Chapter 55

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Chris pov...

I am waiting with Seb and Mackie for Vera to arrive. "What if she isn't coming..." I say letting out a sigh looking at Mackie and Seb. Dodger is sitting next to me looking up at me. We were waiting outside the courthouse. "Buddy she will come... She loves you..." Seb said smiling patting my back. "Yeah man calm down..." Mackie said chuckling. 

"You have everything set up so the family can watch from home, right?" I ask Mackie and he nods. "Yes, your family and Scarlet and Colin have got the link and are ready... All we have to do is wait for the bride..." Mackie says smiling. 

All of a sudden, a car pulls up and i see Janet and Lucy get out the car smiling at me. I walk over to the car and i have to remind myself to breath. I hold out my hand for Vera to take and i smile as she steps out the car holding my hand. She looks absolutely breath taking. Wearing the most beautiful white dress. 

"Hey gorgeous..." I say smiling at her and she looks back at me with the biggest... most beautiful smile i have ever seen. "You look absolutely breath taking..." I whisper holding her at arm's length admiring her. "Thank you..." Vera says blushing. "You look so handsome..." She whispers straightening out my tie and planting kiss on my lips and now i am the one who blushes. Dodger jumps all around her so excited to see her and she leans down to give him some kisses calming him down.

"Are you ready to get married?" I ask her and she nods. "So ready..." She says smiling and i kiss her again passionately. "Ahum..." We hear behind us and Vera and i chuckle as we break apart. I hold out my arm out for Vera and she puts her arm through mine. "Let's get this show on the road..." Mackie yells and we all laugh. 

We walk inside and immediately someone brings us to this little room where the judge is going to marry us. It is not fancy... but we dont care... Vera and i only have eyes for each other. She looks so beautiful... Like a dream. Mackie nods at me and presses a button. "I know that my family and Colin and Scarlet couldn't be here today... But..." I say pointing at the screen and Vera looks shocked at the screen where we see my family and Scarlet and Colin appear. Vera looks at me with a smile on her face.... "It is perfect..." She whispers and i smile back at her. Vera waves at the camera making me chuckle and they all wave back. I smile as they all have the big smiles on their faces. My family is all together at Ma's. Dodger is glued to Vera's side making us all chuckle as he keeps looking up at her.

We turn to the judge who is smiling at us. I talked with him shortly before and we decided to keep it short and sweet. 

"We are here today because 2 people love each other and dont want to spend another minute without being married. They want to spend the rest of their lives together... Chris has asked me to keep it short..." The judge says and i can hear everyone chuckle. So, i am going to skip everything and just start with the official part. 

"Vera.... will you take Chris... to be your husband... In sickness and in health... for as long as you both shall life..." The judge asks.... "I do..." She says with the biggest smile on her face her eyes never leaving mine. Seb steps up and hands her the ring and she looks surprised takes it and puts it around my finger. I smile as she runs her thumb over the ring. 

Chris... Will you take Vera... to be your wife... In sickness and in health... For as long as you both shall live..." The judge asks me and i look at Vera. "I do..." I say smiling at her and Seb hands me the other ring and i put it around her finger. She looks at me and i can see that she is fighting her tears. I wipe one away that is making its way down her cheek but we both can't stop smiling. 

"Then it is my pleasure to now pronounce you husband and wife... You may kiss the bride..." The judge says smiling and i dont waist time pulling Vera close and kissing her with everything i got while i can hear everyone cheer. Even though my family is on the video call i can hear them being loud cheering and clapping. Dodger is barking dancing around us wanting to be included.

I can't stop kissing Vera and we smile into the kiss. After we finally break apart the judge congratulates us first and then Seb, Mackie, Lucy and Janet congratulate us. We bend down and both kiss Dodger who then finally calms down. We then make our way to the videocall and thank the family and after talking for a few minutes we say our goodbye and thanking them for making time on such short notice. 

After that we have to sign all the paperwork and that makes it really, really official... Then it is time to go, and we both smile as we walk out as husband and wife. We make our way to the cars and get in and drive to the restaurant i had made reservations to celebrate. I sit in the back with Vera and i pull her in for a kiss... "I can't wait to peel you out of this dress..." I whisper into the kiss and Vera giggles. 

We can't stop kissing until we arrive at the restaurant and i get out and again hold out my hand for Vera to take and we all make our way inside. We walk through the restaurant and people stare... But nothing can ruin this day... I dont care if people know... I am so happy... I want to scream it from the rooftops. We get seated in a fairly private area and i smile as Vera plays with my ring and looks at hers. "We will get other rings... but this..." But she cuts me off kissing me. "Dont you dare... They are absolutely perfect... I dont want another ring..." She whispers and i kiss her again. "Promise me Mr. Evans...." She whispers and i smile. "I promise Mrs. Evans..." I smile and she lets out a little moan. "I like the sound of that..." She whispers and i smirk.  

We turn our attention to the others not wanting to be rude and after we ordered drinks, they handed us menus. We ask for some water for Dodger who is laying at Vera's feet. I smile as huffs and then finally gives in and closes his eyes. 

The rest of the dinner was amazing. But i wanted to get back to the hotel... God i wanted to peel her out of that dress and get my hands all over her... My wife... All mine... and i am all hers... I look at Vera and smile as she is talking with the others. She looks so happy so relaxed... Her hand in mine as we just wanted to connect...

After dinner i paid and we got to the car. We said our goodbyes hugging everyone. Lucy and Janet would go back to their own hotel rooms taking Dodger with them so we could have some alone time tonight. Seb and Mackie would leave tonight to go back to their own lives and Vera and i would go to our hotel... For the wedding night... Our first night as husband and wife...

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