Chapter 89

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Vera pov...

I was walking around the supermarket with Ava and Nova in the stroller. Chris was having a meeting at home with Mark. He had forgotten some things yesterday with the groceries so i took the girls with me. This was the first time i was out with them alone. They were cooing to each other and i smile. After getting everything i need i pay and make my way out. 

I walk outside and Ava drops something. I stop to pick it up and when i stand back up i look to the car and my heart sinks... Leaning against the car is a man... And i recognize him immediately... It is my father... He may be older... But it is him...

I panic and turn around walking into the little boutique next to the supermarket. With my hands shaking i pull out my phone and hope that my father had not seen me and not followed me in here. 

I try to stay calm as i call Chris. I know he is in his meeting but i dont know what else to do... The phone rings... one time... two times... "Come on... pick up..." I mumble feeling more panicked by the minute... 3 times... 

"Hey gorgeous..." Chris says sounding distracted. "Chris..." I say in a small voice. "Gorgeous... what is wrong?" He asks and i can hear he is focused on me now. "Can you please come pick me up..." I whisper looking around me hoping i am still alone and he is not here. 

"Why what is wrong gorgeous..." He says and i can't stop the tears anymore. "I came out of the supermarket, and he was waiting by my car..." I whisper. "Who was?" He asks. "My father..." I whisper as i try to keep it together. "Where are you now?" He asks. "In the boutique next door..." I whisper. "Okay stay where you are i am coming right now... Dont go to the car but stay inside... And keep on the line with me, okay?" He says and i can hear him start the car. "Okay..." I say sobbing... 

I watch outside and to my relief he is still standing against my car... "He must not have seen me yet..." I say trying to calm my nerves. The girls are oblivious just caught up in each other and their stuffed bunny's. "Mark and i are on the way gorgeous just stay where you are..." He says and i take a deep breath. "It is going to be okay gorgeous... I promise... Just breath..." He says in a calm voice. "We are almost there..." 

10 minutes later I see Chris his car pulls up. Chris and Mark get out of the car... and walk into the boutique and i let out a sigh of relief. Chris pulls me in his arms and i cry... "Where is your car parked..." Chris asks and i point. He looks outside and sighs. "Is he still there...?"  I ask and Chris nods letting out another sigh. 

"You take Vera and the kids home... Ill drive Vera's car home so he gets confused as he doesn't know me..." Mark says and takes my keys from Chris who agrees. 

"You guys go first..." Mark says and Chris nods. "We will wait for you at the gas station..." Chris says. He takes the stroller from me where the girls oblivious to it all are asleep now. "Thank you..." I whisper to Mark, and he smiles. Out of sight of my father we put the girls in their seats and Chris opens the car door for me to get in. 

He walks around the car and gets in and after he nods at Mark he drives off. I watch Mark walk up to my car while Chris slowly drives away and i see him talking to my father. I shudder as i see the evil grin on my face and Mark showing him the keys. I watch it until i can't watch it anymore and suddenly start to shake as the adrenaline wears off. I feel Chris taking my hand as he drives to the gas station. "It is okay gorgeous... You did good..." Chris says and i look at him. "What does he want... Why can't he leave us alone..." I say letting out a sigh. "I dont want him near our girls... I dont want anything to do with him..." I say and Chris squeezes my hand.

We pull into the gas station and park waiting for Mark. I look in the back and let out a sigh as they are still asleep. We sit there for about half an hour and i am getting anxious but finally Mark pulls up in my car. We get out of the car and Mark walks over to us. 

"Well, your dad is a piece of work... I couldn't convince him it was my car because he had seen you get out and walk into the supermarket..." Mark letting out a sigh. "I recorded the conversation... just in case..." Mark says, and he plays the recording. I cringe hearing my father's voice. He sounds agitated at the fact he doesn't get to speak to me. 

He is rambling talking about how he wants to meet his granddaughters... How he wants to talk to me... To Chris... That i need to give him the house in New York since i am living in Boston now... And if i not give him the house... Then i need to give him money for it... That i owe him that... 

He goes from begging to be part of my family to cursing me out... Telling Mark i am a little stuck-up bitch... That i am no good... That he feels sorry for Chris for having to put up with me... That i probably tricked Chris... That he always knew i was no good and that the day he dumped me at his parents was the best day of his life... But that he had the right to see his grandkids... He sounds unhinged and i get angrier by the second. 

"Okay that is enough..." I say letting out a sigh and Mark stops the recording and sends it to Chris his phone. "There is one more thing..." Mark says looking at us worried... "He talked about coming over to the house..." Mark says and i groan and it takes everything in me to not explode...

Chris takes my hand in his and squeezes it. I calm down a little and let out a sigh. "Let's go home..." Chris says and i nod. Mark nods and gets back to my car, and we all drive back to our home.

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