Chapter 46

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Chris pov...

I am having fun. The fact that i know Vera is comfortable and close is making me feel more relaxed. Lucy comes up to me to fix something wrong with the clothes and she looks at me smiling. "It is a good look for you Evans..." She says smiling and i look at her confused. "Being in Love..." She clarifies and i chuckle. "Is it that obvious...?" I ask and she nods. "You look happy... more at ease... calmer..." She says smiling and i chuckle again. "I didn't look happy last time we worked together?" I asked smirking. 

"You did... but you were restless... on edge... looking for the next thrill..." She says and i blush. "Yeah, Vera has that effect on people..." I murmur and Lucy chuckles. "She is very sweet, nice and beautiful..." She says smiling and i give her a big smile back. "Yeah, she absolutely is..." I say agreeing with her. "I am just happy she is here with me..." I say smiling even more and Lucy smiles patting my cheek making me chuckle. "She is a keeper..." She says winking at me and walks off as we get called back to our markers. "Yeah, she definitely is..." I murmur to myself as i walk to my mark.

The rest of the afternoon goes by quickly and when i had gotten changed at wardrobe and talked to Lucy and Janet for a bit i walked to the RV to get Vera and to go back to the hotel. 

I try to open the door, but it is locked. I am about to fish the extra set of keys out of my pocket when the door opens and Vera smiles at me. "Hey gorgeous..." I say stepping inside and i pull her in my arms kissing her. "Hey..." She says letting out a sigh and holding me tight. "How was your day?" I ask her. "Lazy..." She murmurs and i chuckle. "Good girl..." I say and kiss her again. 

"I have a question though...." She says blushing. The look in her eyes has me worried. "Did you hire someone to walk Dodger..." She says softly. I look at her confused by this question. "No gorgeous i did not..." I say... "Why do you ask gorgeous..." 

"After lunch i had just gotten in bed for a nap, when there was a knock on the door. A girl told me she was here to walk Dodger saying you had sent her.... But i figured you would have told me so i told her no... and that i would talk to you about it first because you hadn't told me..." She whispers looking at me a little scared now. 

"That is why the door was locked... in case she came back... Something felt off about her... She looked like she didn't belong here... She was not one of the people you introduced me to or one of the PA's...." Vera murmurs and i pull her closer. "You are right i would have told you... Did you get a name...?" I ask her. "No... Sorry..." Vera says and i can feel her start to shake. "Hey, it is okay you did good i will look into it but i have not arranged for a dog walker, so you were right to not let her take him..." I whisper 

"Why didn't you call me... You didn't have to worry all afternoon..." I say making her look at me and she blushes. "I didn't want to bother you while working..." She says and i sigh leaning down giving her another kiss. "You can always call gorgeous... It is no bother... Next time something happens you call me, okay?" I say and she nods. "Okay..." She whispers. 

We sit in the RV for a while as i just hold Vera who understandably is upset that someone tried to take Dodger for God knows what. When she goes to pee i call Harry and quickly explain what happened and ask him to look into it and also to make sure there will be a camera doorbell on the RV, so Vera doesn't have to open the door to see who it is... I dont want her to be scared every time someone is at the door and that way if something is to happen, we have proof... I sigh after i hung up... This is not what Vera needs right now... 

"Chris...!" Vera yells from the bedroom and i get up and walk over. As soon as i step foot in the bedroom she takes me by surprise pulling me to the bed. I smirk as she crawls on the bed taking me with her hovering over her. "Someone is feeling a bit better..." I whisper before kissing her and she smiles wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her. "I need you Chris..." She whispers i a seductive tone making me groan. I kiss her hard again before quickly getting rid of my clothes and Vera giggles as she does the same. I settle between her legs our bodies melting together as i slowly sink into her... I groan at the feeling, and she arches her back of the bed. "God feels so good, gorgeous..." I murmur burying my head in her neck attaching my lips with her skin marking her as mine... All mine...

I pull out slowly before slamming back into hard making her gasp. "Fuck..." She moans as i do it again. I smirk and again pull out slow and slamming back into her hard making her mewl. I kiss her again with everything i got. "I love you gorgeous..." I tell her as i thrust into her hard again making her mewl..."I love you to Chris.... Oh god i love you so fucking much..." She moans loudly and i grin. "Thats it gorgeous let them hear who makes you feel good..." I growl and she moans again. I keep thrusting into her as i grab her arms and push them above her head lacing our fingers together. I loved as our bodies melt together and we become one moving in perfect sink.

She wraps her legs around my waist changing the angle and i growl as it hits different. "Oh, shit gorgeous... I am close..." I growl in her ear making her whimper and i can feel she is close her pussy pulsing around my cock driving me wild. "Come with me gorgeous..."  I moan in her ear and after a few more thrusts we come together. I fill her up and she moans loudly. I kiss her and smile before rolling off of her and pull her into me. "You are okay gorgeous..." I whisper and she hums and smiles snuggling further into me. "I am good..." She whispers and i smile putting my finger under her chin making her look at me and i kiss her again. 

"I wish we could stay here... I am so comfortable..." She whispers and i smile. "We cant gorgeous i am sorry..." I whisper. "I know..." She hums. After lying there for a few more minutes we get out of bed and get dressed and leave for the hotel. 

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