Chapter 19

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Chris pov...

I have the biggest smile on my face walking hand in hand through the store with Vera. "Look tampons..." I say pointing and Vera smiles as she grabs what she needs. "Do you need Advil to and heating pads? What are the snacks you like when on your period..." I ask her and she looks at me as if i had grown another head. She steps to me and pokes me in my chest. "What was that for?" I ask her while laughing... "Just checking if you are real..." She says poking me again and i laugh. 

We continue shopping and after we are done, we go to check out. I smile looking into the cart as Vera insisted on shopping for actual food and insisting on cooking. It made me smile happy that she was talking about food with the intention to eat... After we have paid and walk outside i groan as out of the corner of my eye i can see a guy with a camera. 

"Take my hand and whatever happens dont let go until i get you into the car..." I whisper kissing her temple. She looks at me and nods but i can see she is scared and i hate that she is... The thought of her being scared makes my blood boil. We walk to the car and i open the car door for her. 

I grab one of my caps from the dashboard and put it on her head and she smiles. I then take my own sunglasses off and put them on her. She looks at me and smiles and to my surprise pulls me in for a kiss and i can hear the clicking in the background. She gets in the car and i smile closing the door before quickly loading our groceries in the trunk. 

To my relief the guy keeps his distance and just takes pictures and Vera is in the car behind the tinted windows. I put the cart back and get into the car. I feel tense knowing i have to drive past the guy and i just pray he would let me drive past. "Relax Chris..." Vera whispers taking my hand lacing her fingers with mine. "I am okay... We are okay..." She whispers and as she kisses the back of my hand i feel myself relax and drive off. 

We get without trouble past the guy with the camera and made our way home. We unload the car Vera helping even though i told her to go inside but she wouldn't hear it. We carry the groceries inside and put everything away. I can't help but smile as i see her putting stuff away asking me were i keep everything. 

"Hey i am going for a quick walk with Dodger want to come with?" I ask Vera. She looks at me blushing. "Do you mind if i stay here..." She whispers as a blush slowly forms on her face. "No of course not... I'll be right back." I say smiling kissing her and taking Dodger out. 

The walk takes longer than planned as i ran into a buddy and when i get back home i smile as Vera i sitting in one of the big chairs curled up with a book. She has changed in something comfortable and had taken one of the blankets wrapping herself in it. She looks up and smiles at me. I walk over to her give her a kiss as i look down i see her bare legs and i groan internally... But i decide to let her be, she looks so comfortable so i grab my own book to read and install myself on the couch.  

I look up at her again and she is totally caught up in her book in the big chair looking all cozy. I resist the urge to drag her over to the couch to have her cuddle with me while reading. But she looks so comfortable and relaxed which makes me happy. Her feeling comfortable around here makes me feel things...  Things i can't place...

I sit on the lounge part of the couch so i can sit up but still be comfortable with my feet up in the air and start reading. Every now and then i look up at Vera who is totally caught up in her book and i wonder what kind of book it is. When i look at her again i can see her shift as if she is uncomfortable and she bites her lower lip changing the page. 

Fuck she looks so sexy biting that lip and i start thinking of ways i could make her do that. The blanket shifts a bit and i groan softly as i see a little black piece of clothing covering her core... Realization sets in that she not wearing any pants... She moves again and i wonder if i should say something to have her come sit with me... The thought of playing with her body as she reads... Fuck.... It makes me hard thinking about it.... She lets out a little sigh changing another page and she bites her lip again. 

I push every dirty thought out of my head scolding myself taking a deep breath to take control back over my body. I am telling myself to just let her read. I get back into my own book telling myself to stop it and just read and let her be in peace. I dont look up when in the corner of my eye i see her shift again... I dont look up when i hear her take in a sharp breath. 

But when i do look up our eyes meet, and she throws her book to the side and gets up before walking over to me. My smile turns into a smirk as she stands before me. I dont know how i hadn't noticed before that she was wearing one of my shirts and that is... fuck... My kryptonite.  She looks so sexy...

She slowly pulls the book out of my hands throwing it aside and crawling into my lap straddling me. She cups my face with both hands and kisses me. The kiss is passionate... Desperate and hungry. I run my hands over her back and into her hair holding her close kissing her with everything i got until we both have to come up for air.

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