Chapter 79

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Chris pov...

I walk out of the bedroom and into the living room where Vera is cuddled up on the couch with Dodger. "Are you sure i dont have to come along?" She asks looking up at me. I lean over her and kiss her. "No gorgeous... No stress... remember... I promise i will tell you everything when i get back..." I say giving her a little smile. "Okay... But promise me you will keep calm... She is your mom..." She says and pulls me in for another kiss. "I know gorgeous but i do think i have to set clear boundaries..." I say and she nods. I kiss her again. "Take good care of mommy..." I say to Dodger giving him a scratch behind his ear. 

"Can you bring me subway on your way back..." Vera says pouting and i chuckle. "Sure..." I say smiling kissing her again. "Just text me what you want, and I'll get it on my way back." I kiss her one last time and walk out and to my car making my way to ma's house.

I sit in the car on the driveway taking a moment to gather my thoughts. My phone dings and i smile as i see a text from Vera. It is a picture of her and Dodger with an we love you and i can't help but smile. 

I get out the car and walk to the front door. I take a deep breath and walk in. "Ma" I say loudly, and she appears from the kitchen. "Hi..." She says in a whisper and i can see she is on the verge of tears. I sigh and walk over to her and wrap my arms around her and pull her in for a hug... I know we need to talk but seeing my mother cry hurts and i missed her. 

I sit her down at the dinner table in the kitchen and make her some tea to have her calm down as she is crying. But i keep telling myself that we really need to talk because we are not going to just pretend like this didn't all happen. I put the cup of tea in front of her and sat down. "You look good..." She said and i sigh. "Really ma... That is it?  You look good...?" I say looking at her. 

She sighs. "No that is not it... I owe you and Vera an apology... I let her father get in my head and i should have talked to you and or Vera about it..." She says letting out a sigh. "Yeah... you should... Did not one fiber in your body thought... Hmmm maybe there is a reason Vera has no contact with him... You know she grew up with her grandparents..." I say looking at her and ma sighs again which gets annoying. 

"Let me ask you this... Before he contacted you... Did you have the same idea about Vera?" I ask and she shakes her head. "No i like Vera..." She says looking at me. I scoff. "Well, you could have fooled me..." I say rolling my eyes. "That is not fair Chris..." She says and i loose it. 

"Do you know what is not fair... you, believing that idiot over my wife... Making her upset... Saying those things about her without even asking for her side first. She has nothing been nothing but nice to you... She told you she loved you... and you go and go and say that you are not sure about her..." I say throwing all my frustrations out there. 

"You hurt her so much that she had a panic attack and was on the brink of leaving me...  You hurt me by not trusting my judgement... Like i am some sort of little kid... Dont you think Vera and i talked about everything before moving in together..." I said and ma looked at her fingers.  

"She was the one that was adamant on paying her fair share... We decided together that she would not be working right now... Especially now that she is pregnant with twins.... And still, she pays bills... Because she had a good job and saved... Not to mention a big inheritance... I gave her a credit card to use when we moved in together and she hasn't used it once..." I said taking a deep breath as i was on a rant...

"She stopped working because neither one of us want our kids growing up raised by strangers... She wants the girls to have the family life she never had... Two loving parents and a grandparent for the fun things... instead of raising them like her grandparents had done... Do you know she is actually scared that you are going to try and convince me to get divorced and take the girls from her..." I said and ma looked at me shocked. 

"What... I would never... I know i said some pretty inexcusable things... But i would never take the girls away from their mother... and i know i was out of line but her father got in my head... At first i ignored it... Than out of the blue you two decide to get married and i just... I dont know... You are my son and with your life in the spotlights and the fame and the money... It attracts certain sort of people... I am so sorry... I dont know what came over me and i get that it takes time to forgive me... but please it will not happen again. I love Vera i really do..." She says and i let out a sigh. 

"Yeah, that is the most annoying thing... I know you love her and i know you acted out of love for me, but it doesn't make it hurt less... You are lucky Vera is the forgiving type... I do have on key question though." I said and i took a deep breath. 

"What?" Ma said. "Are you still in contact with the asshole...?"  I ask and she shakes her head. "I blocked him..." She said softly. "Good... Because i will tell you this... if you have contact with him again it is done... I will go no contact... We dont need that drama in our life... If you talk about Vera like that again without merit... We are done..." I say making it very clear i am drawing a line.  

She looks at me shocked and i sigh. "Ma i love you... I am so grateful for everything you raised me to be the man i am today... But Vera is the love of my life... She and the girls are my number one priority now..." I say and she nods. "I understand..." Ma says. "Would it be okay if i come over to apologize to Vera... How is she doing?"  Ma asked and i smile. 

"She and the girls are doing good... She has to avoid stress, but she is doing great. You should see her waddle around the house it is so adorable... She is getting bigger every day and the girls are kicking a lot... It is amazing..." I say with a big smile on my face, but that smile disappears as i see her face in pain for having missed so much and although it was her own doing. 

I pull out my phone and text Vera. 

"Hey gorgeous... Would it be okay if ma comes to see you... You can say no if you dont want to... I would totally understand if you wouldn't want to... Love you...😘"

A few seconds later a message comes back.

"No of course not... take her with you and we can have dinner together tonight and spend some time together... Ill cook... I love you to 😘... Just dont forget my Subway...🥺🤣"

I chuckled and looked at ma and smile. "Get your stuff together Vera says to bring you over and she will make dinner tonight... i have to make a quick stop first at subway..." I say smirking and ma looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Really she wants me to come over...?" She says and i nod... Ma hurry's and gets her purse and after she has locked up the house... We drive to my place... But not before making a quick stop at Subway...

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