Disaster Strikes

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She eventually finished her meal.
"Can we go now?"
I question.
She nods and she tips the waitress.
We leave and we walk back home.
We take the other route again to avoid me getting triggered.
I link arms with Jane as a man walks by.
My eyes flutter like I'm in a cartoon.
I feel a bad feeling deep down in my core.
We make it home and I lock the door.
I turn around and Jane is staring at me.
I walk by her and make myself a salad for later.
I make myself a herbal tea and I sit down.
My hand shakes as I take a sip.
I put it back down on the coaster and stare at it blankly.
Jane looks at me from across the room as she answers her phone
"Korsak, no! I told you that I was taking an absence and that's final!"
"Janey please baby, go to work. Don't stay here just because of me baby."
"Are you sure baby? I don't want you to be on your own"
"I'll be fine"
I smile convincing her to go.
She kisses me and I kiss her back.
"I'll be right there Korsak. I'm gonna call my mom baby"
She grabs her bag and then she leaves.
The minute she shuts the door, I watch as she drives away.
I run my hands through my hair.
I reorganise the whole living room just to stay busy.
I end up hurting myself eventually with the glass of the herbal tea and some blades.
I sit down on the bed as my arm spurts out some blood.
"Oh shit, I went too deep!"
I say out loud.
I try to apply pressure but it doesn't work.

Angela's POV

I put my key into the door.
Maura must be sleeping, I think to myself
I walk in and see that the living room has been changed around.
Her herbal tea smashed onto the floor.
That's weird.
I go calling her name and I find her sprawled out on the bed with both of her wrists slashed.
She's a grey colour and she looks dead
"Oh god Maura, what have you done sweetie?"
I check her pulse
It's there but it's fading.
I call an ambulance and they get her transported right away to the hospital.
I close my eyes but all I can see is the blood covering the bedsheet.

Janes POV

I'm at the crime scene with Suzy ,  Korsak , Frankie , Frost and other cops when I receive a call from ma.
"Ma , I told you not to call me when I'm at work?"
"Janey listen...Maura's harmed herself"
My whole world sinks and I move away from the others
"What's wrong with her?"
I hear people question
"Ma what do you mean by harmed?"
"She slit her wrists Jane."
"Is she okay? What hospital are you at?"
"Boston General"
I hold back my tears as I hang up
"I've got to go now"
"What's up Jane?"
Korsak asks me
"Maura's slit her wrists"
They all look at me with shocked faces as I jump into my car.
I speed off and eventually arrive at the hospital.
I eventually find ma and I hug her
"There was so much blood Jane...I tried to apply pressure"
"You did your best ma"
I cry.
A few hours later , a doctor finally comes out.
"Is she okay?"
"She lost a lot of blood so we're giving her transitions. She flatlined during the surgery but she's okay."
"Oh my gawd!"
Ma says
"When can I see her?"
I question
"She isn't lucid at the moment so when she fully wakes up, we'll call you but only one visitor is allowed in"
"She also needs to be seen by a psychiatrist because she's tried to kill herself."
We nod
"Did she say anything?"
"No , she was unconscious"
I nod.
We sit in the waiting room for what feels like hours.

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