Save Me

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When we get home, I eat dinner
I go to bed early because I'm tired.
I lie down and Jane snuggles me from behind.
I eventually fall asleep.
My dad lies in wait at the staircase
I come down and I try to get past him
"I know you were out all night!"
"I wasn't , I was asleep."
"Don't bullshit me Maura."
He yanks me back upstairs as I screech.
"Somebody save me!"
"Stop yelling!"
He yells as he removes my pyjamas
He forces himself inside of me as I hit him and I sob.
He grabs my hands and he puts them over my head
"Nobody can save you now sweetie."
I take a breath.
"Not your mother. Not Jennifer and certainly not lucky!"
He beats me as I sob.
He then puts my pjs back on me.
He quickly stands me up and he takes me downstairs.
"I have to go to a convention tomorrow so you'll be coming with me since I can't trust you alone."
"Are you sure I can't just- stay home?"
"Nope knowing you , you'll probably go get some drugs."
How the fuck did he know that?!
"You're right."
"We'll get to have a fun road trip sweetie so you're going to spend the day in your room so that you can rest because we have an early start
"Okay what- what if I need the bathroom?!"
"Just call me."
I nod my head.
We go upstairs and he locks me in my room.
I get into my bed and I just sob.
I grab my needle and I inject some heroin.
I feel so hazy.
I pass out.
My dad is about to open the door
Shit shit!
"Give me a minute? I'm changing!"
I quickly rip my shirt off and I throw on a bra.
"I'm just checking to see if you need the bathroom?"
I shake my head
"Are you sure? I know how you can be."
"I'm fine dad I promise I don't need to!"
He slams the door shut.
I hear him walk into his room.
I sit on my bed and I just cry.
I get into my pjs and I lie down.
A coupon of hours later I bang on my door
"Dad- I really need the bathroom! Dad are you there?! Daddy?!"
He opens the door and I rush into the toilet.
I pull down my pj pants and I release.
My dad watches as I gasp at the sudden release.
"You're definitely asking for it honey."
"No no please dad! I'm sorry!"
He punches my bladder and I sob.
I spend ages on the toilet and eventually I stand up.
He kicks me in the stomach and I double over in pain.
I clutch my stomach.
He takes me into my room and he rapes me
He sleeps in my bed then he wakes me up at 5.
"Come on get dressed and use the bathroom because we're not stopping on the way!"
I nod and I quickly pull on some comfy clothes.
I then use the bathroom.
I quickly get into the car so that I don't get hurt again.
I was late once so he beat me.
"Oh good you're already here. Did you go to the bathroom?"
"Yes I'm not a child dad?"
"You act like one and you have the bladder of one!"
"That's because you've fucked my bladder up!"
He slaps me
"Watch your mouth if you know what's good for you!"
I nod my head and he drives off.
I look out the window and I wipe my tears.
He takes a sip of water.
He licks his lips.
He hands me the water so I have no choice but to take a sip
I sigh as he makes me drink more
He takes it from me and he puts it into the cup holder.
I tap my fingers off my thighs
"Don't tell me you need to go already?!"
"You made me drink the water!"
I whine.
He slaps me in the side of the head.
"Dad please- please can you pull up at the next gas station?"
"Nope you'll just have to suffer in silence sweetie!"
"Stop whining."
He drives past the gas station and I cry.
I whine the whole time
"That's it! You can go if you're really that desperate?"
He pulls over and I open my car door
I desperately pull off my seatbelt and I yank my denim shorts down.
I release and I sigh.
I don't even care that people are watching.
I let it all go as my dad stares and he ridiculed me
"Thank you dad."
I say as I get back into the car
"Shut your mouth."
He slaps me.
He starts to drive again.
I wrap myself in a blanket and I attempt to sleep
We finally get to the hotel at 11am.
I carry my suitcase up the stairs with great difficulty.
I sigh as we finally get into the room.
I unpack my stuff.
"We're staying for a couple of days since the convention lasts a couple of days."
"Okay do I have to come with you?"
"No you're staying in the room."
"Yes I can't trust you since I'll be up on the stage answering questions."
I nod my head.
He strokes my hair.
"Are- are we sharing the bed again?!"
I question with urgency in my voice.
"Yes darling. What's with all the questions?"
"I'm just curious."
"What time are you leaving?"
"The convention starts at 3 so around 2"
He cuddles me on the bed and he starts to touch me.
"Be a good girl for daddy."
He brings to slide his hands down my pants as I try to get free.
He forces me down and he grabs his trusty handcuffs.
I squeal as he puts them on.
He yanks my shorts off and he forces himself inside
He cups my boobs with his hands and he smirks.
I cry as he cums inside me.
"You're going in the corner!"
He yells as I kick around trying to fight him.
"I swear to god I will make you feel so much pain if you don't become completely submissive!"
I make eye contact with him and he can see the scared look in my eyes
"Are you scared?! Well you should be, get up!"
He yanks me up and he throws me into the corner
I slam into the wall.
I begin to sob as he ties my hands behind my back
"Don't talk or I will add extra time slut."
I nod my head and I stay quite.
After 10 minutes.
"Come here and sit."
I sniffle and I wipe my tears.
I sit down and he kisses me
"You understand why I had to do that baby?"
"Yes I'm sorry."
"Good girl, now daddy has to go so you're staying in this room okay? I've ordered room service so they'll be here in about half and hour. Let them in and pay them"
He places €50 down on the table.
"They're bringing food and I need you to eat it. I swear if you don't eat it, I will shove my cock so far into your pussy, you won't be able to even speak afterwards!"
"Okay okay I don't want that so I'll eat it! I'll eat!"
I cry
"Okay good girl. Daddy loves you, bye bye"
He locks the door as I sob
I go to the toilet and I crouch on the floor
My breathing becomes limited
I clutch my chest as I focus on my breathing
"Weak! A 15 year old who is crying on the floor because her daddy is showing her love!"
The voice tells me
"That's- not love!"
I say out loud.
I vomit then I flush it down the toilet.
The room service comes half an hour later.
I pay them then I eat the whole plate of food
I quickly force my fingers deep into my throat and I get it all up.
I then grab my blades and I slit myself while crying on the bathroom floor.
I stop the bleeding then I take a shower
It stings but I don't care.
I wash my hair and I take deep breaths as I feel my dads hands caress my naked body
I wrap my hair in a towel and I use one of the face masks that the room service gave to me.
I sit on the bed and I watch tv.
I take it off after fifteen minutes.
My dad comes back at 7pm with a champagne bottle
I respond.
He places the bottle down then he inspects the plate.
"Did you eat all of it?"
"Did you make yourself sick after?"
He shakes his head
"I have cameras. You think it's okay to lie to me huh?!"
"I'm sorry! I didn't want you to be mad?!"
"Well now I'm ballistic!"
He rips my robe off and he forces himself inside as I sob.
I screech as I grip at the bed
I sob as he thrusts me back and forward like a rag doll.
He then starts to spank me.
"No more! No more!"
I cry.
He spanks me harder as I squeal.
"You need to stop being so bad!"
He yells as he stops
"I'm sorry dad."
He cuddles me and I fall asleep
I wake up screaming in Jane's arms
"Hey hey you're okay?"
"He was- and I was-"
"Sh sh baby I'm here"
I take some deep breaths then I explain
"Oh honey I'm so sorry."
"I'm okay now."
I go back to sleep since it's only 2am

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