to see me in action." He says smirking. I kiss him again and chuckle. "I came over to tell you i am going to do some errands... and maybe check out the bookstore." I said smiling. "Okay... Just be careful, okay?" He says looking at me worried and puts his hand on my growing belly. I chuckle. "Dodger is in the RV so no tripping over him... Dont worry. I promise to be careful..." I say smiling as he kisses my belly.

I smile and kiss him goodbye and make my way to the car. I drive to the airport and wait at the spot we had said we would meet. I had met them before but mostly at a party or two at Scarlet and Colin... We got along... But never hung out just outside of that so i was a little nervous. I also hoped that Chris liked the surprise and i hadn't called them in for nothing. They would be staying with us in the hotel in the two-bedroom suite next to ours. I had decided against letting them stay in the other bedroom in our suite because one... I was enjoying my privacy... and two i dont think they were willing to share a bed and 3 I dont know if they were single or not but i didn't want the drama of girls coming over in Chris and mine's suite. 

I smiled as i saw Seb and Mackie walking towards me and they both waved. I had to wait as they took some pictures with fans before making their way over to me. "Well would you look at that..." Seb said smiling being the first to pull me into a hug. "You are glowing..." Seb said and i blushed. "Stop claiming her and let me have a hug..." Mackie said and i laughed as he pulled me away and hugged me. "Looking good momma..." He said and i chuckled. They knew i was pregnant because when i told them about wanting to surprise Chris i had let it slip. 

"Let's get in the car and then we can go to set... Before we go to the hotel... You can stay with me in the RV..." I said smirking and they both chuckled. We arrived at the set and after i parked the car we walked to where Chris was filming. Nobody stopped me from bringing them on set... Not even security stopped me. Chris looked over to me and he looked utter confused and i grinned. "Look at that we can see his face..." Mackie joked and i sighed. "Yeah..." I said sounding a bit sad and they both laughed. 

When Chris finally had a break, he walked over to us smiling. "Well look what the cat dragged in..." He said hugging them both. "Hey that is no way to speak about the mother of your babies..." Seb said and Chris looked shocked. "Sorry it slipped..." I said blushing. "You got them here?" Chris asked me and i nodded. "Surprise!" I said and he chuckled before kissing me. 

"Seeing as you have a few days off... I thought it was nice to have a night out with the boys..." I said smiling. "I think you deserve it..." I said smirking. He grinned at me and kissed me again. "Thank you gorgeous..." He whispered smiling. "Your welcome baby..." I said smiling. 

Chris had to get back to filming and i took Mackie and Seb back with me to the RV where they were greeted by Dodger. "I have made reservations for dinner at the hotel restaurant first... I thought it was nice to have dinner first before you guys go out..." I said smiling. "You are not coming with us tonight?" Seb asked and i shook my head. "No i want Chris to have a nice stress-free night without having to worry about me..." I said smiling "Besides i get tired by just thinking about it..." I said blushing. 

Hanging out with Seb and Mackie was easy... They were funny and just overall really nice. When Chris was done for the day, we went to the hotel and after we all got changed went down to the restaurant. We had a lovely dinner and i smiled as i saw Chris in his element. Seeing him smile and have fun made me happy. 

The stories were so funny from the days they were all filming for Marvel. Mackie and Seb told me all sorts of embarrassing stories about Chris on set and i couldn't help but chuckle at them as Chris blushed or rolled his eyes. 

"Are you really sure you will be okay tonight?" Chris asked for the thousands time and i rolled my eyes. "Yesssss... Go have fun... Me and Dodger will be fine..." I said smiling at him after he had kissed me again. "Come on Evans it is time to go..." Mackie said getting restless. I kissed Chris again and he told me he had his phone with him so i could call him whenever. I rolled my eyes again. "I will not be calling you are going to have fun... I see you when you get back..." I said kissed him again and pushed him towards Seb and Mackie. 

I watched them walk off and made my way upstairs. I took a long shower and then crawled into bed with Dodger cuddling up. I smiled as Chris sent me a picture of the 3 of them in some bar. He really deserved this and i was happy he could blow off some steam. Was i anxious about other women being there... After everything what happened over the last weeks... No i could honestly say i was not... I trusted him. 

I started to read in my book but soon i fell asleep...

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