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I'm finally awoken by Amy who's nudging me
"Maura sweetie, we're here?"
I get out of the car with some assistance from her.
Hugo unlocks the main gate and we walk in as he drives up and parks.
They bring me into a room.
I hear a buzzing sound.
I look around.
It's a holding place where they search people.
"Hugo , you can go and get her that prescription, Thanks for driving us"
"No problem"
He leaves and I stand in the corner away from her.
"I need you to remove your clothes please"
I sob as I do what she asked.
She counts my scars out loud
A tear falls.
She takes the wiring out of my bra as I cover my tits.
She hands it back to me and I immediately throw it back on.
She makes me squat and coughs
"This places is for police and war veterans only since if we placed you into a regular mental hospital ; somebody you sent away could be there"
"We're you taking the meds the day that you tried to Kill yourself?"
I nod.
She finishes searching me and then she hands me sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt.
"It's so quiet here, is it normal like this?"
"At daytime yes but most people here have night terrors so there will be some screaming. Do you have them?"
I nod ashamed
"We also do group every second day and that's compulsory"
I nod as she takes me to the bedroom.
"Anti suffocation sheets and you can ask for a blanket if you'd like one"
I nod.
"one bed for you and one for me. I have to stay in your room because you're new and I know that you like having someone in the room with you after a night terror"
I follow her to her office.
People stare at me as I walk down the hall.
"I'll introduce you at group tomorrow"
"It's a female only facility right?"
"No. Don't worry they are harmless."
I nod and I walk into her office.
It's so nice
"It reminds me of my office"
I smirk looking at the crystals in a glass case.
"It's getting near dinner so you can eat in your room tonight"
I nod.
She brings me back to my room and Hugo watches as I lie in the bed.
I wait for Amy to bring the dinner.
She has hers in one hand and she has mine in the other.
She hands me a coke and she has one for herself
I stomach the food and she smiles
"I know eating's a struggle for you so well done"
"Jane was talking to you."
She nods as she takes a bite of the lasagne.
"We have to talk to the partners."
I nod.
I finish my meal and give the tray to Hugo.
Any does the same.
I finish my coke and I lie down in the bed.
I fall asleep soon after.

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