Chapter 4

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Vera pov. 

I can't believe Chris is laying here in my bed. My bed... watching a movie... as naked as the day he was born... me wrapped around him... He says he wants me... He calls me gorgeous all the time... 

But still in the back of my head there is that little voice... Telling me that at any moment he will start laughing at me telling me how pathetic i am for falling for his little scam. At any moment i expect him to ask me if i am really that stupid... How i could ever think that he... Would ever date a woman like me... That it would never work because what will people think if he... one of Hollywood's most desirable bachelors would date a woman like me.... an overweight chubby woman. 

At any moment i expect him to tell me he just used me to scratch an itch and nothing more... Or to satisfy some weird curiosity... Maybe i am just something on a list he wants to check off. In the back of my head i keep telling myself that i am just a seat filler until someone more suitable comes along. Someone who fits into his world better... That i am not worthy...

At the party i was just caught under his spell... His cheeky ways... How he never let an opportunity go by to touch me... His boyish charm and charismatic smile... When we hugged for the first time i thought i had died and gone to heaven because God the way his body felt under my touch... The way he smelt and his warmth... Everything pulled me in... 

I was so caught up in his spell that when he asked to get out of their i didn't hesitate and let him walk me out... I was so caught up that i didn't even say goodbye to Colin and Scarlet... I just let him take me wherever he wanted me to go... I didn't regret it because God it was amazing... The way he touched me... talked to me... how he kept calling me gorgeous and putting me at ease... The way he kissed me with passion and fire how he worshipped my body like i was the most beautiful woman on earth... God how he made me cum... not once but at least 4 times. No wam bam thank you ma'am... He was like a man on a mission and his mission was to make me cum. I even liked the way he tasted...  

After our first night together i pretended to fall asleep and left as soon as he was in a deep sleep. I didn't want to leave... I felt comfortable and sort of safe but i thought that the next morning in the daylight and our buzz gone he would be appalled at me laying in his bed. 

That made the shock even bigger when he showed up at my door. All the sweet words he said... holding me tight... It felt like a dream... But like all dreams it seemed too good to be through. 

He was playing with my hair... laying in my bed... Still in my bed not watching the clock to see if he had spent enough time here to not make it obvious, he was stringing me along... He just laid there my head on his chest my finger tracing his tattoos totally relaxed... 

But why after all that and him showing up at my place could i not shake the feeling it was not real... Why can't i get out of my downwards spiral and just enjoy this... for however long it lasts... To just cherish the fact that he chooses me even if it was going to be for a little while... 

I am spiraling my mind racing. I need to get out my head and i do the only thing i can think off to accomplish that... I slowly move my hand lower and lower planting little kisses on his chest and slide my leg between his... I let out a little moan as he moves his leg rubbing his thigh over my core sending tingles through my body... I kiss him but he moves his leg again and without thinking i softly bite him... I can feel his body react and for a moment i stop, thinking he doesn't like it... Fully expecting him to start yelling at me that i had crossed a line... 

But to my surprise he rolls us over hovering over me smiling before he kisses me. His hand roams my body and i moan as his touch feels so good. I gasp as he runs his fingers through my folds smirking. "So wet... All for me..." He says smirking and kisses me again until we have to come up for air. 

I moan as he starts kissing his way down like he had done the last time... This guy couldn't be real... I thought to myself as he kissed down lower and lower... Is he really going to go down on me again? It feels like he is worshipping my body... He puts both hand on my boobs playing with them with the biggest smirk on his face and i have to say it is adorable. 

I moan as his lips close around my right nipple and he sucks... I put my hands in his soft hair running through it as pleasure is taking over. His lips close around my left nipple and i moan again pulling lightly on his hair as i throw my head back. 

He continued his way down kissing over my stomach giving me goose bumps. I moan as he dives in humming and i can feel him smirk as runs his tongue up and down my folds. I gasp when i slowly feel a finger sink into me and twist and turn inside of me. "Oh, shit right there... Fuuuck" I moan as he immediately finds the right spot and his mouth sucking on my clit makes it that i am unable to lay still. 

"Does it feel good? Gorgeous..." He asks me in a low seductive tone and all i can do is whimper in response "You sure do taste good Gorgeous... So sweet..." He hums.  His tongue is rapidly flicking my clit as his fingers pick up the pace with short thrusts deep inside of me i can feel i am about to cum. I grab his hair on instinct pulling his head closer to my core and i can feel him grin... He doesn't protest or stop when i in the throw of pleasure lock his head between my thighs holding him in place as my body shocks. I cum crying out for him grabbing the sheet with my hands and my back arching of the bed. I dont think i ever came this hard... 

When my body finally relaxes while coming down from my high Chris crawls over me, he kisses me soft and sweet with the biggest proud smile on his face. He settles between my legs and i can feel him slowly enter me. He lays on top of me as we move together. He has wrapped his arms around me holding me close as he keeps snapping his hips forward. "Your pussy feels so good, gorgeous..." He groans before kissing me only breaking the kiss to come up for air. 

He rests his forehead against mine looking me in the eye. The feeling spreading through my body is unfamiliar to me. The way he holds eye contact... The way he makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world... The way he makes sure i am okay with everything it is overwhelming... He takes his time... makes sure my need are met before he thinks of himself... He makes me feel valued... It is a new feeling and as weird and ridiculous as it sounds it confuses me. 

He keeps thrusting into me slow but deep hitting my sweet spot every time. My hands roam his back and i wrap my legs around his waist holding him close and i grab his face pulling him in for another breath-taking kiss as we both cum... 

We both moan into the kiss. I can feel his body tense up as he fills me up with his cum. We both just lay there Chris still on top of me neither one of us wanting to break the connection. He nuzzles into me and i can't help but smile a little i see a side of him i didn't think he would have... He loves when i play with his hair as i scrape my nails over his back or scalp. I love it... I like the fact that he doesn't mind being vulnerable. 

When he eventually rolls off of me i get up and go to the bathroom to clean myself up. When i walk back into the bedroom i smile as Chris is laying on his side eyes closed. I crawl into bed and spoon him, and he takes my arm pulling it close to his chest pulling me closer to him. I plant a kiss between his shoulder blades and slide my leg between his tangling myself up with him. He lets out a sigh and kisses the back of my hand. His breathing gets more even and soon he is asleep. It is still early in the evening but i doze off to...

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