Morning Glory

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Allen watches me as I wake up
I smile lightly at him as he tucks his white shirt into his blue jeans
The sun is shining since he has the curtains open for once
"Good morning sir"
I yawn.
""Good morning baby"
I sit up
"Guess what?"
I question
"We're gonna go out today"
"Oh yay!"
"I'm gonna get you dressed then we'll go"
I nod.
He pulls me up and he puts me in a dress with no bra and no panties
"Easy access"
He comments as he walks me to the car
I look around for any landmarks but there's none
I get strapped in by him.
He locks the car immediately
He watches as my hands shake
"So where are we going sir?"
"We're going to the off licence to get some drinks then we're heading to my mothers"
I nod my head exhausted
He fixes the strap of the dress for me
"Thank you"
I smile.
He drives off.
He has a tight grip on my thigh.
"Remember what you did the last time we went to buy stuff?"
I nod my head ashamed.
"You don't want to be punished again?"
I nod my head rapidly
"I want you to behave and keep your head down baby. Do what I tell you and only speak when you're spoken to."
"I will"
He grabs my hand once I'm out of the car.
He leads me in and he lets me pick out some red wine for myself
I get one bottle.
He picks up some other things and he adds them to the cart.
He makes me keep both hands on the cart.
I watch as he gets his wallet out.
A photo of me is in it from when I was in the paper
I swallow the sick that was threatening to cover the floor
He thanks the cashier
We go out and he makes me lift the drinks into the boot of the car.
"Hurry up! We don't have all day!"
"I'm going as fast as I can!"
I groan.
He slaps me.
Eyes turn towards me.
I suck in my tears and I put the last pack of beer into the boot.
He forces me into the passenger seat.
"You're gonna get it now!"
"I'm sorry please?!"
He grabs the handcuffs and he cuffs me to the door handle.
I sob as he drives me to his mothers house.
He takes the cuffs off me and he brings me inside
He kicks me and he sends me flying onto the floor.
I crawl trying to get away.
He pulls me up and he gropes me.
He slides his hand underneath my dress as I squirm.
"Oh you're already so wet baby"
"Stop teasing me!"
I sob as he fingers me.
"You like it baby."
I cum onto his fingers and he grins
He makes me grind on his lap
I sob the whole times
I'm finally allowed off so I sit down with my legs crossed.
He turns on the tv.
I engross myself in the tv show.
"I'm gonna get dinner started."
He tells me.
"Can- can I come with you?"
"Of course baby"
He takes my hand and he leads me to the kitchen.
"The house is mine so I can bring you here every time you want"
I nod slightly
He places the alcohol down onto the table.
"Drink whatever you want"
I pour myself a glass of red wine.
He grins at me as I sit down.
I smile slightly at him
He watches as I down the wine.
I pour myself another glass.
I slowly drink that one as he makes dinner.
He gets the plates and he sets the table.
He opens a beer bottle and he chugs it.
He's a walking ick.
I keep smiling since I don't want to piss him off
He plates up the pasta with a side of chicken and salad.
He pushes the plate towards me
"Dig in baby"
"I-I'm not hungry"
"I made it for you! You're gonna eat it!"
"Please? I'm not hungry"
He slams his hand down onto the table and he bends over
"Look at me bitch!"
I look at him blankly.
"Do you want me to rape you?!"
"No no please?!"
"Well fucking eat them!"
"I- I can't!"
"Princess just please eat"
I sigh.
I slowly pick up the fork and I stab the pasta.
I slowly bring it to my mouth and I take a small bite
"That's it baby"
He watches me the whole time
I feel so insecure
I finish the plate and I feel so sick.
"Good job honey"
He takes my plate and he washes it
He takes his with him.
My anxiety builds.
I continue drinking my red wine.
He smokes a cigarette and blows the smoke into my face.
I repulse.
He slaps me.
He grabs the handcuffs and he cuffs one arm to the chair.
I sob.
"That's what you get"
"I'm sorry! Please take these off of me"
My bottom lip trembles as I try to hold in my tears.
"Stop crying honey"
He comments as he drinks another beer.
I nod my head and I stop crying.
He opens a beer for me
"I- I don't drink beer"
"You're going to at least try it"
He makes me sip it
I shake my head.
"I- I don't like it"
He gives me more wine.
I drink it with his assistance
I feel so hazy already
He makes me drink a glass of whiskey.
"You look drunk"
He comments.
"I am"
I giggle slightly
He smiles.
He takes the handcuffs off
"Thank you"
I smile.
He doesn't respond.
I drink more until I get the urge to throw up.
I make it to the sink before regurgitating.
He holds my hair up and I sob.
"Sh it's okay."
I gag but nothing comes out.
"I think we should head back to the house"
He tells me.
I nod.
He loads the remaining alcohol into the boot.
I grab a plastic bag for if I throw up again.
He puts the car into drive after locking it.
I feel so sick.
"Sir when we get back- can we go straight to bed?"
"Of course baby"
I smile before I throw up again.
He slaps me
I wake up screaming in Jane's arms.
"I- I can't breathe"
"Deep breaths baby"
I grab her hand as I try to control my breathing.
I struggle but eventually my breathing returns to normal.
"You're safe baby"
She tells me as she strokes my hair.
I cry into her chest then I get ready for the day
We go for a short walk before I decide that it's too much.
I instantly rush back to the house as Jane chases after me
I vomit into the sink.
Jane rubs my back.
I sigh after I got everything up.
"Sh sh you're safe"
I rinse my mouth then I lie down on the couch.
We watch tv together.
I read a book then I sigh.
It's dinner time.
Jane feeds me and I struggle not to purge
"You're doing so good baby"
She comments as she feeds me the last of the spaghetti.
I wipe my mouth slightly then I lie back down on the couch.
"I'm gonna take a nap here"
I tell Jane
"Okay baby. I'll be here when you wake up"
I nod.
I put the blanket over me and I yawn
I fall asleep soon

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