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My dad slaps me as I wake up.
"Pack your things, check out time is at 11am."
I nod my head as I swing my legs to the side of the bed.
I grab my suitcase and I pack my things.
He gets breakfast delivered and he forces me to eat it.
We then go to the lobby with our suitcases.
He signs out as I bite my nails.
I'm hoping nobody will notice the black eye that's appearing by the second.
I keep my head down as we walk out
He lifts my suitcase into the car and I get into the front seat.
I close my door and then he gets into the drivers seat.
He locks the door
"Are you gonna behave?"
He questions as he places a hand on my thigh.
I nod my head as tears fall.
"Use your words baby."
"Yes I'll behave dad."
"Good girl."
He strokes my face as I repulse so he slaps me
I sob for the whole car journey and when we get home I go straight to my room.
When it gets to 9pm, I jump out my window.
I go to Lucky's house and I knock rapidly on the door
His mom answers
"Oh hi Um is your son there?!"
I know that she wouldn't like me calling him Lucky.
"Yes Leo come here."
He appears and I instantly collapse into his arms
His mom looks shocked
"Oh my gosh sh, are you okay?"
I shake my head and tears start to fall.
I rest my head onto his shoulder as I sob.
"I'm sorry!"
"No no don't be. Mom can you get her a blanket and a hot water bottle."
"Sure honey."
She walks away.
She comes back with the blanket.
She wraps it around me as I sob.
She pulls my top up to put the hot water bottle on my stomach
She notices the bruises that cover my body.
"Who did this to you sweetie?"
"No! No!"
I sob as I lie down on the couch.
"I can't help you if you don't tell me who did this."
"I don't want help!"
"Her father did this."
"Lucky what the fuck?!"
"I'm sorry but you can't live there anymore baby."
"He does awful things to her mom. He hurts her every single night so please let her stay here!"
"Of course."
She rubs my forehead as I sob.
"Last time- I got taken in by someone- my dad found us and he-"
"Sh try and get some rest sweetie. You seem exhausted."
I nod as I feel myself falling asleep
I spend the night on their couch.
I see Lucky's mom checking on me every hour.
I toss and turn.
She comforts me once I've had a nightmare.
She helps me to calm down and she takes me into her bed.
"You're safe. Get some rest"
I sob into her chest as she holds me
"My dad- he's gonna hurt me!"
"Sh sh I can get you help. I can call the police and you'll never have to go back there again."
"No no no! He'll find me!"
She shakes her head
"You can always stay here if you need a place to stay."
"Thank you, I'll probably take you up on that offer."
She holds me until I sleep.
I wake up early the next morning.
I wake up screaming.
"Hey hey you're alright."
"Where- where am I?"
"You're at Lucky's house. I understand that's what you call him?"
I nod my head.
"Who- who are you?!"
"I'm his mom but you can call me Gillian."
"Hi Gillian."
"What's your name sweetie?"
My bottom lip trembles slightly as I ask can I have a shower
"Of course you can use my bathroom."
I cry as I shower.
I eventually get dry then I get dressed
"I have to go."
I rush downstairs and I run back home.
My dad is waiting for me smoking a cigarette by the front door
"Oh the slut is back."
"I'm sorry! I went for a walk and I didn't realise the time!"
"You've been gone all night."
"N-no I haven't."
"When you were gone, I looked through your room."
"You did?!"
"Can you guess what I found?"
I shake my head.
"I'll just have to show you then."
He grabs my wrist and he yanks me inside.
I cry as my ribs hit the floor.
He smacks my ass as he forces me upstairs.
He grabs my wrist and he yanks me into my room.
"What's that huh?"
I look at the stuff he has laid out on my bed.
"I- I don't know?"
"Oh so you don't see the needles and the drugs!"
"What do you want me to say dad?!"
"I didn't know you are still using!"
I roll my eyes so he grabs me
"What are you doing?!"
He shoves me into his room and he ties me to the bed
"Now you're going to stay here and think about what you've done!"
"I didn't do anything!"
I screech
"You snuck out!"
I sob as he slams the door shut.
I squirm as I attempt to swing my legs to the side of the bed.
It doesn't work so I just lay there sobbing.
He opens the door a couple of hours later
He takes the handcuffs off and he stands me up.
I go to the bathroom then I go downstairs to avoid him
He follows me and then he sits on the couch beside me
He watches a movie with me
"You know why I had to do that right?"
"Yes- I was bad!"
He smirks.
"Good girl. You're finally admitting it!"
I nod my head.
He caresses me and I just let him
I don't want a fight today.
He yanks my pants down and I just let him
He forces his way inside and I just let him.
He finishes and I just let him.
I pull my pants back up and I cry.
I wake up screaming in Jane's arms.
"Sh sh you're safe , I'm here"
"I was and he was-!"
"Sh sh take a deep breath baby"
"No no no!"
I screech
"Okay okay."
She grabs Bella and I sob.
She hands Bella to me and I hold her
I cling to Jane as I work on my breathing.
I explain about my nightmare through tears
"Oh I'm so sorry honey."
"It- it was horrible!"
She nods
We get dressed to go to my scan.
We get there early then my name gets called
"You're 30 weeks and both babies are developing exceptionally well!"
"So they're healthy?"
"Yep very."
Jane wipes her tears as she pats my bump.
I smile.
We then go for a walk and we look at the sonogram photos
I smile
"I'm so happy! We're having two babies!"
"Yes I'm so pleased!"
Jane kisses my bump then we go home
We have dinner then we watch a movie in bed whilst eating popcorn.
I fall asleep cuddled in an embrace with Jane

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