His Friends Appear Again!

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Allen invites his friends around to watch a movie with us
"They're- they're not going to rape me right daddy?"
"Nope they won't honey."
"Okay good"
He gets me into a nice sexy lingerie dress.
I sit on the couch and sip on a glass of red wine as the men come in
They all smile as they sit down.
Allen sits the popcorn into my lap
I think about eating a bit
"Pass the popcorn you fat whore!"
A man demands.
I instantly hand it to him and I move slightly closer to Allen.
He puts an arms around me as he turns on the tv.
It's a porno that Allen made of all the men raping me.
He press play and I put my hand to my mouth
I jump of the couch but Allen grabs me
"Ah ah where do you think you're going?!"
"I'm going to be sick!"
"She's lying"
A man comments as he rolls his eyes
"Daddy- please."
"Okay you do look green honey, go and be sick"
I nod as I rush into the bathroom.
He watches as I regurgitate.
I wipe my mouth and I shake as I stand up.
"Feeling better?"
I shake my head as I clutch my stomach
"Oh well too bad."
He grabs my wrist and he takes me back into the room.
He gives me more wine to wash down the taste of the vomit.
"You'll be okay love."
A man tells me as he places a hand on my shoulder.
I shake in fear as I watch the movie.
I swallow the sick that had came back up.
Allen turns the tv off when the movie had finished.
I look down avoiding eye contact with everyone
My knees are shaking at the speed of lightning.
"Let's get you to bed baby. You look ill"
I nod my head as he carries me to bed.
He gently puts me into bed and he feels me forehead.
"You're very warm."
He strips me of my clothes
"Do you feel better?"
I shake my head as I gag.
He quickly gets a plastic bag and I hurl into it
"Okay okay Sh sh you're okay. You must have a fever."
I nod my head since I know what a fever feels like
"I'll pick you up some antibiotics baby. I'll have one of my friends look after you baby"
"Alright thank you daddy"
He kisses my forehead and then he tells his friends to leave
"Hi I'm Dean and I'm going to be taking care of you while Allen gets you the medicine."
"Okay thank you."
"Is there anything you need?"
"I- I need the bathroom."
"Okay let's get you up."
"I need to go so bad!"
I whine as he stands me up and I nearly faint.
We make it to the living room and I just freeze.
"I need it right now!"
I sob as I hold myself
"Okay hurry let's go!"
"I- I can't!"
I can't even move a step before it all comes flowing out of me.
It lands with a great crash.
It collects underneath my feet
Dean stares at me as I sob
"Oh honey now you've got your panties all wet"
"I-I'm so sorry! I couldn't hold it!"
I realise that I'm still going so I stop the flow
"I mean you've already went so you may as well finish"
I shake my head as I sob
"Go now or else I'll hurt you."
He grabs my throat
I gulp at how fast my wet spot became wetter.
"That's it."
He grins.
I finish and I hide my face ashamed.
He takes the panties as a trophy
He then helps me back into bed
"I'll clean it up while you rest."
Allen comes back a couple of hours later
I feel like I'm dying
"She had an accident."
I hear him tell Allen.
"She was very ashamed and I humiliated her by making her wet herself more when she tried to regain control of that function."
"Thanks Dean."
Dean leaves and Allen appears
I squirm uncomfortably as he forces the antibiotic down my throat
He looks down at the wet spot I've been trying to hide
"Trying not to piss yourself again?"
He questions
"I- I can't control it! I'm sorry!"
He yells right in my face
We both look down to see the pee rushing down my legs and onto the white bed sheet.
I shake as I sob.
He grabs me and he yanks me to the bathroom.
I sigh with relief.
He punches me as I sob.
He lets me recuperate from the fever then her gets straight back to hurting me
"Since you're cured, you must be up to having sex."
I shake my head exhausted
He grabs my wrist and he ties it to the bed
I cry as he unbuckles his pants.
He pulls down my shorts and he spreads my legs.
I screech as he enters me.
I wake up crying in Jane's arms
"You were having a nightmare honey."
"I'm sorry!"
I screech
"Sh sh don't be sorry baby."
"No no! It's all my fault- I- I hate myself!"
"Sh sh nothing was ever your fault baby. You shouldn't hate yourself either because you are such a kind hearted, lovely human being who deserves to feel loved and safe."
"I feel safe and loved when I'm with you."
"Aw thank you baby."
We go downstairs for breakfast and I take my vitamins.
We get dressed and we go to the gym
I do a light workout since the pregnancy is exhausting.
We finish half an hour later so we go for a walk.
When we get home, we have lunch.
We then sit in the backyard enjoying the sun.
"Should we have a beach day tomorrow?"
I question as I turn to look at Jane
"Of course honey I'd love that!"
I smile happily at her excitement.
We then go and pack our bags for the beach.
Jane finds me sitting alone in the nursery in the rocking chair
"Hi baby what ya doing?"
"Oh just thinking about what life is gonna be like when we have these precious angels with us"
"It's gonna be great honey I promise it's gonna be worth it"
I smile as I continue rubbing my bump.
We then have dinner and then we watch a movie.
I go to bed early but not before lighting a lavender candle.

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