Chapter 28

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Vera pov...

I wake up late and it is already dark outside. Chris is no longer in bed and i sit up looking around the room. I smile as Dodger is cuddled up to me and lay back down pulling him closer cuddling him letting out a sigh. 

The bedroom door opens and i look up and see Chris standing in the doorway smiling. "Is there room for one more... or am i replaced..." He says smirking. I chuckle and smile at him sitting up. Chris walks over sits down on the edge of the bed. I pull on his arm and he lay down with his head in my lap. He chuckles when my stomach growls and he sit back up again. 

"What do you want to eat..." He asks smiling and i shrug my shoulders. "Dont care... I will throw it up later anywhere... So, i dont mind you pick..." I sigh and Chris looks at me worried. "Gorgeous if you are not keeping anything down, we have to go to a doctor sooner..." He says looking at me. I nod. "Can you just order me some fries or something..." I whisper and he smiles. "Anything you want gorgeous..." Chris whispers and pulls me in for a kiss. "Did you sleep okay...?" Chris asks and i smile while i nod... "Yeah what is the time by the way..." I ask blushing. "It's 7.30 in the evening." Chris says smiling and i blush again as i had slept through the whole day. 

He cups my face. "It is okay to sleep gorgeous. You need it... You both need it..." He says smiling putting his hand on my stomach. My stomach growls again and he laughs. He kisses me and pulls out his phone. "Go take a shower... or bath... Relax and get changed into something comfortable. Ill order us dinner..." Chris said smiling. 

I cupped his face with both hands and kissed him. He smiled when we broke the kiss and i rested my forehead against his. "I love you so much..." I whispered. He smiled. "I love you too gorgeous... Now go shower and if you need help just call out for me..." I chuckled and kissed him again.  "I think i can manage a shower sweetheart..." I whisper.

I went to take a quick shower and stole one of Chris his football jerseys to wear. I walk into the kitchen and Chris is on the phone and smiles as he sees me. "Okay thanks doc we will see you tomorrow..." Chris says and i look at him confused. "We are going to the doctor tomorrow... On a Saturday...?" I whisper looking at him still confused. Chris walks over to me and nods putting his hands on my hips and pulling me into him. "Yes... I called my doctor, and he makes time for us tomorrow and out of office hours for privacy..." He says cupping my face. 

I blush as i hadn't even stopped to think about how we could ensure our privacy but i have to admit i am a little nervous because i dont know this doctor...  "Chris i dont know this doctor..." I start to say. "I know gorgeous... but it is for the first check up and i want to make sure you and the baby are okay... If you really dont like the doctor, we can look for another... But please... I just want to make sure you and our baby are okay..." He whispers and i sigh nodding... "Okay..." I say softly and he kisses the top of my head. 

I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest. I let out a sigh and feel my body relax. Chris wraps his arms around me and i hum at the feeling of his big strong hands rubbing my back. "Are you really happy about this..." I whisper needing him to tell me one more time...

"So happy... I have the best girl and now i am going to get what i always dreamed of... a kid... I am going to be a dad..." He says holding me tighter. I let out a sigh and hold on to him a little bit tighter to. 

"How about this... For the rest of today we are going to relax and tomorrow after the doctor's appointment we go make a plan of attack on how to get your stuff here so fast as possible..." Chris says and i look up at him smiling. "Okay..." I say and a calm washes over me. No more going back and forth, no more annoying questions at work or people treating me different because i am dating Chris.

That was the thing that had annoyed me the most over the last weeks at work... People all of a sudden treating me completely different...  Thinking i didn't hear the whispers behind my back... Especially from women... It started to get tiresome... It was like i didn't deserve happiness as if i was not worthy of happiness with someone like Chris... 

But most of all... No more, cold house that doesn't feel like a home anymore even though i lived there all my life... I had no illusions... I knew there would be times he wasn't going to be here... And he was going to be out filming somewhere for weeks on end... But he would come home... to our home that we share where we are going to raise our kids...

The doorbell rang and Chris let me go to get the food and we sat at the counter to eat. He had ordered us burgers and fries but i gave my burger to him as i just couldn't stomach it. I ate the salad and the fries and i could feel my body being grateful for the food but i was scared that it would end up throwing it up again. 

After dinner Chris and i installed us on the couch cuddled up and even though i had almost slept the whole day i was feeling so tired... So, i cuddled into him more getting comfortable. Halfway through the movie i had dozed off and i only woke up briefly when Chris lifted me up and brought me to bed. "Can Dodger sleep with us..." I murmured and Chris chuckled. "I am going to take him for a quick walk and then we will join you, okay?" I nodded but he hadn't even left the room before i was asleep again. 

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