Chapter 97

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Chris pov...

"Is this real?" I ask with tears in my eyes. Vera smiles and nods. In the box is a positive pregnancy test. "Are you sure..." I ask her and she pulls out 3 more and puts them in front of me... "I am pretty sure..." She whispers and i smile standing up and i walk over to her and kneel in front of her and kiss her. "We are having another baby..." I whisper and she nods with tears in her eyes and i kiss her again. "I made an appointment for tomorrow with the doctor..." She whispered and i smiled kissing her again. 

"Good thing i have a day off than..." I said smiling and she giggled. "I knew that..." She whispered and i smiled. I kiss her again. "When did you find out?" I ask her and she smiles. "This morning... when i started throwing up..." She says with the biggest smile on her face. I chuckle... Never have i seen someone be so happy to be throwing up. 

"I had suspected something... when i missed my last period... but i took a test than and it was negative..." She whispered and i sighed. "Why didn't you tell me gorgeous..." I said and she shook her head... "There was nothing to tell... I didn't want to disappoint you..." She said and i sighed again. "Gorgeous... You shouldn't have gone through that alone..." I said cupping her face and she blushed. "It's okay... It doesn't matter anymore..." She said smiling and pulled me in for another kiss. 

"How are you feeling now?" I whisper and she smiles... "I am feeling good..." She said smiling and i put my hands on her stomach. "Another baby..." I whispered smiling. "You stay seated and ill clean up and after that we can just relax..." She nodded and smiled as i quickly cleaned up. 

She giggled as i lifted her up from the chair and carried her to the living room and put her down on the couch... "You know i can walk right?" She said smirking as i sat beside her and pulled her with me so that we now were cuddled up and comfortable lying down. 

The rest of the evening was spent cuddled up to each other on the couch talking everything through. We decided to wait with telling anyone. We talked about our appointment tomorrow which was really early before opening hours so we would have some more privacy. Vera wanted to keep it a bit more private this time and i wanted that to... With everything that had happened the last time i totally understood.... But my heart broke a little when she told me she didn't want to have a gender reveal and just wanted to find out and then have it be a surprise for everyone when the baby was born. 

We went to bed early and i pulled her close... and she let out a little sigh. "You are always so comfortable..." She whispered and i smiled. "So soft..." She murmured and i chuckled. "I love you gorgeous..." I whispered but there was no answer... She was already asleep. 

The next morning, we drove to the doctor's office.  We were both a bit nervous but excited. The doctor greets us, and we sit down. We go through the whole process of another test to make sure and to talk everything over the doctor does some examinations and then it is finally time for the ultrasound. I can't wait to see our baby...

"Question... Does twins run in either side of your family..." The doctor says still studying the screen and i look at Vera who looks back at me with big eyes... "Not on my side..." I say and Vera blushes... "I dont know..." She says barely audible... "Not on my dad's side... but i dont know anything about my mother's side of my family..." She says softly. 

"Well i hope you guys are ready because the family will get a lot bigger..." The doctor says smiling. "It is twins... again..." Vera says with a hint of panic in her voice but with a smile on her face. She looks at me and i smile at her kissing her hand. "2 babies..." I say smiling and i stand up and kiss her. 

The doctor makes some print outs and the gives them to us together with the ultrasound video. We walk back to the car and i grab Vera's hand pulling her into me and wrap my arm around her pulling her into my side kissing the top of her head. "Are you okay?" I ask her and she looks up at me smiling. "I'll be fine... Just have to wrap my head around it that we are having twins again..." She says and i chuckle. 

"Are you happy?" She asks me blushing, as we reach the car. I stop and pull her in front of me and i cup her face kissing her passionately. "I am over the moon..." I whisper after we break the kiss. She smiles and kisses me again... 

We drive to our favorite diner to have breakfast together and i smile as Vera looks over the menu not knowing what to order. She finally decides and when the waitress brings us our food, she digs in. 

"Would you be upset if its two girls again..." Vera asks out of the blue and i look at her a little surprised. I shake my head. "No of course not... as long as they are healthy i dont care." I say smiling and she smiles back at me and for a moment i think i see relief washing over her. I take her hand in mine. "Gorgeous... I really dont care... I will go grey a bit quicker... but..." I say and Vera starts laughing cutting me off... "Newsflash honey... You already turning grey..." She whispers squeezing my hand a little bit with a smirk on her face. "I am not..." I say pouting and she giggles.  

"Have you thought about when you want to tell the family..." I ask her. "Well i am 10 weeks now... Can we at least wait until we are over the 12 weeks..." She asks me and i nod. "Gorgeous i will wait with telling the family as long as you want..." I say and she smiles at me. 

After breakfast we drive to ma to pick up the girls and i have to admit it is harder than i thought it would be to keep it a secret. We stay for a while before we load the girls in the car and go to pick up Dodger. We arrive home with our 3 babies and i smile as the girls run into the house to their toys followed closely by Dodger. You can see he has missed them, and he won't leave their side watching over them as they play.

I stay with the girls while Vera is going to take a nap and after a while i put the girls down for theirs and join Vera in bed cuddling into her. I am not really tired, but it is nice lying in bed with her rubbing her belly while she is asleep... 

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