Prison Visit

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It's the day after and we head up to the prison
The alarm buzzes and I flinch.
We go through the metal detectors.
We sit down and the metal bench hurts my ass.
I ignore it and then it goes away.
My hand shakes as I have it on the grey cold table.
I put them into my lap.
I hear the familiar buzz and he appears.
I swallow my vomit and I focus on my breathing.
"There's my little slut"
He smiles as the guard leaves
"You have no right to call me that"
I snap.
"Oh the slut is feisty...didn't you learn your lesson before"
"I need to know everything that you did to her"
"I remember it like it was yesterday"
He smiles
"Tell us then"
I announce as I shift on the seat
He grins and I prepare myself so does Jane.
"I burnt your cunt many times with cigarettes and you cried like a little bitch"
He grins as he looks down.
"I would drug you and I would dress you up."
"In what?"
"Vintage dresses. Some were my mothers, I never got over how you coughed when she was there. She nearly found out about you"
I cough slightly.
"What else did you do?"
"When I initially kidnapped you , I stuck my hand underneath your shirt and you bit my hand"
"I don't- remember that?"
I shake my head.
"The drugs were working on you"
"They were"
"I would make you drink alcohol and do drugs , you should've seen the look on her face when she did her first line"
He looks at Jane.
He then looks under the desk and sees that Jane is holding my hand.
"She's your girlfriend"
He announced with anger in his voice
He clenches his fist and I move back slightly.
"She is."
I respond.
"Anyway , I would beat you until you were black and blue. I wouldn't feed you and I only let you use the bathroom once in a while"
I nod.
"You would always hate being in the handcuffs or the chains."
"I did but now I never will be again"
"Oh wait there's something else"
"What is it Allen?"
He punchs me and then he kicks me in my ribs whilst I'm on the floor.
He quickly picks Jane up , throws her outside the door and pulls a power switch.
The door locks at its just him and I
Jane bangs at the door
He starts to rape me as I lie on the floor sobbing.
He cums as I scream and try to roll.
They get the power back and an officer instantly shoots since he is enraged.
They kill him and I sob in pain.
He died looking at me.
His cold eyes are something I'll never forget.
Jane cradles me and they call an ambulance since I'm incoherent.
"He...I...he got it inside"
She pulls my skirt over my hips as I sob.
Jane picks me up and walks me into the ambulance.
I get hooked up to machines and then I pass out.
I wake up in a hospital bed.
I look around and there's an IV in my arm.
I scream panicked as I try to get up.
"Baby baby I'm here, please lie down"
She lies me back down.
"What? When? Where?"
"You're in a hospital baby"
"He hurt me again, didn't he?"
She nods
I remember everything and I sob.
She starts to cradle me as I sob in her arms.
"Is Sandy coming to see me again?"
I suddenly question as my anxiety spikes
"Yes baby"
I groan and whine.
"Baby it's for the best"
I am still sobbing when the doctor appears
"Hello Maura, I just need to make sure you don't have a punctured lung and check your down below area."
"The least I have is some friction down there and several abrasions , nothing I can't handle myself doctor"
"I still need to have a look Maura"
Jane goes to leave.
"Janey, please stay"
She smiles
"Of course baby"
She sits down onto the chair and the doctor puts on her gloves
I put my legs up into the childbirth position again.
I sigh as she presses into me.
"I'm sorry if this hurts...I'm just making sure that there's no tears"
"I know"
She finishes and then she feels my ribs.
She listens to my breathing with a stethoscope.
"You're all good. We're just keeping you in for a night and then you'll be able to go home."
I nod slightly.
She leaves and I sigh.
Jane suddenly takes my hand into hers
"I'm so sorry baby"
"You have nothing to be sorry was too tempting for him not too"
"It's not your fault baby"
"It is , I never should've went"
"It isn't your fault"
She keeps repeating as she strokes my hair.
I fall asleep after crying for hours.

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