Chapter 37

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Chris pov...

I kiss Vera and let my hands roam her body a i softly push her to the kitchen... making her smile into the kiss. I put my hands under her ass and lifted her carefully up on the counter. I kissed her again before keeping my promise... to worship her... to kiss every part of her body... She moans as i kiss down her neck sucking at her pulse point marking her while i unclasp her bra... setting her tits free. Before kissing my way down her neck to her shoulder... over her collar bone and down her sternum. I ignore her boobs for now keeping them for later knowing i will get overly excited playing with them.

I plant kisses all over her stomach and she throws her head back moaning and a little smirk escapes my lips. I kiss down her right thigh and she lays down as i grab her leg kissing further down while rubbing her leg up and down...I kiss her foot before taking her left leg and kiss her foot before kissing my way back up again. The little moans escaping her are music to my ears.

I kiss over her thigh making her gasp as i give her a little bite before kissing over her stomach again and taking her amazing boobs in my hands kissing and massaging them. I play with her nipples, and she moans arching her back off of the counter. Her hands are in my hair pulling me closer into her boobs and i smirk as i give her a little love bite on her right tit. I wrap my arms around her pulling her up while i stand between her legs and i kiss her... I kiss her until we need to come up for air. 

Her arms are wrapped around my neck holding me in place as she is not willing to let me go so i wrap her legs around my waist before putting my hands under her ass again squeezing it hard and i lift her up and walk her to the bedroom never breaking our kiss. 

I softly lay her down on the bed and as i stand back up again i pull her panties with me, so she is now completely naked. She follows my every move as I quickly lose my own close not wanting anything between us anymore... I want to feel her skin against mine i want to feel her soft skin all over my body as i bury myself in her. I want her nails dig in my back as i make her cum. 

But before all that i get on my knees and pull her to the edge of the bed pushing her legs apart and dive in making her gasp and moan loudly. I hold her legs apart pinning them down as i run my tongue up and down her between her folds... I suck on her clit, and she gasps again her hands in my hair pulling on it. I release one leg and softly push my finger inside of her hooking it inside before slowly pulling it out again. I can feel her grip on my hair tighten and i smirk as my tongue flicks her clit and i push in another finger making her moan louder. 

She hasn't said a word, but it is not needed her body talks for her... All the dirty talk in the world has nothing on her body language... Her body screams at me to not stop... to keep going and i am more than happy to oblige... 

I keep fucking her with my fingers while my tongue toys with her clit and she starts to squirm. I release her other leg that i had still pinned down and grab at her boobs rolling her nipples between my fingertips. I smirk as she on instinct locks me between her soft thighs and comes all over my face her arousal glazing my beard as she screams out my name... 

When she relaxes a bit i push her legs apart and push her further on the bed crawling over her kissing her and she smiles into the kiss her eyes glossed over she looks so fucking sexy after she has cum. 

She finally finds her word telling me that she needs me inside of her... I kiss her as i slowly push myself into her and she moans into the kiss. "Fuck so big... You fill me so good baby... God i am never going to get sick of this..." She moans and i smirk. 

"Does it feel good, gorgeous... When i stretch your little pussy with my big cock." I groan and she smiles giving me a little nod before pulling me into another kiss. I pull out slow before slowly pushing in again but snapping my hips forward at the end making her mewl. 

I keep moving slow... as my hands roam her body... playing with her tits or grabbing at her thighs pulling it on my hip changing the angle of my thrusts making her whimper. Every sound coming out of her made me smile as i was willing to do everything to hear it again. 

"Chris..." She moans and kiss her "Chris..." She moans again and i smirk. "Yes, gorgeous..." I whisper. "Please... you are torturing me... move faster... Fuck me harder... " She mewls before kissing me hard... "Want to take my time with you gorgeous..." I groan a i snap my hips forward... making her cry out for me. 

She cups my face with a smirk and i dont know what happened but all of a sudden, she rolls us over and she is on top. I am still inside of her, and she leans down smiling while she kisses me. She takes my hands and puts them on her hips as she sits back up again. She starts to move, and her hands lead my hands over her body until they rest on her boobs. 

"Shit gorgeous... You look so good on top of me... Taking me so good..." I groan and she smiles before leaning down and attaching her lips with mine again. She starts to bounce on my dick and i groan as she is not having mercy as she slams down on me hard... I wrap my arms around her holding her close to my chest as i thrust up into her hard and fast making her bury her head in my neck and i groan as i feel her suck at my skin as she is marking me just like i had her. 

I am losing control of my body i know i am close... I am fighting to prolong this but then she sends me over the edge by softly moaning in my ear... "Let go baby... fill me with you cum make my pussy drip..."  I groan hold her still while buried deep inside of her and find my release... She moans loudly... and finds her own release. 

We lay there and i just hold her tight as we catch our breath... and i just love having her close to me. She lifts her head and looks at me with that lazy fucked out, look in her eyes before she kisses me. I smile and brush some hair out of her face. "I love you gorgeous..." I whisper and she smiles kissing me... "I love you too handsome..." She pushes herself up and i whine as she gets off of me and leaves the bed to go clean herself up. 

Vera comes back in, and she crawls in bed cuddles into my arms and lets out a sigh. "What is wrong gorgeous..." I murmur as i kiss her head. "Just thinking about tomorrow..." She sighs and my heart sinks thinking she has second thoughts. "Having doubts?" I ask her, holding my breath for her answer. "No of course not..." She says as if i said the most ridiculous thing ever... I smile at this reaction. "I just wished we were home already..." She sighed. 

I smiled... Home... She wanted to be home. "Dont worry gorgeous before you know it we are on the road on our way home, and Scarlet comes along to help us unpack and get you settled in at our place..." I said smiling. "Our home... I like the sound of that..." She murmured and as i looked down she was already half asleep. I kissed her head and played with her hair until she was fully asleep and not long after i was asleep to.

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